They should EITHER admit their data is garbage or that the vaccines should be IMMEDIATELY halted for ages 10 to 14. Ideally, they admit BOTH. Practically speaking, they will do NEITHER.
Can you explain the 175 deaths of unvaccinated row/column for me. I am having a hard time with that and math is my weakest link. We layman are not seeing it clearly as you.
It looks like you are misunderstanding what "Person Years" is. For the unvaccinated if you divide the deaths by the person years you get a figure of 15,659 person years PER DEATH. Also for Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago you get a figure of 346 person years PER DEATH. Your ratio of 45 is calculated by dividing 15,659/346 = 45. This ratio of 45 does not apply to actual deaths. You need to use the Age Standardized Death Rate (ASDR) which is what the ONS use in most of their reports.
Maybe you already posted the following and I missed it but a newer pre-print using official UK data shows that case, hospitalization and death rates are all higher in the vaccinated >18 years since Omicron hit. There was also a peer-reviewed study published back in April 2022 showing similar results in Israel.
Also, official data from Ontario, Canada was starting to show a similar trend for deaths until they stopped publishing it in easy to find form for the surprise I guess.
Our MHRA gave them the green light under Emergency use approval. June Raine is the governor there, and she is either totally corrupt or utterly useless at her job!! Either way she shouldn't be in the job. She decided to override the JCVI recommendation NOT to give the snakeoil poison to children. She has also failed to act on the deaths and injuries resulting from this Big Pharma cash cow. Perhaps the funding from the Gates foundation clouded her judgement?? She is 100% EVIL
We are at a critical junction of the future of our healthcare crossroads: The fundamental 21st Century reform we urgently need right now is to build a ZERO-TRUST, reality-based, real-world-sourced, distributed, and decentralized data network between patients and their trusted caregivers. We must take away the power, control, and manipulations of the corrupt go-betweens of our data to damage our health and plunder our wealth. ANYONE needs our data to conduct ANY research; they will have to pay for the access. Therefore, WE MUST INSIST on having TRANSPARENT anonymous INDEPENDENT DATA COLLECTION, VETTING, QUALITY ASSURANCE, REPLICABLE TRIAL PROTOCOLS, REPRODUCIBLE DATA ANALYSIS AND ADJUDICATION BY INDEPENDENT RESEARCHERS, AND INDEPENDENT VALIDATION REPORTING OF ALL VIEWS, including but not limited to all the dissenting views, opposing narratives, and negative feedbacks, WITHOUT GO-BETWEENS, ELIMINATING DATA-MANUPILATION, and DATA-CHERRY-PICKING, exposing their SHENANIGANS/DIRTY-TRICKS, and SMASHING their CENSORSHIPS to RESTORE TRUST in a brand new and brave 21st Century Healthcare System!
Dr. Malone shared a video interview with someone in the casket business in Ontario Canada discussing the bulk orders for children caskets. Clearly something is happening.
As a former "data weenie", were I witness to the "Crime if the Century", if not of all time, and I was unable to bring real data and information to light due to corruption in the chain of command, I would leverage incompetence
Create a report that will pas right by the incompetent up the chain of command while exposing the horrible reality to those willing to look at the published data.
This is not unlike researchers whose published extracts say the opposite of what the research and data show.
"Some “experts” could “explain” this by claiming that only the kids who were most at risk opted for the third shot and that explains the higher ACM. Only those with an AVERAGE of a 45X higher rate of death opted for the third shot? Show me the evidence please!"
From the NHS website:
Some children aged 12 to 15 can get a booster dose if they had a 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 3 months ago and they either:
-Have a condition that means they're at high risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19
-Live with someone who has a weakened immune system
So in other words, children in this age bracket can only qualify for the booster if they are either immunocompromised or have a serious medical condition. Should these factors increase your risk of dying by 45X? Well, I don't think we can answer this without knowing the medical histories of the very small number of children that got boosted. But for example, simply spending a night in hospital is associated with a 75x increase in the risk of dying (, so it doesn't seem unreasonable.
But for the other groups where the vaccine was chosen, we would expect the choice to vaccinated to be associated with differences in behaviour and health status that could have an impact on a person's risk of dying.
