Use this pinned comment to report ONLY people who went from red to blue. It should be a short list.

If you are not posting names of red to blue, please comment in a different thread.

this means they went from anti-vax to pro-vax


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Actually I think Klaus Schwab did

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Sorry, not answering this specifically, but in regards to cardiologists - Dr Ross Walker appears to be more against mRNA shots and advocating AstraZeneca and Novavax, but he seems to be quite contradictory and not very well informed


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Maybe he doesn't know Novavax is made using moth DNA? Yeah...no. lol. As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man...I knew they were manipulating human and animal DNA in ancient days, all you have to do is look at the chimeric carvings of ancient Sumer and Egypt and read the Books of Enoch, Jubilee, and Jasher. I wonder if their DNA manipulation was delivered in the same manner, at the end of a needle or cotton swab? Or did they have a different manner of delivery?

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Happy New Year, doc! Tell us, has Anyone gone from red to blue? Seems pretty impossible, except in cases of sudden lobotomy, perhaps forgiveable.

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They may go from red to blue when they are dying from lack of oxygen. :)

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I’m in an ‘evidence based vaccine Facebook group’ that reports to be accepting of both sides of the debate.

They are extremely pro vaccine and have the usual comebacks to anyone who posts articles, or questions a story, or study.

They discredit everything that is not completely supportive.

They blame who some of the authors or affiliates involved, and dismiss the entire thing, every time.

They come in with ‘educated’ ‘smarter’ folks who use big words and tell people they are misinterpreting things they’ve read.

They love to dismiss every testimony,

as ‘correlation does not equal causation’

or whatever consistent terms they love.

They are impenetrable on the vaxx love.

Often, someone comes on who’s on the fence, and likes to describe how they used to be anti vaxx, and were raised in those types of homes so they struggle in the courage to get injected.

They get tons of support and ‘studies’ to encourage them to go through with it.

They dismiss everything that is not peer reviewed.

I’m really just dying for the right study or right person to blow them out of the water.

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To be honest that ‘evidence based vaccine Facebook group’ sound like a bunch of morons. They need ridiculing as they are unlikely to see sense. Perhaps they are employed by big pharma, George Soros, Klaus Schwarb etc.

My largely serious attempt at using logic (some humour in sub-links if required).


And a couple of my humorous attempts.



if they have no sense of humour they are truly lost, but at least you might have some fun.

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I voted yes before I realized this was supposed to be red -> blue. I know several who went from blue to red, none the other way.

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Dr Aseem Malhotra.

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i asked red to blue. aseem went from blue to red.

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You need to anticipate this sort of error by asking "Who went the other way? (Blue to Red)".

I read tons of this stuff all the time so blue-to-red, is what I expect to see: therefore, that's what I see :) despite it's being the other way round, hence you need to emphasis this reversal in advance, in your question.

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Dr Aseem Malhotra was also an initial supporter who has switched allegiance. Unfortunately for this eminent cardiologist, it's took his dads surprise demise from cardiac issues post-vaccine to turn Aseem against the narrative :(

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he went blue-> red. I asked for red-->blue.

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You need to emphasise the reverse of what we all expect to see e.g.

RED to blue (not blue to read :)

I.e. anticipate... :)

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# Dr Kerryn Phelps:


(This is a big story because Dr Phelps was the president of the Australian Medical Association for many years, and is extremely well regarded by liberals and progressives.)

- The breaking story: https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/human-body/dr-kerryn-phelps-reveals-devastating-covid-vaccine-injury-says-doctors-have-been-censored/news-story/0c1fa02818c99a5ff65f5bf852a382cf (Over 2,000 comments! Many of which are worth reading.)

