The Deadline for the Working Group for Amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR) to submit a final package of targeted Amendments to the WHO is fast approaching - January 27, 2024.

If (and when) the WGIHR fails to meet this Deadline it means that NO AMENDMENTS MAY BE CONSIDERED BY the 77th World Health Assembly which is scheduled to begin on May 27, 2024.


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You'll like this, if you haven't come across it already.

"A week ago, Steve (not you, a different Steve!) came up with a great idea. He found an online data tool embedded in a national obituary website, https://www.legacy.com. Steve utilized the website’s advanced search tool to filter obituaries for the keywords “suddenly” and “unexpectedly.” He then filtered by date range and U.S. state.

I created a multi-user spreadsheet and gave Steve access. He populated the sheet with the number of instances of “suddenly” or “unexpectedly” for every U.S. state and for the years 2015 through August 21, 2023."


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Angry Steve!

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Pure evil.



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Just more hideous unfolding of the agenda? Hard to believe we have soulless vampires cloaked in human form doing such things.

Godsend the researcher got some stuff wrong, concerning the hippocampus and memory.

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Re-platforming seems to be the most realistic solution to the Woke-inspired CBDC plans formulated by the sinister and evil New World Order = The World Economic Forum!

We must retain 'CASH' as a free exchange of values for goods and services because we've seen how the WEF's puppets like 'Pussy' Trudeau dealt with those that opposed his CONTROL Plans for injecting EVERY CANADIAN with the DEADLY Experimental jab they pretend is a 'VACCINE'.

Another high-profile target was the UK's prominent politician who engineered BREXIT = Nigel Farage, who had his FREEDOM stolen by the UK banks - Nat West and Couttes which is 40% owned by the British public following a 2008/9 bail-out by the UK Government.

If they can ruin prominent politicians BEFORE CBDCs are a reality, what chance do we SLAVES stand when the New World Order pull the plug on CASH?

Fortunately, the Nat West saga ended well for many because Farage has many supporters that backed him during his revelations that Couttes de-banked him, publicly declaring him "having insufficient funds' to warrant an account! This was done by Couttes head WREF puppet during a public declaration made to the PRESS during a lunch meeting!

So, we have several tasks to achieve during 2024;

1a. Stop Big Pharma killing (CULLING) humanity with their deadly injections they call VACCINES!

1b. Refuse Pfizer's planned 'escape from liability' with the pretence of BANKRUPTCY, which is an imminent intention.

2. Stop the re-opened Wuhan Institute labs from experimenting with viruses in order to maximise their deadly impact upon HUMANS.

3. Destroy the intentions of the World Economic Forum to Control us by INJECTIONS ('Vaccines'), enslaving us by Genetic modification achieved by the mRNA they pretend is useful for defeating diseases.

4. Disband the Corrupt World Health Organisation which we 'terminated' on the 30th November 2023.

5a. Reintroduce LIABILITY into the pharmaceutical marketplace by determining that all drug and medicine makers have to accept ALL legal responsibility for their products.

5b. Back-date LIABILITY to 2020 so that the likes of Pfizer, Moderna, etc, have to sufficiently compensate those that suffered health impact related to Big Pharma's dirty and frequently DEADLY injections that were intended to reduce the World's population.

6. Arrest and prosecute those all involved in the planning, creation and release of the Covid Scamdemic and remove these evil murdering 'animals' from our once wonderful planet.

7. Arrest and prosecute all involved in manufacturing the DEADLY injections they pretended were a "SAFE and EFFECTIVE" cure for the man-made Covid disease. They too must be exterminated for their crimes against humanity!

8. Arrest and prosecute all Politicians and other influencers of the Covid & Vax scams, as they are party to the mass murder of millions who were encouraged to accept the DEADLY injections. The same deadly fate must apply to these accomplices.

9. Arrest and prosecute all media personnel and those who advertised the DEADLY injections as "SAFE & EFFECTIVE" medicines. The same fate will apply to these insane participators of genocide.

10. Ensure the now Corrupt organisations that assisted in promoting the Vax Genocide upon humanity. These include organisations such as The US FDA, CDC, The United Nations, any remaining members of the, now defunct, World Health Organisation. the BBC and many other culpable persons, organisation heads, politicians and all others who participated in the worst example of genocide ever witnessed on our planet.

This list is just the beginning of our intentions to free our planet from the evil clutches of those that mean us to be SLAVES, and that have been manifesting their plans over the past century and beyond!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Anthony Fauci = Josef Mengele... mass murderers whose weapons were government sanctioned medical experiments on their victims.

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The video has stopped at 2:20:16 min.

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The Enemy Of Everyone

Are The Guys Soon To Be Sitting

On Their Super Yachts Out In The Middle Of The Ocean.

Waiting …

For You All To Kill And Injure Each Other On Land.

Enough Of Us See That.

I Hope That You Do.

Everyone Else Are Just Pawns.


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The Enemy Of Everyone

Are The Guys Soon To Be Sitting

On Their Super Yachts Out In The Middle Of The Ocean.

Waiting …

For You All To Kill And Injure Each Other On Land.

Enough Of Us See That.

I Hope That You Do.

Everyone Else Are Just Pawns.


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Lottery in June?

Corn be Heavy Soon...



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The video for tonight Live Stream is not on Rumble ??

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OK. It is there now. Thank you.

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Even The “Vaccinated” Are UnVaccinated.

So Now

It Is The Naturally Immune UnVaccinated


The ImmunoSupressed UnVaccinated.

I Got This:

So Far I Claim Victory Over

672,000 Dead Fellow “Vaccinated” Americans.

Bet Heavy On Me - And Yourselves.

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On Newsbreak: Doctors fear new Covid strain could trigger 'heart failure pandemic' across the globe. UFB! Their strategy to avoid BLAME on the vax perhaps? Sickening.

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How to explain about the explosion of " quick death super cancers "?

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I read a good meme. ‘They’re doing it again, because we didn’t hang them last time. ‘

Now for clarity - full trials, full defence, rule of law, - where evidence will be reviewed and any judge who defers to authority - the key strategy of the judiciary - it’s obvious role in the criminality - will be recused and also put on trial as a getaway driver.

If what I believe to be true is true - trials and capital punishment. So name names, who is to meet their maker.

Collins & Fauci - Bourla - etc. trials and executions - after every right to defend is afforded.

This must be done as nothing else will stop them. And several thousand will need to be afforded all their rights under law - and then we hang ‘em.

That is more rights than they afforded us.

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The gibbet is much more efficient.

Lock them in an iron cage hoist them up and let them die from thirst, exposure and starvation. Then you dump the remains and cages into the ocean.

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Wood chipper … ? Fast and efficient.

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In that vein, watch the Dr. Martin video I just placed in these comments

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Dr Martins had this correct on day 1. We see your crime and your lips moving - but your lips tell lies.

Fauci - yes Mr Fauci I heard what you said - but did you hear what we said. You have murdered millions - and for that you and your accomplices will be punished.

Martins approach is the only approach. The criminals repeat a lie endlessly - so we must repeat the truth endlessly until the idea of ending those who are an existential threat to all of us becomes an acceptable public narrative.

As long as we discuss what could have been done better - we are done, as we legitimize the insanity.

Martins never does that. I see you know what you did and you will pay.

This is a war - identify the generals and eliminate. With rule of law. The trials are for waking up Covidians.

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