You write: "If 90% of the air is drawn through the mask from the outside and 10% is drawn from inside the mask (which I estimated by measuring the volume of air I exhale compared to the volume inside the N95 mask) , then we can estimate the CO2 level he’s breathing in is at (90%*600+10%*38,000)=4,340 ppm which is in the danger region for headaches, sleepiness, loss of attention, increased heart rate, and slight nausea."

This is a flawed analysis. You are assuming that you breathe as deeply with the mask on as with the mask off. With the mask off you can exhale and inhale deeply, i.e. with a greater volume of gases. With the mask on the tendency is to shallow breathe, so the volume of air from outside the mask will be reduced relative to that behind the mask. Conclusion: you may be suffering more hypercapnia than you think.

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This is great mr Kirsch. It is correct. You have found the flaw in the video. God bless.

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Writes shawn663@substack ·just now

This is a must watch 18 mins of pure joy


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it is an interesting test and I wonder if the boobs out there would even pay attention to it? I doubt it since they are still masking their kids and letting the schools get away with child abuse. The masks can actually cause harm, John Hopkins hospital even came out with a study( they changed their narrative a little!) They even went after N95 stating how prolonged wearing can cause PERMANENT NEUROLOGIC DAMAGE! Yet didn't biden just send out bunches of N95 masks to people??? BE VERY AFRAID!!!

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New masks study showing the PRE-MEDITATED goal of masks introduction:

The Foegen effect

A mechanism by which facemasks contribute to the COVID-19 case fatality rate.

Fögen, Zacharias MD∗



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Another outstanding posting by Steve. His explanations answer a lot of the questions I get from mask lovers since I refuse to wear them.

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no need for a logjam effect on air moving out of the mask.

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One of the funniest things about avid, dedicated mask wearers - those who seem to really believe their mask is keeping out a deadly virus (you know, the people who wear them even where and when their numptie government doesn't require it) is how they're all willing to 'risk their lives' to take a sip of coffee.

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Thank you for your calculation including the volume of the mask itself. For several years I have had to wear a cloth mask with an activated carbon filter in public due to severe allergy to several artificial fragrances, particularly to those in laundry products that are on nearly everyones' clothing, vapes, air fresheners, etc. I found that masks that did not fit snugly against my face (not the perimeter of the mask which needs to be snug) caused dizziness and near-fainting. I reasoned that, as your calculation shows, the amount of exhaled air remaining in the mask when I inhaled was the problem. I switched to a carbon-filtered mask that sits much closer to my face, reducing the volume of exhaled air, and that solved the problem. When I saw Bigtree's video, I knew he was failing to consider the volume of exhaled air in the mask mixing with the fresh air being pulled through the mask. My question is even though the level of carbon dioxide being inhaled in your average mask is not as severe as Bigtree's video asserts, could breathing that higher total concentration result in a CO2 level building up in the blood over the time the mask is worn? Would breathing in 4000+ppm of CO2 result in a static elevated blood level or would the level in the blood continue to rise during the period of mask-wearing? At what point is the body's ability to exhale the excess CO2 overwhelmed by the incoming amount?

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I have COPD and wearing a masks raises my blood pressure within a few minutes.

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A unit of The California Ministry for State Mask Enforcement - The Stasi - was recently deployed to San Diego, where the Brown Shirts isolated the assailant toddlers alone for questioning...


State Agency Conducted ‘Mask Raids,’ Interviewed Preschoolers Alone: Several parents at Aspen Leaf Preschool are furious that state child care licensing investigators questioned their children without supervision. Stephanie and Richard Rosado recently told their 4-year-old son about the importance of not talking to strangers. Only days later, state regulators came to the child’s preschool, isolated him in a room away from his teachers and friends and asked him questions about masking. https://voiceofsandiego.org/2022/03/07/state-agency-conducted-mask-raids-interviewed-preschoolers-alone/

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So if the average sensor reading is accurate would one expect the PPM reading in an N-95 mask to reach (38000+4,340)/2 ? Is there an appropriate sensor?

