Can we have a 3 hour recorded public debate on whether there was misinformation on JRE #1757 instead of censorship? Or is high tech company censorship the only way you roll?
................... maybe a debate could be "staged" (as clearly no one has the cajones to engage with either of you). One side "pro", one "con", or some such. Just a thought.
Steve Kirsch hasn't got what it takes to subject his contrarian views to peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences so, instead, he wants to present them to members of the public who, I'm sorry, wouldn't have a clue how to judge his scientifically destitute ideas.
If you want a detailed and fully complete explanation of why the upstanding members of our community you listed above will not debate a contrarian like Steve Kirsch, here is a link:
"Debate me Bro'", with subtitles such as "Come on debate me", "Come at me bro'". and "Debate me, you pile of human garbage".
It's very good, and a comprehensive put down of this type of strategy dating way back to the evolution wars where creationists regularly performed the same trick of trying to entice evolutionary biologists into public debates so as to give the creationists an air of legitimacy that they did not deserve.
Have a read. It will enlighten you about the tactics of contrarians like Steve Kirsch. They cannot persuade other scientists through the normal channels of peer-review, such as through scientific journals and scientific conferences where scientific ideas are far more effectively evaluated, so they go public.
And, of course, compared with the scientific community, members of the general public are really in no position to evaluate the value of his ideas because they do not have the necessary scientific skills to do so.
If Robert Malone had science on his side, he wouldn't be putting his ideas direct to the members of the public, who have no idea how to assess the value of his ideas. He would go through scientific peer-review. That's where scientific ideas are tested and evaluated.
In the domain where his ideas are appropriately judged, they have failed. That really is the end of the story as far as science is concerned. He can pretty well say whatever he likes in the public sphere as long as he is careful to be interviewed only by those who wouldn't have a clue what questions to ask. Like Joe Rogan.
As far a science is concerned, Robert Malone has already lost.
He sites many peer reviewed papers and uses critical thinking to come to reasonable conclusions. Would love to see you debate him. The evidence is way against you. The truth is coming out and you're not going to stop it.
I think you mean he cherry-picks the papers that align with his pre-conceived conclusions. And he is not a critical thinker at all. That is very clear. And I would not debate him because science is not decided by members of the public in a public debate but by fellow scientists in peer reviewed scientific journals and conferences.
Cara L Santa Maria, MS, MA: Psychotherapist, PhD Candidate, Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Carl Nathan, MD: Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine
Carrie Ingersoll-Wood: PhD Candidate, Syracuse University
Cassandre Gousse, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse
Chelsea Matos, MSN, FNP-C: Family Nurse Practitioner
Christian Capitini, MD: Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Christine Garvey, DVM: Associate Veterinarian
Christopher McMillan, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Queensland
Colleen Trecartin-Frost, DMD: Dentist
Courtney Kennedy, MS, PA-C: Physician Assistant
Crissi Stokes, DHSc: Professor
Crystal Pawula, MSN: Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
Cydney Jardine, MPH: Epidemiological Researcher, Colorado State University
Daniel Anthony Barone, MD: Associate Professor of Clinical Neurology; Weill Cornell Medicine
Daniel Wilson, PhD: Analytical Scientist
Danielle Jones, MD, FACOG: Consultant
Danielle Levitt, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
David Craig, MD: Emergency Medicine Physician
David Levine, MA: Writer/Researcher, Johns Hopkins University
David Stukus, MD: Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Allergy and Immunology, Nationwide Childrens Hospital and The Ohio State University College of Medicine
Dee Chohan, MBBChir, FACEM: Staff Specialist in Emergency Medicine
Divya Ramjee, MS: PhD Candidate, Adjunct Professor, American University
Dorothy Zahor, MS: Eastern Michigan University
Eden Maness, MA: Psychiatry Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Elisabeth Marnik, PhD: Assistant Professor of Molecular Biochemistry and Microbiology
