Is there a way to start a way for everyone to post obituaries, and tract the numbers, such that we become The People’s VAERS on Substack?

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As of 09/03/22 the FB Died Suddenly group is at 166K members. RIP. This is such a catastrophe.

I recently posted a detailed thread on the chronology of the research of what scientists and researchers knew about the toxicity of the spike protein in the virus/vaxx and when we knew it.

I am a former professional researcher. in December of 2019 I began researching the Lab Leak in Wuhan.

In early 2020 we were learning a lot of information about SarsCoV2 and it's toxic spike protein, what it did in the body. Since I knew it was almost certainly a genetically engineered bioweapon ,I wanted to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms in the body, especially the sequelae or long term effects..

It quickly became clear the spike protein itself was the bioweapon part of the virus, and should never have been used in a gene therapy/transfection platform.

Here is my trip down memory lane, of some of the science as I read about it daily in 2020 - 2021 and what it told us about the spike. The last part of the thread is important because it ties together the spike protein, it's lab origin, genetically engineered nature, and the sequelae I feared. This is my 4th Twitter account, they've suspended me 4 times for writing about the toxicity of the spike protein and the benefits of Early Treatment.


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Sorry ,this is a better link, hit "Show replies" each time you come to the end of the thread.


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The horror continues. Let the "father of the vaccine" justify his connection to it.

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Charlbi Dean - and yet another tragic death. Why are people still getting the jab??!! I just don't get it. I wonder how many will roll up their sleeve for the new Omicron Jab approved by the not credible FDA.

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I am in the UK, just this morning 31/8/22 I was told by my work colleague that their 17 year old nephew had just died of a heart attack, no underlying conditions. I am astonished that people can just be told that something that has been vanishing rare their entire life is now common and the just accept it.

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Aaaaand you re a diseased to shit scab.

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Here in the UK the Lame stream Media prefer to concentrate on those suffering from LONG CONvid. examples like the 18 stone bloke who regularly beat Usain Bolt over 100 metres, but after catching convid he can't climb the 13 steps upstairs!!

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Since jabbed people ended getting COVID anyways…it seems like this LONG CONvid thing is just a way of masking side effects from the jab??? Sure, there are certainly some LONG CONvid effects but no effort is being made to distinguish jab effects from long COVID effects.

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I want to know how they’re using hypnosis on us besides other psychological operations. This is an issue.

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Check out Jason Christoff. He’s a self-sabotage health coach who also shares a lot of information about mind control. The repetitive messaging on the tv & radio affects us far more than we realize.

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I have 132 ng/ml Vit. D3 the last time my blood was checked ben around covid a lot have not caught anything! https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2022-08-29/corporate-media-respects-sciencec-wages-jihad-against-natural-medicine

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Hey! Thats great. ! I guess you read Jeff T. BOWLES book on Vitamin D3?

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Doctors sold everyone out. Don’t trust anything they say. One size fits all is not medicine or science

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Steve, have you talked with Dr. Robert Young? This is an interesting video. Maria Zeee has interviewed some interesting and reputable people on various topics.

Dr. Robert Young - "Viruses Don't Exist" Explained, Nanotech Inside People is a Bioweapon


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Hi Steve, I just had a girlfriend suddenly pass from a cerebral hemorrhage. She was perfectly healthy, very fit, and only 50 years old. Is there a place to report this type of suspicious death? It's too early to approach her family about this, but it is very alarming as she fits the profile of individuals who have had strokes to the vaccine.

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VAERS Vax Adverse Event Reporting System Openvaers.com

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Whats the name of the group of 20k sudden death mourners?

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My daughter-in-laws uncle got the covid vaccine and died the next night with no known health issues. We have absolutely no idea how many people these vaccines have really killed!

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I went on a mini-vaca with my buddies & buddetts! There were 12 of us. I HAD TO ASK every one of them while we were all together sitting down if ANYONE could tell me what WAS/IS in the Covid vax. EVERYONE (but two) replied to me "DO NOT KNOW", other two were silent. Are there any answers as of yet? I started to tell them about my other friends that had the vax and now regret it, b/c of complications. Is this going to continue, shouldn't SOMEONE be held accountable for all these deaths? Simple questions, but no-one has any answers for me. While we ALL wait, people are still dyeing that I know. This is horrible!!!

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Exactly.! What???? Is in the jabs?

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I know of 3 people personally in their early 50's who suddenly died in the last year and a half. I know no one personally who died "from" Covid. I know of a man who died of emphysema whose death was listed as Covid falsely. At a recent event I spoke with a young man in his 20's who is in the army who suffered pericarditis after taking he shot who told me he is aware of 80 young men in the service who have died unexpectedly. This is a crime against humanity by people who coerced and manipulated people into taking experimental mRNA shots for financial benefit. And the cover up is the life we are currently experiencing.

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