Check out Vernon Coleman’s latest video on masks here:


His referenced book:


Some of his notable points:

12. OSHA as decreed that any room where the carbon dioxide is present at a level or more than 5,000 parts per million is unsafe and has an environment which is toxic and dangerous.

19. OSHA states that any human-occupied airspace where oxygen measures less than 19.5% should be labelled as not safe for workers. However, the percentage of oxygen inside a masked airspace generally measures 17.4%

35. N95 mask can reduce blood oxygenation by as much as 20% and this can lead to a loss of consciousness.

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Masks cut back on oxygen...ask people who hike They trap all kinds of pathogens. When children wear them all day in school; masks have been tested...and an incredible amount of unwanted nasty bacteria have been found. They cause psychological problems in children forced to wear them. They make it more difficult for children to hear what their teachers or others are saying. Forcing people to wear these useless masks is a total infringement on their human rights. If people are stupid enough to go along with the herd...let them do so, but I resent being forced me to go along with information which is not accurate.

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Good info Steve, but I'm convinced that people in CA will stop wearing masks only when mandated to do so.

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Hello Steve,

This is an incomplete picture. Please look at "lung volume" capacity in Wikipedia. It will show all the different named volumes in the lung. The Tidal volume is way smaller than the Total Lung Capacity. So a 90/10 ratio in your calculation is a good starting point as an indicator but will need to be refined.

Also, nobody has mentioned that there are limits in the amount of time you can spend in any atmosphere. This is well documented by OH&S. For CO2, the fifteen minute NIOSH limit is ~30,000 ppm exposure for the day. So you can get away with wearing these masks but only for a short while. What is that exposure time? The KN95's are the best for filtration but the worst for pressure drop across the mask. This means the lung experiences an increase in air pressure which ultimately results in less flow.

This would be a great interdisciplinary study to figure out what would be a "safe" amount of time to wear a mask (with different pressure drops up to including a plastic bag over the head) without experiencing detrimental health effects. Has NIOSH done this already? Where did the 30,000 ppm 15 minute limit come from?


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Please don't rely on Wikipedia for information. Much of their stuff is not valid.

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Understood, should probably tap a respiratory specialist to validate the information.

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Everything about various risk-reduction measures for the Corona virus/variants are ill-conceived. The so-called vaccinations are ineffective, physical distancing at 6 feet is not based on science but on guesswork, covid tests are not a valid diagnostic as the tests produce an inordinate amount of false positives & many nasal swabs are sterilized with ethylene oxide, a highly toxic odorless gas, and other dangerous materials.

The CDC admitted in 2021 that masks don't protect you from wildfire particles which are larger than respiratory droplets. I think it would be difficult to determine the effectiveness of masks, given the myriad types of masks, how they fit to one's face, various conditions, quality of testing equipment and are people infected.

I do think the bigger issue of face masks is that masks are the source of bacterial load on the wearer. According to the NIH in 2017, there are about 50-100 billion bacteria in the oral cavity. Again in 2020, NIH reported that a mouth has 700 species of microscopic organisms like bacteria, fungi including fungus in plaque, single-celled bacteria called archaea, and viruses.

In 2018, the NIH conducted a study of surgical masks (SMs) worn in the operating room. The study concluded that the source of bacterial contamination in SM's was from the body surface of the surgeons rather than the operating room environment. The study provided strong evidence that the source of bacterial contamination should be a cause for alarm and attention in the prevention of surgical site infection in clinical practice.

The only accurate data has to do with Pfizer's revenue that soared on its Covid vaccine business, thanks to governmental contracts which guarantee annual purchases of the so-called Covid-19 vaccines. Total 2021 revenue was $81.3 Billion with $36.78 Billion from the vaccines. Income for 2020 was $41.7B and for 2019, income was $41.2B.

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