Elissa Tremblay, MSN: Nurse Practitioner
Elizabeth Cebul, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow
Elizabeth Delery, PhD: Assistant Professor, Marian University
Elle Michel, LMFT: Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Emily Cheng, BSN, RN, CCRN-CSC: ICU Nurse
Emily Scott, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse
Emma Fite-Wassilak, MD: Family Physician
Eric Burnett, MD, MBS: Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine
Eric Topol, MD: Professor and EVP, Scripps Research
Erica Wilson, PharmD, BCPS: Assistant Professor, Notre Dame of MD University SchoolPharmacy
Erin MacMillan, PA: Physician Associate
Esther Sandoval, MSc: Associate Professor, College of the Sequoias
Ethan Chapin, MD: Emergency Physician
Forrest Valkai: Masters Student, University of Tulsa
Flyne Anderson, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse
Francis Barany, PhD: Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine
Gabriel Evaristo, MD: Obstetrician-Gynecologist
Gabrielle Hood, MD: Staff Physician
Georgina Morley, PhD
Glen Pyle, PhD: Professor, University of Guelph
Gregory Baker, MD: Attending Anesthesiologist
Haley Amplo: Graduate Researcher, Rutgers University Newark
Hayley Dewey-Hagborg, MS: Associate Scientist
Heather Caslin, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Vanderbilt University
Heather Irobunda, MD: Attending Physician
Imogen R Coe, PhD: Professor, Ryerson University
Inna Kanevsky, PhD: Professor, San Diego Mesa College
Jaclyn Steinbach, BVetMed MRCVS: Head of Veterinary Translational Medicine
Jaclyn Usuriello, RN, BSN: Research Nurse
Jaclyn Wolfe: Senior Biochemist
James Bradac, PhD: Former Chief, Preclinical R&D, Division of Aids, NIAID, NIH
Jason Prystowsky, MD, MPH: Emergency Physician
Jen Gunter, MD: Physician
Jen Nossokoff, PA-C: Physician Assistant
Jena Hales, PhD: Associate Professor of Neuroscience, University of San Diego
Jenna Lizewski, DNP, FNP-C: Family Nurse Practitioner
Jenna Meyers, MSN, CPNP: Emergency Medicine Nurse Practitioner
Jennifer Hickey: Senior Research Associate
Jennifer Lincoln, MD: Attending Physician
Jennifer Wenzel, PhD: Assistant Professor, University of San Diego
Jessica Malaty Rivera, MS: Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research Fellow, Boston Children’s
Jessica Steier, DrPH: Public Health Scientist
Jessica Stokes-Parish, PhD, RN, MNurs: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Bond University
Jessie Brown, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University
Jilyan Decker, MD: Resident Physician
Joan Chandra, MD: Instructor in Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Johanna Hild, DO: Resident Physician
John Brownstein, PhD: Professor, Harvard Medical School
John P Moore, PhD: Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Weill Cornell Medicine
Jonathan Alessi: MD/PhD Candidate
Jonathan Jarry, MSc: Science Correspondent, McGill University
Jonathan Laxton, MD, FRCPC: Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Jonathan N Stea, PhD: Clinical Psychologist, Adjust Assistant Professor, University of Calgary
Joseph Osmundson, PhD: Clinical Assistant Professor, New York University
Joseph Zundell, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania
Juan R Cubillos-Ruiz, PhD: Associate Professor of Immunology, Weill Cornell Medicine
Justin Trotter, PhD: Instructor, Stanford University
Justyna Kulpa, PhD: Senior Scientist
Kaitlyn Gooding, MD: Medical Resident
Karen Nguyen: Public Health Microbiologist, Cal State University Fullerton
Karen Tang, MD, MPH: Senior Physician
Karl Nadolsky, DO: Endocrinologist, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Michigan State University
Katie Ruschman, RN, BSN: Nurse
Katie Stiles, PhD: Assistant Professor of Research, Weill Cornell Medicine
Katrine L Wallace, PhD: Epidemiologist, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health
Kayla A Nichols, PharmD: Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Emory University
Kirsta Hoffman, MD: Physician
Korinne Bricker: COVID-19 Laboratory Supervisor
Kristen Watt, RPh: Pharmacist
Kristin Fontes, MD: Emergency Medicine Physician
Lace Riggs, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lara Lambert, MD: Physician
Laur Rubino, PhD
Laura Dees, BSN, MS, APRN, CRNA
Laura Hlohinec, RN: Registered Nurse
Lauren Bello-Matricaria, MPH: Clinical Research Monitor
When this entire sham settles I want a massive class-action lawsuit against Pfizer DOUBLE their entire gross sales revenues so these filthy criminals will go belly up permanently without a single rock to hide under and no subsidiaries or partnerships to collect a single dollar in revenues from...