- Both her and her partner suffered vaccine injuries, but she was still encouraging school children to get the covid shot in January 2022 before the school year commenced. (Her twitter post where she encouraged this has recently been deleted. I wonder why...) Here is the link: https://twitter.com/drkerrynphelps/status/1479362130059022342

- Since speaking out many other people have found the courage to speak out as well:

- https://twitter.com/gemcarey/status/1605113767515213824

- The "Biggest looser", Australian TV personality and fitness coach, posted this on Instagram: https://t.me/c/1695392859/1350 (His Instagram account is: https://www.instagram.com/shannanponton)

- Australian ABC journalist and TV presenter, Eleni Roussos, has tweeted about her serious vaccine injury: https://twitter.com/eleni_roussos/status/1605066852031672320


Igor wrote a summary about this story: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/australias-former-ama-president-defects


# Other Doctors speaking out:


- Numerous doctors: https://odysee.com/@cryptorich:e/doctorssayno:5

- Dr Ahmad Malik: https://t.me/craigkelly/3761

- Dr. Dean Patterson MBCHB FRCP, Consultant Cardiologist and General Physician: https://t.me/craigkelly/3749 (His Instagram account is: https://www.instagram.com/shannanponton)

- Dr David Cartland calls for the immediate suspension of the Covid injection: https://t.me/craigkelly/3769

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she went blue-> red. I asked for red-->blue.

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Can't help but notice that you seem to be getting exhausted of having to explain this so often and maybe also a bit disappointed in the metal capacities of your faithful followers... ;-)

Bob is right, this question goes "against the current" and by clearly pointing that out in advance, we might have skipped all the confusion.

Anyway, the sheer fact that most people only report blue > red seems, in itself, an answer to your question.

Please keep on doing what you're doing. You're good at it! :-*

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I know of no-one that went from red to blue.

(I was also surprised you haven't covered Dr Phelps yet. This is a pretty big story.)

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As a believer of God, I would ask that even the agnostics and atheists consider the possibility that those that are promoting the covid shot are evil. I am not here to evangelize. Just consider that the people that are trying to inject you do not want to help you. They have another agenda.

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I agree with this and have felt this way for awhile. I think it’s a big good vs evil war we are in

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I would fit into that category and I have noticed that religious people seem to be talking more sense than the scientists and experts for the last couple of years. Yes this does feel like a spiritual battle of good versus evil, with most people doing little enough that they are siding with evil without realizing it. Or maybe they do and are too weak to speak out.

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If you are NOT speaking out about this then you are a part of the problem and most likely weak and cowardly ----Yes start telling me your job is more important than you very life

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I wrote a big, long spiel about this on Fascistbook yesterday. I know most of my friends (many of whom consumed multiple 💉 💉 💉 💉 to keep their jobs and/or from believing the lies) think I'm crazy, but this must be seen through spiritual eyes. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness in high places. I have many Christian friends who fell for the psyop. There are so many psyops running at the same time, it is hard to see them all. We are fortunate that our Father's Grace is enough. We will suffer greatly in this life, but a belief in the Son of man and his redemption from sin is all we really need. This life is but a mist soon burned off by the Son. Praying blessings on this sad, misguided world. 🙏

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Not so called religious people in Britain. They are no longer Christian priests in the majority of British churches. but "something else" has taken over, helped by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

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Justin Portal Welby you mean. He opened a portal to the Satanic realm.


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That would be the Woke Agenda wouldn't it? God left the CoE years ago.

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God was never really part of it. He tolerated it as it held to a reasonable level of truth whilst other mattered were sorted out.

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To a degree yes, but something even more evil than woke, has settled in. It's even taken over the pope.

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'Vaccination' is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican' so it is more the Vatican as a whole.

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Must admit when Pope Francis became pope I was quite happy, (I liked his demeanour at the beginning) I am not Catholic by the way. But as time went by, I noticed changes in him that I didn't like at all.

I think the Vatican "must" have some great cardinals and one in particular I have the greatest respect for is: Carlo Maria Viganò.

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Yes, he did tell the truth about Covid 19 vaccines. But I do wish they would stop all this fancy clothes wearing. Fine for the stage, and I know all the world's a stage as per Shakespeare but it doesn't cut any ice with me.

By the way, did you know there was once a Cardinal Sin?


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Sorry mate, you lost me there. Who told the truth about covid vaccines?

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Carlo Maria Viganò, not Francis the poop!. Perhaps not all the truth about vaccines as I haven't researched in detail. He has apparently said a lot about many things re what's going on in the Covid 19 charade.