When you look at the raw numbers you're seeing the effect of these factors, and not just the effect of the vaccine itself. That's why they're not suitable for assessing the impact of vaccination on mortality. Indeed if you go to the Vaccine Surveillance Reports, they directly state this:
"Comparing case rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated populations should *not* be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 infection. Vaccine effectiveness has been formally estimated from a number of different sources and is summarised on pages 4 to 14 in this report.
The case rates in the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations are unadjusted crude rates that *do not take into account underlying statistical biases in the data* and there are likely to be systematic differences between these 2 population groups [emphasis mine]" (page 46)
To deal with the statistical bias, you need to take random samples from the data stratified by age group, and then compare outcomes by vaccination status. That's what they attempt to do on page 11 of the latest Vaccine Surveillance Report.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Would you buy a second hand car from this man?
"The policy makers (or central controllers) are embarrassed to confess the inflationary consequences of their absurd money printing, and nothing reveals those consequences more than a naturally rising gold price. Solution? Easy: Lie about inflation and rig the paper gold price with leverage, derivatives and a greenlight from the BIS, aka: “Big Brother.” In Rigged to Fail, I revealed how central bankers rig the bond and hence stock markets. Here we are just showing you how the same bankers rig the gold price to hide a failed currency market. And if you want to put a handsome face to the farce, here’s an unforgettable one:"
If anyone across the pond - I am English living in England - wishes to hear the fount of a hell of a lot of sense, please see Mark Stein GB News Mon-Fri on various outlets - he is not intimidated by UK Media regulator, sorry BMGF corporate sycophant, WEF Laureate and WHO corporate apparatchik Censor, OFGEM and he speaks the very uncomfortable truth about SARS COV2 /CV subjects NO ONE in the UK will deal with; and his colleague Neil Oliver - a Scot first, British second, family man, Historian and Philosopher; his monologues to camera on the same subjects as above and wider are available - still I reckon - on Youtube. We may be "separated by a common language" but he nails his subject every time imho - I defy anyone in the US who has t come to Steve's site of their own volition because they are very concerned at "events", and similar beacons on the 'net, not to agree with the vast majority of his well expressed views - and I have no idea and do not care what his politics are. He would never make a politician, paradoxically, but if they do not listen to his considered view, more fool them ( wherever situated but especially UK, US if I may say so, Germany , France Canada and especially Holland).
I subscribe to Hugo Talks Youtube channel. Neil Oliver is a GB News presenter. Hugo Talks went through the funders of GB News, and concluded although they appear to question the mainstream narrative, their real job is to capture sceptics and non believers by pretending to be on their side. He also lays into TalkTV. The video I am on about is called GB News/ Talk TV Your comments/ Hugo Talks and is still on You Tube
I reckon you might well have listened to Mr Oliver, but are yet to hear one word he has uttered so in effect you have libelled him. I guess you might even believe Mark Steyn is a shill for WEF too.
Your "evidence" supplied to P&S is not as good as threadbare.
Many thanks CB I will follow up. I too have researched the GB News funders because I couldn't believe the cabal would allow it if kosher. I will follow up on Hugo :-)
I think he would like to do something with a nail to the WEF master; I must have missed something as I have never heard him utter anything supportive of anything WEF, TGR, BBB - just watched his latest piece about the UK Tory leadership squabble and he was as scathing as I remember - calmly pointing out, in so many words, that the candidates are all tainted with Johnsonian WEF theories etc. Just my opinion, others are available.
Bravo 186no - thanks for great support and keep on spreading GBNews - thank God we have them to call out the weasel words of BBC and all their propaganda. I too am a Brit living in the depths of SW England and attempting to engage and wake up my compatriots - a long and tiring mission!
My great friends across the pond are worth a visit - their comments are a hoot!
The UK data lacks clinical significance. The numbers are so small as to be meaningless. The same can be said for Pfizer, Moderna and J&J's CRT's for FDA EUA. The data is rubbish. This has been well established.