AND cancelled because they demanded that anyone attending must show proof of vaccination and take a test... apparently they had a very poor sale of tickets, which may be the real reason it was cancelled.
Seems a similar offer has been made by Dr. Vernon Coleman - with similar result.
................... maybe a debate could be "staged" (as clearly no one has the cajones to engage with either of you). One side "pro", one "con", or some such. Just a thought.
Thanks for all you do !
Steve Kirsch hasn't got what it takes to subject his contrarian views to peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences so, instead, he wants to present them to members of the public who, I'm sorry, wouldn't have a clue how to judge his scientifically destitute ideas.
The vaccines are doing a lot of damage.
Hush now
Another debate challenge. Will you back away and say it's "not worth your time" like you did on the last one?
Why haven't you heard from Dr Zdogg MD???
Their names as published (missing one):
Lorna Tychostup, MS: Senior Communications Consultant, NYU
Maddy Lewis, MPH: Infectious Disease Epidemiologist
Madelyn Pecyne, PA-C:Physician Assistant
Maike Neuhaus, PhD: Honorary Research Fellow, University of Queensland
Mallory Harris: PhD Student, Stanford University
Marcia Miller, MD: Physician
Maren Abromowitz, MSN: Family Nurse Practitioner
Maria Victoria Dreher Wentz, MSc: Science Communicator
Marie-Helene Lofland ANP-BC, CCRN, NEA: Nurse Practitioner
Mary Colasanto, PhD: Clinical Genomic Scientist
Mauricio Gonzales-Arias, MD: Attending Physician
Megan Hanley, NAR: Nursing Assistant
Melanie Evans Jakle, MSc: Research Scientist
Melissa Aswad, MPAS, PA-C: Physician Assistant
Merridee Lefner, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas at San Antonio
Michael Aptman, MD: Professor, University of Miami School of Medicine
Michael LaFontaine, PhD: Professor of Medical Biochemistry, Marian University COM
Michael Lederman, MD: Professor of Medicine (Emeritus), Case Western Reserve University
Michael Natter, MD: Endocrinology Fellow
Michelle Krogsgaard, PhD: Associate Professor, New York University School of Medicine
Milene Vandal, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Calgary
Mirella Salvatore, MD: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine
Miriam Merad, MD, PhD: Director, Precision Immunology Institute, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Mirvat Termos, MPH: PhD Student
Moira Rashid, MD, MPH
Molly Nowels: PhD Candidate, Rutgers School of Public Health
Monique L. Smith, PhD: Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, University of San Diego
Morgan Freney: PhD Candidate, University of Queensland
Natalie Soto, MSc: Science Teacher
Natasha Bolotinsky, MD: Attending Physician
Navinder Jassil, MD: Endocrinologist
Neil Harrison, PhD: Professor, Columbia University
Nils-Petter Rudqvist, PhD: Assistant Professor
Nini Muñoz, PhD: Senior Design Engineer
Océane Sorel, DVM, PhD
Olivia Grant: PhD Student
Pascal S.C. Juang, MD: Physician, Former Chief Resident at Harvard Emergency Medicine
Paul Ian Cross, MSc, PhD: Clinical Research Consultant
Poorvi Desai, MD: Hematologist/Oncologist
Pushpendra Patel, MS, MD: Medical Student
Rachael Zemek, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Western Australia
Rachel Aslanian, BSN
Rachel Mirabai Moore Troll, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse
Rashmi Advani, MD, DABOM: Gastroenterology Fellow, Stony Brook University Hospital
Rayna Sobieski, MD: Attending Physician
Renee Cavanagh, PsyD: Subject Matter Expert, DHA
Risa Hoshino, MD: Pediatrician
Robert Duff, PhD: Clinical Neuropsychologist
Robin Hills, MMSci, MSRCS: Instructor, Shoreline Community College