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Kamala Harris

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She's too busy taking care of all those illegals dumped on her doorstep...

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Haha. Funny and got it. Good one.

Or, maybe she did a 360? In other words, whichever way the political winds were/are blowing?

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She definitely did a half 360.

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In her case - "whichever way the political winds are SUCKING might be more appropriate. ;-))

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As a small-town minister I was pressured by my county health department to push covid shots during sermons. I refused to do so as I am a minister not a medical professional.

This was unimageable and illegal but happened all the time. It was not just the doctors that sold their souls -many church leaders did the same thing. We all should be ashamed of ourselves .

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Your phrase: "We all should be ashamed of ourselves" seems to have caused a little storm in this thread stump.

Most repliers tend to include themselves into "we" and don't think they "should be ashamed".

I interpret your words as: "all the church leaders who did not at the very least actively protest to cooperation should be ashamed of themselves".

Maybe you could give us some clarity? Btw, thank you for sharing your story with us. It is important that red-pillers understand how blue-pillers are kept blue. You were fierce and true to yourself, but we know that even amongst red-pillers these traits are rather rare than common (i for one am more the cowardly type, i have become really good in avoiding situations in which i would have to take a stand).

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I do not know this minister or where here lives. My interpretation is the doctors and church officials that pushed covid shots should be ashamed. But also, the ignorant sheep that took experimental shots just because the tv twitter or Facebook told them to. I doubt this guy thinks that those that objected from the covid shot from day one should be ashamed. Just my take on it.

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Seems fair. I am ashamed of my church fellowship (UK)_. I knew in June 2020 that the vaccines were utterly pointless at best and warned them once I had put together all the reasons by the end of 2020. I have been struggling with my own health all that time.

Yet except for perhaps 2 who I know did not (plus my wife) I understand they took the shots and several were ill as a consequence.

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By "we," whom do you mean?

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Indeed. Why should I be ashamed of myself? I knew these shots were garbage from the very beginning. (also, this is the problem w/organized religion. They want me to feel SHAME for everything and nothing. I refuse to do so. Shame is just another tool for control.)

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In this context of this comment string, I take issue with Greg's assertion that "we all should be ashamed of ourselves." Completely incorrect. He may have things for which he feels shame regarding this crime, but not all of us do. Some of us saw the crime while it was still just a twinkle in the eyes of the psychopaths...

That said, as individuals we choose all day every day to act nobly...or ignobly. Sometimes our behavior does result in outcomes for which we should be very much ashamed of ourselves. Shame -- to use your word, BC -- is a tool for correcting our own ship. (I do get your point, though, about the extremes that men and women have taken religions.)

Other times, the opposite -- we behave in noble, admirable ways that stand as examples for ourselves and others of right conduct. Right conduct regardless of circumstances is the stuff of heroes and legends...

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Shame only until you know that the psy-op of trust in the fake do-gooders had us by the brain. Victims of evil many are. Few have been able(chosen?) to smell the Big Lie right away.

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They sure in hell did!!!

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Listen to “What is gnostic globalism.. podcast Charlie Kirk they’ve enlisted prominent pastors for their dirty deeds

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Pastor of my Baptist church in western NC erected a billboard suggesting It was divine to jab. I left the church. Wanted children jabbed also. How could I respect him anymore to guide the congregation.

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The evil Shepard leading their gullible flocks astray.

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Few things worse for than a wimp, a follower who by oath is supposed to lead.

Nobody ever hired a blind lost shepherd. Until, that is, biden and trudeau came along.

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Saw same in NC small towns, on Church bulletin and web sites, all promoting "CDC guidelines ", for attending church.

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Curious how the health dept communicated that with you.

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Congrats on being in the 10% of religious leaders that didn't cave in.

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I hope it's at least 10% I will never give in. My calling is to teach people about God not to tell them to take covid shots. I am protestant not Catholic, but I do have a friend that is a priest friend, and his flock knows that there are aborted fetal cells in the shots, and they do not want them.

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Many Catholics rejected the clot shot. The fetal lines used in research spoke loud and clear: a no go.

