What can we do about this? How do we stop this vaccine mandate?

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Don't comply

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Let's hope someone is giving actual data to SCOTUS today.

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Making infections easier would help to develop herd immunity faster and shorten the pandemic, not to prolong it.

The factor prolonging the pandemic is health authorities pushing the boosters but still telling to avoid any gatherings and spreading fear of human contact. If the vaccine worked, why would they do it?

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Earth Movers (Two Men & a Jesuit) 4 Fleet Street

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Masks are meant to do the same thing: Prolong the government control and make people sicker.

So is “cower at home and be in fear.” Stress and fear suppress your immune system and enhance susceptibility.

Cowering at home also reduces vitamin D levels. It’s winter, and in some places like my state, the only exposure to sun is on your face...which is now mostly covered by a mask (if you subscribe to the mentality they work and wear them everywhere, even from your car to to grocery store, and on a walk outside).

None of this is an accident. It is planned power and control.

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If anybody is "cowering at home" and is in "stress and fear" at THIS point, what kind of a person are they?

At this point (after the government has lied us into the Iraq War, lied about bombing Libya "to prevent a humanitarian crisis" which is now in civil war with active slavery markets, lied about why the went to war with Syria, lied about Russian Collusion, lied about "mostly peaceful protests", and have lied about an insurrection that supposedly happened on January 6th) I just don't have sympathy for people who still believe this nonsense.

People who believe we're in some huge pandemic in which there's an extremely dangerous disease going about, I don't consider them stupid - but they are naive and intolerably gullible.

Your state of mind is determined by you, unless you're very gullible and naive in which case its determined by government propaganda.

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I guess I’m getting the booster.

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I'm tired of weaklings like you. Stand up or bow out.

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“Under the new local health order, by January 24, 2022, workers must be up-to-date on their vaccination (i.e., both fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19…””

… “For example, as of the date of issuance of this Order, an individual would be “fully vaccinated” at least two weeks after receiving a second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine or two weeks after receiving a single dose of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.”

… “However, personnel who are not compliant with the vaccination requirements of this Order cannot work in Higher-Risk Settings, as of the dates provided in subsections (a) and (b), regardless of whether they have a pending exemption request or an approved exemption.”


Dated: December 28, 2021

Sara H. Cody, M.D.
Health Officer of the County of Santa Clara

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I'm in Santa Clara - this is yet another mandate, and doesn't have the rule of law. it's just more BS from some blowhard that doesn't have any legal authority. Notice the weasel words "Higher-Risk Settings" - what are they? No legal definition, so it's just meaningless.

Companies can make the choice to enforce it or not. Hell, my employer can demand I wear high heel glass slippers and shave my head. It's your choice if you're going to put up with nonsense from an employer.

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check births deaths in small countries like taiwan over last five years

then compare to 2021 and then to covid deaths. something leaps out.

then check others

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Israel is an outlier, I suspect because of the high number of ultra-Orthodox who have the highest birth rate and also highest rate of refusal.

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taiwan only has 800 covid deaths

where did the rest disappear?

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Steve, link to UW (Seattle) town hall meetings - note rise in case numbers in staff - all staff that refused vax fired months ago. Next town hall Jan 7 - Story angle or chance to submit question from you for story?


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Steve, do you know about the independent Spanish researchers being translated through Orwell.City? The have been studying the Actual Contents Of The Injections. Link: https://www.orwell.city/2022/01/complex-microtechnology.html

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I saw that too. Reminds me of what Catherine Austin Fitts said a long time ago--the vaccine contains an operating system that would be updated with boosters.

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Does anybody know of a vaccine trial for a non-mRNA vaccine that is enrolling over 50? My aunt needs to get vaccinated for her job and would consider entering a clinical trial to get out of being vaccinated but the Walter Reed trial is only for ages 18-49 and she’s almost 60.

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Just so you know she works for a military contracted firm that paints naval ships. She does payroll. She was the only one there that didn’t get COVID last year. If she dies I’ll end up in a group home where they will probably jab me in my sleep.

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UK okayed thalidomide from the late 50's to early 60's....it killed 80,000 children.....German company made it.....

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 5, 2022

Thalidomide is FDA approved and has it's uses. Obviously not to be taken by pregnant woman. Check it out on Wikipedia.

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Of course FDA would approve it...they're corrupt

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Wait, you mean a drug that had one intended purpose was later found to be worthwhile for another, "off label" use? Is that actually possible? The FDA and CDC are assuring us that this is metaphysically impossible in the case of Ivermectin.

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They do the same for medications for mental health.

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Viagra was intended for heartailment.....but was found to work on other issues instead

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Just curious but what is the response to give when people mention Long Covid or long-term effects of Covid. For example, if they say we need to lockdown again because we don't know the long-term effects of Covid.

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Jan 6, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022

Ask them what's wrong with treating covid (early treatments, long haul etc). It's been TWO years, everybody who wanted to know already figured out how to treat it. Everybody who doesn't want to know, keeps making excuses.

If inability to know the future is the reason for lockdowns, then everybody should be permanently living in a bunker.

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Long COVID is a myth. It’s a mass psychosis of unhealthy people, with problems they’ve always had, but now make a huge deal out of because they government told them COVID might kill them.


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Tell them to dial 1-900-GETALIFE

Demand proof that their interventions worked.

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BuT BuT thE ImmUNoCoMPRomisED, when have these people cared for anyone other than themselves, they just hide behind others to mask their own fear.

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On another note, I read the Japanese published paper by the discovering scientist of ivermectin


In his 52 page peer reviewed paper, he notes a U.S. bill that would be beneficial to the cause.

"Under ordinary circumstances, in accordance with the enactment intention 82,83) of the “21st Century Cures Act (Public Law 114-255)” promulgated in the United States in December 2016, the expansion of indications for approved drugs such as ivermectin should be carried out in a specific manner. Specifically, under a “novel clinical trial design (Sec. 3021)” established to quickly reflect the “real world evidence; RWE (Sec. 3022)” being recognized in a clinical setting."

Seems that the 2016 public law 114-255, section 3022, hasn't been followed. Perhaps that's an avenue for getting some legal action against the FDA or NIH as there is hundreds of millions of "real world evidence" taking uttar pradesh alone - without the 70+ international clinical trials. I sent this information to Pierre so perhaps you can speak together about this.

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The end of Israel and the Jewish people is upon us. They are starting to inject their population with the 4th Booster. #vaccine #Covid


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And yesterday Israel won the day with over 10000 new Covid cases. Here in the west USA we push the vaxxes as “Strong and Safe” since “effective” fell off the wagon a long time ago. Strong at what? I’ll let readers fill in the blanks.

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What is sad about this is that the "breakthrough" cases are most likely a symptom of ADE. See my article on this subject:

The Second Holocaust

Self-inflicted genocide coming to Israel?


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Dr. Zelenko warmed them at the beginning of all of this but they didn't listen.

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No, we have singleminded totalitarians and brainwashed cult members who will praise the “vaccine” on their death beds.

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I'm afraid that you are right - and beside the coffins of their dead children, should they continue in that vein.

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For sure... the cult psychosis has replaced their higher brain functions. Just getting to watch something about that: "We are now seeing the predicted signs of the dreaded vaccine zombie apocalypse"


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Test of commenting tos.

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