Roger Nattrass, MD: Anesthesiologist
Romy Blacklaw, RN, IPN: Registered Nurse
Roshni Rao, PhD: Director, Johns Hopkins University
Ruben Diaz, DNP, FNP-BC: Nurse Practitioner
Ryan Marino, MD: Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Sabina Vohra-Miller, MSc: DrPH Student
Sallie Permar, MD, PhD: Professor and Chair of Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medicine
Samantha Yammine, PhD: Neuroscientist, University of Toronto
Samira Jeimy, MD, PhD, FRCPC: Program Director and Assistant Professor, Division of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Western University
Sampril Banerjee, PhD, MStat: Associate Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine
Samuel Cohn, MD: Neurologist
Sandra Demaria, MD: Professor of Radiation Oncology and Pathology, Weill Cornell Medicine
Sara Gering, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse
Sara Pentlicky, MD, MPH: Chief, Division of Complex Family Planning
Sarah J McAnulty, PhD: Executive Director, Skype a Scientist, University of Connecticut
Sarah Perl, LCSW-R: Licensed Clinical Worker
Sasha Strul, MD: Pediatric Ophthalmologist and Strabismus Surgeon, University of Minnesota
Saskia Popescu, PhD, MPH, MA: Assistant Professor, George Mason University
Scott Fujimoto, DO: Assistant Professor, Loma Linda University
Sean Adwar, MD: Interventional Radiologist
Seth Trueger, MD, MPH, FACEP: Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Seth Turner, MD: Physician
Shari K Moore, DO: Resident Physician
Shauna O’Neal, CNM, FNP-C, RN, MSN: Registered Nurse
Shawn Carbonell, MD, PhD
Sheridan Nygard, MPH: Behavioral Health Case Manager, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Shoshana Ungerleider, MD: Internal Medicine / Host, TED Health Podcast
Silvia Chiara Formenti, MD: Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine
Sindhu Sathyanarayana, MBBS: Physician
Siyamak Saleh, MD: Medical Doctor, Department of Health South Africa
Spencer R Scott, PhD
Staci Tanouye, MD: Staff Physician
Stacey De-Lin, MD: Associate Medical Director
Steve Rathje: PhD Candidate
Stuart Horowitz, PhD, MBA: President and CEO, Institution Insights, LLC
Susanna Harris, PhD
Sushmita Mukherjee, PhD: Associate Professor of Research, Weill Cornell Medicine
Sydney Vita, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Louisiana State University Health Sciences College
Tanya Lama, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, SUNY Stony Brook
Taylor Nichols, MD: Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor, University of California San Francisco
Teagan Wall, PhD
Teresa Albernas, MSN: Nurse Practitioner
Terra Kater, MSN, AGNP-C: Nurse Practitioner
Tessa Cremer: MPH Student, University of Minnesota
Thierry Alquier, PhD: Associate Professor, University of Montreal
Timothy Caulfield: Professor, University of Alberta
Todd Wolynn, MD: Pediatrician
Troy Wood, PhD: Associate Professor, University at Buffalo
Tyler Kuhk, MN, ARNP, AGNP-C: Nurse Practitioner
Valentina Martinez Damonte, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
Veronica Certeza, RN: Nurse Practitioner
Victor Ruthig, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Weill Cornell Medicine
Walter Ian Lipkin, MD: Professor, Columbia University
Wen H Shen, PhD: Associate Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine
Willem Hanekom, MBChB: Professor, University College London
William Giardino, PhD: Assistant Professor, Stanford University
William Hanage, PhD: Associate Professor, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Yasmin Mohseni, PhD
Yevgeniya Sergeyenko, MD, MPH: Medicine Fellow, Emory University School of Medicine
Zainab Tanvir, MS: PhD Student
Thanks for posting the full list of those upstanding members of the community.