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But the Pope himself encouraged his flocks to get it and even the governing body of Jehovah Witnesses told the congregations they should get it! Disgusting leaders!!

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Disgusting indeed. 'Vaccination is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican' which was warning to those who looked.

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The jesuit pope is evil incarnate. And more and more folks are realizing the subversion of the Catholic church was necessary for the cabal to ruin civilization.

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As drbobDF indicates the Catholic church was always a top down organization, a perversion of what Jesus Christ came to set up, not bottom up as Jesus meant it to be.

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Pretty funny. Look at the entire history of the Catholic church (not that others are better) and let me know when it wasn't subverted.

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The fish rots from the head down LOL. To be honest I half suspected the pope would go along with it but the JWs? Mormons? Protestants? Moslems? Jews? Hindus? Buddhists?; Most found an excuse to go along. Just proves people are all the same regardless of religion.

The funniest part is Scientology. So Scientology is the only "sane" religion? LMAO. They went along with the mask & cleaning hype but probably didn't inject much would be my guess. Given their clique-ishness and "fees" for everything I'm sure their doctors forged a lot of injection paperwork.

We live in a society where almost 100% of businesses, politicians, media; 99% of medical; 95% of unions; 10% of religions ALL went along with it. Not since the halcyon days of the British East India Company has a drug cartel controlled the west like this.

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Even the Church of Christ Scientist whose entire philosophy is based on healing solely through prayer, backed taking the shots.

They ALL completely sold out - totally unbelievable..

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We are in Jones Town.

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Or completely believable given the history of religion LOL

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I’m still in complete shock over it and the people I know who still defend it all and think it was the right thing to do. Blows my mind. So many people I know and love who could not and would not even discuss it. Will there ever be a day when my kids say to me. Mom. I wish we would have listened to you!😢

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I am so glad my kids have been too young to decide for themselves. They are definitely pro covid vaccine! And so are their friends at school, my parents, my husbands parents, all my personal friends, my neighbors, my colleges at work, and yes, everybody I know. Even my husband was pro covid vaccine until his friend died in his sleep. I am sorry that your kids were old enough to decide for themselves. This has been unstoppable. People just wouldn't listen to reason, not even my husband or my very best friend. But I do think and hope that most younger people will be mostly unaffected by the shots.

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I wonder also if my kids will ever say the same.

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Yes, but it has no theological value. It was a personal view and not obligatory under Catholic doctrine.

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But most go along because "the pope says so" just like "the doctor said it was safe and effective"

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Well. No. Of course not. It wasn’t under The JW flock either but many people listen to their religious leaders

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The current Pope seems to be on the payroll of pharma and the WEF.

I was a catholic priest I would tell my flock to ignore him.

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The cabal is composed of the Vatican, senior Jews and Muslims and the CCP.

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Agreed, but strictly Jews who say they are Jews but are not but are of the synagogue of Satan. These are spread throughout the world in all sorts of religions and organizations.

And don't forget Germany, strictly Nazis/Marxists/comunists who all came out of Germany originally. Germany has been running the EU for its own benefit and is in the Fourth Reich.


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What's happening in China is a prelude to what 'they' (cabal) want worldwide!

Resist in any way possible!

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The current pope feels compelled to speak on too many subjects. He is totally political. I feel sorry for committed Catholics.

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Committed Catholics are just fine to the extent that they integrated their teachings about evil. Their antenna was up. Most of them i hope. There are 2 kinds of everyone these days. Covid saw to the division.

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Thank you for posting this, it heartens me to hear that you resisted the "push." I was and remain hugely disappointed with so many church leaders. Many rabbis also. It seems they not only slept through high school biology, but they didn't comprehend the basic teachings of their own religious texts-- nor the meaning of the word "leadership."

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Very true. Jesus's teaching I had never quite got a handle on until I looked at it properly.


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Keep in mind that the Pope promoted it too. It should make people wonder if those who are in leadership roles in religion are really in touch with their "all-knowing Gods"?

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I certainly do keep it mind. It was a folly beyond catastrophe, for the institution of the church itself and for the many, many individuals who otherwise would not have taken the experimental mRNA injections.