You skate over the essential difference; UK UKHSA/ONS data is after the fact of these jabs going into arms - now officially "recommended" for children by the JCVI where previously they were "not convinced"; Pfizer CRT for FDA EUA has been shown - by the judicial forcing of the release of their own report to the US FDA - to be unethical, immoral and apparently absent of "Cochranesque" methodology - one example of which is their decision to inject the placebo cohort - 100% scandalous. Whilst the numerical similarities exist, I cannot see how the UK ONS data is clinically insignificant; are you really trying to suggest that "more" people have to die post jab or the incidence of adverse effects post jab has to be greater to cross the threshold of "clinical significance"? Surely the whole issue, eg, of the Pfizer drug is that their CRT data showed death and adverse effects on such a scale they should never have been approved had all previous US drug trial safety board protocols been observed and the US EUA efficacy threshold of "50%" been upheld - we all know these facts were ignored as explained ad infinitum by Dr Peter McCullough - and by all accounts he knows "whats what"!!
Well I agree that the Pfizer data is rubbish, I am very well aware that the establishment of that fact is longstanding, but the validation that the Pfizer data is rubbish is very recent given the FDA has been forced to release it. You could always be helpful in explaining why the UK ONS/UKHSA data lacks clinical significance; if you mean it is partial, lacking key data differentiation, I think that has been pointed out for a while but has not stopped Joel Smalley or Prof Norman Fenton making some telling points even I can understand.
Otherwise it could be said your entire point missed.
They will not change course because they do not want to go to jail. They will double down on stupid and fight to maintain power so no court can arrest them. Expect election fraud in the US and Britain and interference in the legal system. They will maintain control of the government media outlets so they can control the information. This is their only choice. Our job is non-violent revolution.
Can you please do an article exploring the theory of VAIDS? Are the effects of the vaccine on blood sexually transmissible? If they are then the whole population doesnt have to get vaccinated to spread the disease.
Can you explain the 175 deaths of unvaccinated row/column for me. I am having a hard time with that and math is my weakest link. We layman are not seeing it clearly as you.
It looks like you are misunderstanding what "Person Years" is. For the unvaccinated if you divide the deaths by the person years you get a figure of 15,659 person years PER DEATH. Also for Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago you get a figure of 346 person years PER DEATH. Your ratio of 45 is calculated by dividing 15,659/346 = 45. This ratio of 45 does not apply to actual deaths. You need to use the Age Standardized Death Rate (ASDR) which is what the ONS use in most of their reports.
Maybe you already posted the following and I missed it but a newer pre-print using official UK data shows that case, hospitalization and death rates are all higher in the vaccinated >18 years since Omicron hit. There was also a peer-reviewed study published back in April 2022 showing similar results in Israel.
Also, official data from Ontario, Canada was starting to show a similar trend for deaths until they stopped publishing it in easy to find form for the surprise I guess.
No one “made a mistake “ approving COVID vaccine for anyone. This is a planned (and so far successful) attack on western civilization
They should be ended for all ages. They are neither effective nor safe for anyone.
Our MHRA gave them the green light under Emergency use approval. June Raine is the governor there, and she is either totally corrupt or utterly useless at her job!! Either way she shouldn't be in the job. She decided to override the JCVI recommendation NOT to give the snakeoil poison to children. She has also failed to act on the deaths and injuries resulting from this Big Pharma cash cow. Perhaps the funding from the Gates foundation clouded her judgement?? She is 100% EVIL
We are at a critical junction of the future of our healthcare crossroads: The fundamental 21st Century reform we urgently need right now is to build a ZERO-TRUST, reality-based, real-world-sourced, distributed, and decentralized data network between patients and their trusted caregivers. We must take away the power, control, and manipulations of the corrupt go-betweens of our data to damage our health and plunder our wealth. ANYONE needs our data to conduct ANY research; they will have to pay for the access. Therefore, WE MUST INSIST on having TRANSPARENT anonymous INDEPENDENT DATA COLLECTION, VETTING, QUALITY ASSURANCE, REPLICABLE TRIAL PROTOCOLS, REPRODUCIBLE DATA ANALYSIS AND ADJUDICATION BY INDEPENDENT RESEARCHERS, AND INDEPENDENT VALIDATION REPORTING OF ALL VIEWS, including but not limited to all the dissenting views, opposing narratives, and negative feedbacks, WITHOUT GO-BETWEENS, ELIMINATING DATA-MANUPILATION, and DATA-CHERRY-PICKING, exposing their SHENANIGANS/DIRTY-TRICKS, and SMASHING their CENSORSHIPS to RESTORE TRUST in a brand new and brave 21st Century Healthcare System!