You know Steve Kirsch has invited them all for a live debate? No takers...not all that "up" in the standing part, apparently. :)
Hi Terry,
If you want a detailed and fully complete explanation of why the upstanding members of our community you listed above will not debate a contrarian like Steve Kirsch, here is a link:
The article it appropriately titled:
"Debate me Bro'", with subtitles such as "Come on debate me", "Come at me bro'". and "Debate me, you pile of human garbage".
It's very good, and a comprehensive put down of this type of strategy dating way back to the evolution wars where creationists regularly performed the same trick of trying to entice evolutionary biologists into public debates so as to give the creationists an air of legitimacy that they did not deserve.
Have a read. It will enlighten you about the tactics of contrarians like Steve Kirsch. They cannot persuade other scientists through the normal channels of peer-review, such as through scientific journals and scientific conferences where scientific ideas are far more effectively evaluated, so they go public.
And, of course, compared with the scientific community, members of the general public are really in no position to evaluate the value of his ideas because they do not have the necessary scientific skills to do so.
Anyway, have a read.
I read it. It's garbage. Just one big lame excuse not to enter the debate because Malone and others would clearly win. You're brainwashed.
If Robert Malone had science on his side, he wouldn't be putting his ideas direct to the members of the public, who have no idea how to assess the value of his ideas. He would go through scientific peer-review. That's where scientific ideas are tested and evaluated.
In the domain where his ideas are appropriately judged, they have failed. That really is the end of the story as far as science is concerned. He can pretty well say whatever he likes in the public sphere as long as he is careful to be interviewed only by those who wouldn't have a clue what questions to ask. Like Joe Rogan.
As far a science is concerned, Robert Malone has already lost.
He sites many peer reviewed papers and uses critical thinking to come to reasonable conclusions. Would love to see you debate him. The evidence is way against you. The truth is coming out and you're not going to stop it.
I think you mean he cherry-picks the papers that align with his pre-conceived conclusions. And he is not a critical thinker at all. That is very clear. And I would not debate him because science is not decided by members of the public in a public debate but by fellow scientists in peer reviewed scientific journals and conferences.
Here are their names as published. If we all pick one name I'm sure we can find several contact sources for each :)
Adriana Sosa, DO: Medical Resident
Adrianna Tseretopoulos, MBBS, MRCGP: Physician
Alexis Paulson, MSN, APRN: Nurse Practitioner
Alie Ward: Host/Science Correspondent, Ologies Podcast
Allison Myers, MD, MPH: Nurse Practitioner
Allison Neitzel, MD: Physician
Alyssa Fears, PhD, MPH&TM: Postdoctoral Fellow; University of Texas Medical Branch
Anand Swaminathan, MD, MPH: Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, St. Joseph’s Univ
Andrea Love, PhD: Immunologist/Microbiologist
Andrei Mayer, PhD: Assistant Professor, Federal University of Santa Catarina
Andrew Bauman, MD: Medical Faculty; Geisle School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Angela Lindsay, AGPCNP: Nurse Practitioner
Angharad Ames, MD: Chief Resident, University of California Riverside
Anita Patel, MD: Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Childrens National Medical Center
Anna Stovall, PhD: Associate Medical Writer
April English, MPH: Science Correspondent, Unbiased Science Podcast
Arden Heath: Clinical Microbiology MS Student
AS Richards: Research Fellow, Science Communicator
Asher Williams, PhD: Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University
Ashim Ahuja, MD: Physician
Ashley Pacheco, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC: Nurse Practitioner
Atoosa Kourosh, MD, MPH: Clinical Faculty, Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Autumn Schuster, MSW, LCSW: Licensed Clinical Social Worker, University of California Irvine