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At first he did not because of the use of fetal stem cellls (from aborted babies). Then apparently the Pharma heads met with him and it was all hunky dory after that.

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As a Baptist minister the pope means nothing to me. And I have never promoted the covid shot. I have been pressured promote it but it's not why I am here. I have a higher calling

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Dec 30, 2022
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My priest has been an incredible supporter of freedom!

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You are fortunate!

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Lots of protestants are still pro-abortion. I met a doctor that was pro-

abortion. Once he saw an abortion in real life he freaked out and changed his mind. I am not able to describe what he told me as it is too hideous .

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You probably know that is the main reason abortion workers give for switching to pro-life. They are working in some other part of the clinic for years - then they see an abortion. Abby Johnson's organization "And Then There Were None" has helped over 600 former abortion workers with job placement and trauma counseling.

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Kerryn Phelps. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/australias-former-ama-president-defects

Looks like a lot of people aren't following the rule to post in another thread LOL

There were at least 2 others that I saw on Twitter, didn't save them though. I'll have to check again

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Never heard of John Cambell but I'm from the US. Calling to pause all covid shots seems completely logical yet the money and mission to inject every human on the planet with mrna will go on until there is mass resistance to the shots. This situation has reached biblical proportions

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This is Revelation playing out, judgement falling while the heaven;y Father cries out 'Do not take the shots my darlings, do not take them!'

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John Campbell is well known to nursing students around the world for his wonderfully informative videos.

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He is informative but there are those of us who knew the vaccines would be pointless at best when he started his videos. Indeed, that all vaccines ever were pointless. And there were people before those of us who knew before 2020 which was when I woke up, who had been trying to warn us.

He is still woefully behind and, depending on what he really does know (he may well know more than he is telling), is very ignorant of what is actually going on.

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The great thing about Dr. John is that he offers ALL his books and educational manuals FREE on his site.

He was initially pro vax and it pained me to listen, but then the gradual truth dawned on him and you could read it on his face, the shock and disgust. He really swallowed the red pill big time. Good for you Dr John

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It's taken him a long time to get to this point and he is nowhere near skeptical enough on official data.

He still pushed some daft ideas like China's rise in cases being related to the relaxation of restrictions, rather than actually questioning the data from China in the first place. Have a look at the "total coronavirus deaths" graph for an example of how bullshit China's data is: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/china/#graph-cases-daily

But hey, at least he is half way awake, even if it is kind of late.

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Not sure about half -way awake, but better than nothing! China was always a Red Herring.


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Dec 30, 2022Edited
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(1) He is a wonderful teacher. (2) He has been bringing information about vaccine injuries for months. (3) His thousands of vital teaching videos are held hostage by YouTube which threatens to delete these health resources if he steps out of line. (4) You should be your own advocate. Nurses have way little power and influence. (5) Nurses are also targets of propaganda and coercion The nurses who openly advocated against the jab were fired...

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I disagree. I think he bought the narrative, and over the 2 years I've been following him, I saw him slowly figure out that things weren't quite right. I would say that he was red-pilled maybe six months ago. And has been trying to dance around the YT restrictions to let us know.

There is only so much one man can do.

And I'd say that the last couple of months, he's been getting more and more visibly irritated by the policies in place.

So give him a break.

In a way - he's done this the right way - he's taken people along with him. Most folks I know who are going to become red-pilled - they don't get there overnight. They need to be lead. If you can convert them at all.

So I find your view on this lacking.

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The comment you refer to is deleted but John Campbell is, if anything, controlled opposition, gradually leading people into the realisation that vaccines are a Bad Idea. One day he may arrive at the realization that all vaccines are a Bad idea and that big pharma is a Bad Idea.

And even then that will only be the tip of a very big evil iceberg so he had better get a move on, time is short.

But he was recommending the vaccines when those of us who knew understood they would be harmful back in 2020 before the vaccine roll-out.

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Those that pushed the shots that killed and impaired people that have changed their minds ok.