I'd agree with most of that. How about blockchain tech?
It’s a useful tool for that purpose. But much more will be needed.
Overcrowded Montreal Children's ER tells non-urgent cases to stay away
The emergency room "is currently experiencing a high volume of patients requiring hospitalization or critical care."
A news story with few details.
Dr. Malone shared a video interview with someone in the casket business in Ontario Canada discussing the bulk orders for children caskets. Clearly something is happening.
As a former "data weenie", were I witness to the "Crime if the Century", if not of all time, and I was unable to bring real data and information to light due to corruption in the chain of command, I would leverage incompetence
Create a report that will pas right by the incompetent up the chain of command while exposing the horrible reality to those willing to look at the published data.
This is not unlike researchers whose published extracts say the opposite of what the research and data show.
Steve, I have shown that the vaccines kill children even when they are only given to adults. Please take a look at this report / writeup. I hope you could possibly share it! This is so incriminating and so pivotal.
Steve said:
"Some “experts” could “explain” this by claiming that only the kids who were most at risk opted for the third shot and that explains the higher ACM. Only those with an AVERAGE of a 45X higher rate of death opted for the third shot? Show me the evidence please!"
From the NHS website:
Some children aged 12 to 15 can get a booster dose if they had a 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 3 months ago and they either:
-Have a condition that means they're at high risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19
-Live with someone who has a weakened immune system
So in other words, children in this age bracket can only qualify for the booster if they are either immunocompromised or have a serious medical condition. Should these factors increase your risk of dying by 45X? Well, I don't think we can answer this without knowing the medical histories of the very small number of children that got boosted. But for example, simply spending a night in hospital is associated with a 75x increase in the risk of dying (, so it doesn't seem unreasonable.
But for the other groups where the vaccine was chosen, we would expect the choice to vaccinated to be associated with differences in behaviour and health status that could have an impact on a person's risk of dying.
When you look at the raw numbers you're seeing the effect of these factors, and not just the effect of the vaccine itself. That's why they're not suitable for assessing the impact of vaccination on mortality. Indeed if you go to the Vaccine Surveillance Reports, they directly state this:
"Comparing case rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated populations should *not* be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 infection. Vaccine effectiveness has been formally estimated from a number of different sources and is summarised on pages 4 to 14 in this report.
The case rates in the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations are unadjusted crude rates that *do not take into account underlying statistical biases in the data* and there are likely to be systematic differences between these 2 population groups [emphasis mine]" (page 46)
To deal with the statistical bias, you need to take random samples from the data stratified by age group, and then compare outcomes by vaccination status. That's what they attempt to do on page 11 of the latest Vaccine Surveillance Report.
Steve, HMG can't possibly admit to anything. They are committed to pursuing their goals and using military grade PsyOps to get there, which is all per the WEF cabal and their Davos sycophants funded by you-know-who. I have written about it today -Neil Oliver at GBNews is on the case:
Preview: Coming next week:
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Would you buy a second hand car from this man?
"The policy makers (or central controllers) are embarrassed to confess the inflationary consequences of their absurd money printing, and nothing reveals those consequences more than a naturally rising gold price. Solution? Easy: Lie about inflation and rig the paper gold price with leverage, derivatives and a greenlight from the BIS, aka: “Big Brother.” In Rigged to Fail, I revealed how central bankers rig the bond and hence stock markets. Here we are just showing you how the same bankers rig the gold price to hide a failed currency market. And if you want to put a handsome face to the farce, here’s an unforgettable one:"
If anyone across the pond - I am English living in England - wishes to hear the fount of a hell of a lot of sense, please see Mark Stein GB News Mon-Fri on various outlets - he is not intimidated by UK Media regulator, sorry BMGF corporate sycophant, WEF Laureate and WHO corporate apparatchik Censor, OFGEM and he speaks the very uncomfortable truth about SARS COV2 /CV subjects NO ONE in the UK will deal with; and his colleague Neil Oliver - a Scot first, British second, family man, Historian and Philosopher; his monologues to camera on the same subjects as above and wider are available - still I reckon - on Youtube. We may be "separated by a common language" but he nails his subject every time imho - I defy anyone in the US who has t come to Steve's site of their own volition because they are very concerned at "events", and similar beacons on the 'net, not to agree with the vast majority of his well expressed views - and I have no idea and do not care what his politics are. He would never make a politician, paradoxically, but if they do not listen to his considered view, more fool them ( wherever situated but especially UK, US if I may say so, Germany , France Canada and especially Holland).