Avisha NessAiver, MS: Chief Science Officer
Azad Gucwa, PhD, MT(ASCP): Assistant Professor; Farmingdale State College
Azizul Rehman, MD: Interventional Cardiologist
Azza Gadir, PhD: Immunologist
Baptiste Lacoste, PhD: Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa
Barry Jarvis, MD: Attending Physician
Ben Rein, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
Benjamin Steinberg, PsyD: Psychologist
Bianca Patel, MD, MPH: Pediatrician
Blair Bentley, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Bnar Talabani, MBBCh: Clinical Nephrologist
Boris Tezak, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Duke University Medical Center
Breann Abernathy, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Minnesota
Brianna Soreth, MA: Clinical Research Coordinator
Bridget Scallen, MS: Editor, Unbiased Science Podcast
Cara Grome, MD: Psychiatrist
Cara L Santa Maria, MS, MA: Psychotherapist, PhD Candidate, Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Carl Nathan, MD: Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine
Carrie Ingersoll-Wood: PhD Candidate, Syracuse University
Cassandre Gousse, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse
Chelsea Matos, MSN, FNP-C: Family Nurse Practitioner
Christian Capitini, MD: Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Christine Garvey, DVM: Associate Veterinarian
Christopher McMillan, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Queensland
Colleen Trecartin-Frost, DMD: Dentist
Courtney Kennedy, MS, PA-C: Physician Assistant
Crissi Stokes, DHSc: Professor
Crystal Pawula, MSN: Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
Cydney Jardine, MPH: Epidemiological Researcher, Colorado State University
Daniel Anthony Barone, MD: Associate Professor of Clinical Neurology; Weill Cornell Medicine
Daniel Wilson, PhD: Analytical Scientist
Danielle Jones, MD, FACOG: Consultant
Danielle Levitt, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
David Craig, MD: Emergency Medicine Physician
David Levine, MA: Writer/Researcher, Johns Hopkins University
David Stukus, MD: Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Allergy and Immunology, Nationwide Childrens Hospital and The Ohio State University College of Medicine
Dee Chohan, MBBChir, FACEM: Staff Specialist in Emergency Medicine
Divya Ramjee, MS: PhD Candidate, Adjunct Professor, American University
Dorothy Zahor, MS: Eastern Michigan University
Eden Maness, MA: Psychiatry Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Elisabeth Marnik, PhD: Assistant Professor of Molecular Biochemistry and Microbiology
Elissa Tremblay, MSN: Nurse Practitioner
Elizabeth Cebul, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow
Elizabeth Delery, PhD: Assistant Professor, Marian University
Elle Michel, LMFT: Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Emily Cheng, BSN, RN, CCRN-CSC: ICU Nurse
Emily Scott, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse
Emma Fite-Wassilak, MD: Family Physician
Eric Burnett, MD, MBS: Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine
Eric Topol, MD: Professor and EVP, Scripps Research
Erica Wilson, PharmD, BCPS: Assistant Professor, Notre Dame of MD University SchoolPharmacy
Erin MacMillan, PA: Physician Associate
Esther Sandoval, MSc: Associate Professor, College of the Sequoias
Ethan Chapin, MD: Emergency Physician
Forrest Valkai: Masters Student, University of Tulsa
Flyne Anderson, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse
Francis Barany, PhD: Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine
Gabriel Evaristo, MD: Obstetrician-Gynecologist
Gabrielle Hood, MD: Staff Physician
Georgina Morley, PhD
Glen Pyle, PhD: Professor, University of Guelph
Gregory Baker, MD: Attending Anesthesiologist
Haley Amplo: Graduate Researcher, Rutgers University Newark
Hayley Dewey-Hagborg, MS: Associate Scientist
Heather Caslin, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Vanderbilt University
Heather Irobunda, MD: Attending Physician
Imogen R Coe, PhD: Professor, Ryerson University
Inna Kanevsky, PhD: Professor, San Diego Mesa College
Jaclyn Steinbach, BVetMed MRCVS: Head of Veterinary Translational Medicine
Jaclyn Usuriello, RN, BSN: Research Nurse
Jaclyn Wolfe: Senior Biochemist
