Yes but I don't know if it's a daily paper! The Desert Review in Imperial Valley, CA has done many good honest stories about covid and doctors treating covid with early treatments - namely Dr George Fareed and Dr Brian Tyson. Justus R Hope, columnist/author did an interview with Dr Malone recently.
Most local newspapers are no longer locally they must follow the narrative...
... this is why so many people drank the Kool aid/false narrative. Think about it: CNN and MSNBC have so few viewers, there's no way they could capture the whole country. BUT, all the local news stations (which are trusted by their local viewers) are spewing the same talking points. This is what helped push the narrative so widely across the country. Local news is a parrot for the liberal media.
Steve they will only figure it out when they are dead!!! The friends who are sick right now were around us for days. My husband and I did not get sick, they are triple vaxxed and need help.
I'm so grateful to you, Steve, and all your fellow resistance fighters in this war against Covid fascism--and the psychopathic wealth concentration behind it. (See the documentary "Monopoly: Follow The Money"-- a sober accounting.)
In light of such evidence, it strikes me that asking if there are any American newspapers now serving the "informed consent of the governed" is like asking if there are any Chevrolets out there capable of performing like an up-armored Humvee. Unlikely. They're two different rigs. Moral courage like yours and your brethrens' has always been the exception rather than the rule. Remember: the Nazis subjugated France with probably no more than than 2,200 Gestapo policemen. That was enough, according to French scholars, to leverage some 170,000 French Nazi collaborators against 160,000 members of the Maquis, the French Resistance. Sadly, my 50 years as a journalist persuades me that American media has devolved into a propaganda machine more like Pravda than the ideal of Thomas Jefferson. However, the same experience left me with the unshakable faith in a critical mass of goodness and intelligence in the world such that if you arm it with what the military calls "operative intelligence," meaning agenda-free, it will do the best job possible of running the world for the common good. It can't turn it into heaven, but we can do a heck of a lot better than we're doing. Nothing trumps the moral order of the universe. That scares tyrants cross-eyed. And that's why your moral courage is so important.
You are absolutely correct about the Epoch Times, I’ve been reading for several years and ditched all the rest. Epoch TV is also doing great investigative journalism, we need to get them more exposure. Other than Tucker Carson on Fox, there is no other venue for truth. does pretty good.
I recently came across this one!
Yes but I don't know if it's a daily paper! The Desert Review in Imperial Valley, CA has done many good honest stories about covid and doctors treating covid with early treatments - namely Dr George Fareed and Dr Brian Tyson. Justus R Hope, columnist/author did an interview with Dr Malone recently.
Sign of the Times on the internet.....not a rag but carries all the anti-vax news.They are based in France.Just google it
Epoch times, America’s fastest growing Broad sheet
Most local newspapers are no longer locally they must follow the narrative...
... this is why so many people drank the Kool aid/false narrative. Think about it: CNN and MSNBC have so few viewers, there's no way they could capture the whole country. BUT, all the local news stations (which are trusted by their local viewers) are spewing the same talking points. This is what helped push the narrative so widely across the country. Local news is a parrot for the liberal media.
Steve they will only figure it out when they are dead!!! The friends who are sick right now were around us for days. My husband and I did not get sick, they are triple vaxxed and need help.
This is medical Tyranny pure and simple
‘What I’ve Seen in the Last 2 Years Is Unprecedented’: Physician on COVID Vaccine Side Effects on Pregnant Women
I’ve only found counter narrative information in the Epoch Times as well.
Same here. Spin is spin.
I'm so grateful to you, Steve, and all your fellow resistance fighters in this war against Covid fascism--and the psychopathic wealth concentration behind it. (See the documentary "Monopoly: Follow The Money"-- a sober accounting.)
In light of such evidence, it strikes me that asking if there are any American newspapers now serving the "informed consent of the governed" is like asking if there are any Chevrolets out there capable of performing like an up-armored Humvee. Unlikely. They're two different rigs. Moral courage like yours and your brethrens' has always been the exception rather than the rule. Remember: the Nazis subjugated France with probably no more than than 2,200 Gestapo policemen. That was enough, according to French scholars, to leverage some 170,000 French Nazi collaborators against 160,000 members of the Maquis, the French Resistance. Sadly, my 50 years as a journalist persuades me that American media has devolved into a propaganda machine more like Pravda than the ideal of Thomas Jefferson. However, the same experience left me with the unshakable faith in a critical mass of goodness and intelligence in the world such that if you arm it with what the military calls "operative intelligence," meaning agenda-free, it will do the best job possible of running the world for the common good. It can't turn it into heaven, but we can do a heck of a lot better than we're doing. Nothing trumps the moral order of the universe. That scares tyrants cross-eyed. And that's why your moral courage is so important.
Thanks. Keep pitching.
You are absolutely correct about the Epoch Times, I’ve been reading for several years and ditched all the rest. Epoch TV is also doing great investigative journalism, we need to get them more exposure. Other than Tucker Carson on Fox, there is no other venue for truth.
The Desert Review, e.g.:
The Flame prints once a month, crowd funded, uncensored. I know they would love if you wrote an article for them:
Epoch Times
Epoch Times has been amazing on all fronts!
Epoch times