Neil Oliver is controlled opposition...thought he was decent to begin with but he's nailed his colours to the WEF master, so he can do one!!
Interesting Chelsea. I am currently following another thread about controlled opposition - this is my reply to Vigilant in the thread:
Do you have firm evidence of Neil's connection to WEF?
I subscribe to Hugo Talks Youtube channel. Neil Oliver is a GB News presenter. Hugo Talks went through the funders of GB News, and concluded although they appear to question the mainstream narrative, their real job is to capture sceptics and non believers by pretending to be on their side. He also lays into TalkTV. The video I am on about is called GB News/ Talk TV Your comments/ Hugo Talks and is still on You Tube
I reckon you might well have listened to Mr Oliver, but are yet to hear one word he has uttered so in effect you have libelled him. I guess you might even believe Mark Steyn is a shill for WEF too.
Your "evidence" supplied to P&S is not as good as threadbare.
Many thanks CB I will follow up. I too have researched the GB News funders because I couldn't believe the cabal would allow it if kosher. I will follow up on Hugo :-)
I think he would like to do something with a nail to the WEF master; I must have missed something as I have never heard him utter anything supportive of anything WEF, TGR, BBB - just watched his latest piece about the UK Tory leadership squabble and he was as scathing as I remember - calmly pointing out, in so many words, that the candidates are all tainted with Johnsonian WEF theories etc. Just my opinion, others are available.
Bravo 186no - thanks for great support and keep on spreading GBNews - thank God we have them to call out the weasel words of BBC and all their propaganda. I too am a Brit living in the depths of SW England and attempting to engage and wake up my compatriots - a long and tiring mission!
My great friends across the pond are worth a visit - their comments are a hoot!
Sorry forgot the link:
The UK data lacks clinical significance. The numbers are so small as to be meaningless. The same can be said for Pfizer, Moderna and J&J's CRT's for FDA EUA. The data is rubbish. This has been well established.
You skate over the essential difference; UK UKHSA/ONS data is after the fact of these jabs going into arms - now officially "recommended" for children by the JCVI where previously they were "not convinced"; Pfizer CRT for FDA EUA has been shown - by the judicial forcing of the release of their own report to the US FDA - to be unethical, immoral and apparently absent of "Cochranesque" methodology - one example of which is their decision to inject the placebo cohort - 100% scandalous. Whilst the numerical similarities exist, I cannot see how the UK ONS data is clinically insignificant; are you really trying to suggest that "more" people have to die post jab or the incidence of adverse effects post jab has to be greater to cross the threshold of "clinical significance"? Surely the whole issue, eg, of the Pfizer drug is that their CRT data showed death and adverse effects on such a scale they should never have been approved had all previous US drug trial safety board protocols been observed and the US EUA efficacy threshold of "50%" been upheld - we all know these facts were ignored as explained ad infinitum by Dr Peter McCullough - and by all accounts he knows "whats what"!!
You miss the point entirely.
Well I agree that the Pfizer data is rubbish, I am very well aware that the establishment of that fact is longstanding, but the validation that the Pfizer data is rubbish is very recent given the FDA has been forced to release it. You could always be helpful in explaining why the UK ONS/UKHSA data lacks clinical significance; if you mean it is partial, lacking key data differentiation, I think that has been pointed out for a while but has not stopped Joel Smalley or Prof Norman Fenton making some telling points even I can understand.
Otherwise it could be said your entire point missed.
They will not change course because they do not want to go to jail. They will double down on stupid and fight to maintain power so no court can arrest them. Expect election fraud in the US and Britain and interference in the legal system. They will maintain control of the government media outlets so they can control the information. This is their only choice. Our job is non-violent revolution.
Can you please do an article exploring the theory of VAIDS? Are the effects of the vaccine on blood sexually transmissible? If they are then the whole population doesnt have to get vaccinated to spread the disease.