James Bradac, PhD: Former Chief, Preclinical R&D, Division of Aids, NIAID, NIH
Jason Prystowsky, MD, MPH: Emergency Physician
Jen Gunter, MD: Physician
Jen Nossokoff, PA-C: Physician Assistant
Jena Hales, PhD: Associate Professor of Neuroscience, University of San Diego
Jenna Lizewski, DNP, FNP-C: Family Nurse Practitioner
Jenna Meyers, MSN, CPNP: Emergency Medicine Nurse Practitioner
Jennifer Hickey: Senior Research Associate
Jennifer Lincoln, MD: Attending Physician
Jennifer Wenzel, PhD: Assistant Professor, University of San Diego
Jessica Malaty Rivera, MS: Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research Fellow, Boston Children’s
Jessica Steier, DrPH: Public Health Scientist
Jessica Stokes-Parish, PhD, RN, MNurs: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Bond University
Jessie Brown, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University
Jilyan Decker, MD: Resident Physician
Joan Chandra, MD: Instructor in Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Johanna Hild, DO: Resident Physician
John Brownstein, PhD: Professor, Harvard Medical School
John P Moore, PhD: Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Weill Cornell Medicine
Jonathan Alessi: MD/PhD Candidate
Jonathan Jarry, MSc: Science Correspondent, McGill University
Jonathan Laxton, MD, FRCPC: Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Manitoba
Jonathan N Stea, PhD: Clinical Psychologist, Adjust Assistant Professor, University of Calgary
Joseph Osmundson, PhD: Clinical Assistant Professor, New York University
Joseph Zundell, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania
Juan R Cubillos-Ruiz, PhD: Associate Professor of Immunology, Weill Cornell Medicine
Justin Trotter, PhD: Instructor, Stanford University
Justyna Kulpa, PhD: Senior Scientist
Kaitlyn Gooding, MD: Medical Resident
Karen Nguyen: Public Health Microbiologist, Cal State University Fullerton
Karen Tang, MD, MPH: Senior Physician
Karl Nadolsky, DO: Endocrinologist, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Michigan State University
Katie Ruschman, RN, BSN: Nurse
Katie Stiles, PhD: Assistant Professor of Research, Weill Cornell Medicine
Katrine L Wallace, PhD: Epidemiologist, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health
Kayla A Nichols, PharmD: Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Emory University
Kirsta Hoffman, MD: Physician
Korinne Bricker: COVID-19 Laboratory Supervisor
Kristen Watt, RPh: Pharmacist
Kristin Fontes, MD: Emergency Medicine Physician
Lace Riggs, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lara Lambert, MD: Physician
Laur Rubino, PhD
Laura Dees, BSN, MS, APRN, CRNA
Laura Hlohinec, RN: Registered Nurse
Lauren Bello-Matricaria, MPH: Clinical Research Monitor
Laren Seserko, OTR/L
Leah Steinberg: Medical Student
Lexi Goldstein, MD: Medical Resident
Lia Griffiths, PsyD: Psychologist
Lindsey Shultz, MD: Public Health Advisor
Lisa Boone, PA-C: Physician Assistant
Lisle Winston, MD: Medical Resident
excellent idea
Has any of the MD’s taken up the challenge?
Dr. Robert W. Malone
Brought to you by Pfizer.
They're all YELLOW!!! All talk. They would be cremated in a debate with you!
When this entire sham settles I want a massive class-action lawsuit against Pfizer DOUBLE their entire gross sales revenues so these filthy criminals will go belly up permanently without a single rock to hide under and no subsidiaries or partnerships to collect a single dollar in revenues from...
Yes we need to take all profits back from pfizer moderna etc. Otherwise, for them it was a success, and they will repeat it.
Steve gives them the lie and the challenges are powerful evidence, and they make aholes like the 270 look ridiculous.
Adele - Vaccinated audiences and crew only.
Also Adele - Show cancelled due to Covid.
Now THAT is too funny!
AND cancelled because they demanded that anyone attending must show proof of vaccination and take a test... apparently they had a very poor sale of tickets, which may be the real reason it was cancelled.
I'd pay to NOT hear her.
very very excited about this event, but should the date(January 28, 2021) be 2022?
The "signatories" did not reveal how much they collected from Pharmafia. Here are a few:
TODD H WOLYNN $220,000
Nice 👍