Yet I do not have the capacity to forgive them for their ignorance and obedience. I am not a human doctor but instantly realized there was no clinical indication to mass inject the whole world for a virus that can be treated with cheap generic medicines

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It’s one thing to admit you got it wrong and ‘jump ship’ but much praise and admiration should be given to those who put ethics and common sense before anything else and warned early on, at great risk and cost to themselves.

As far as big pharma is concerned it’s ‘job done’ Enough profit has been made and enough people have taken the jab to give them a good idea, what in their ‘brew’ worked and how much ingredient a,b,c,d was too much or was too little. Other sectors of the global economy, those that agreed to go along with covid scam have prospered too.

it was mainly due to scientists, doctors and others who before the jab was available, were giving strong warnings that emboldened me to ‘fire off ‘ emails daily to family and friends passing on the information and warnings. Steve has already covered who many of these people were in another blog, which I think many including myself are extremely grateful for.

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"There is no way anyone is going to explain how John Campbell could have switched sides."

Now you're being ridiculous. Campbell changed sides because he realized he backed the wrong horse. Duh.

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He’s got two years of video that reveal exactly how he changed his mind. That is one of the best parts about this.

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What is your stance on pet vaccines?

Do you acknowledge the chronic diseases, cancers and deaths they cause?

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We talk about not giving something to a human let alone to a dog. But we poison them and ourselves with vaccines and other big pharma drugs.

Not any more in my case as I have enough immuno-therapy poisons in my system which I am trying to clear out from 2020. These are probably similar to current vaccines.

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I like pets. Why do we need to be protected from them?

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We don’t..

In some instances they need to be protected from us..

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I recently lost my cat to a horrible death 3 days after a rabies shot. Last year. It solidified my new antivax stance. I had a nasty response to my second Pfizer shot. Now I’m wondering if my other cat, who died 2018 of heart failure, also fell victim from her rabies shot. She got a bill of health from her vet and the next day she developed shortness of breath which i attributed to heat stress. But, wasn’t improving with cooler temps and was soon diagnosed as heart failure. She lasted 9 months but declined very rapidly. I had no suspicions about the vax but am reflecting back now. Now I have a new kitten but I’m absolutely NOT getting her vaccinated.

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after my kids were vaxx injured in the 80s and 90s I stopped vaccinating my pets. I refuse to comply. The only two cats that have had LIFE threatening urinary blockages were the 2 brothers I adopted. They were the ONLY cats heavily vaxxed before adoption. NEVER AGAIN> Even my vet now tells me he doesnt think even pet food is safe much less vaccines. People are coming along.

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Dec 31, 2022
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They are declining to even do a nail trim now if your pets are not currently up to date.

I had a great vet who worried when my cat had shortness of breath and 14 hour fever and needed steroids after rabies vaxx.

He didn’t seem to mind I was mostly skipping her consecutive shots.

When I did it again years later he gave her a pre steroid and suggested we do that going forward.

I think she had 3 shots in her 17 years.

When she was about 14 I contemplated having her teeth cleaned and he said he wouldn’t do the surgery on my indoor only cat without the vaxx.

He’d become a shot nazi.

I never had her teeth cleaned, and I never went back to him.

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Here’s pet advocate Jan Rasmusen on “Standing Up To Your Veterinarian:”


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Rabies is the ONLY vaccine mandated by law in the US - no other vaccinations are legally mandated.

Absolutely NO pet who is sick should EVER be vaccinated, and waivers can be obtained from a vet in certain circumstances.

Due to the loss of his dog Maggie following the rabies vaccine, Al Casapulla initiated a bill in his state of Delaware that now allows titer testing in lieu of the rabies vaccine.

Any vet who says they require proof of vaccination to treat your pet does not have your pet’s well being in mind, and should be avoided at all costs - there are plenty of holistic vets out there who will treat your pet without requiring vaccination - See resources below.

Find a homeopathic vet who will detox your pet with homeopathic remedies - pet vaccines can harm your pet in countless ways that may not be readily visible, and cause chronic disease, cancers, and many other physical and emotional issues further down the line.

Pet vaccines contain toxic adjuvants that will harm your pet, please don’t take them lightly.

Please take the time to research the best holistic vet for your pet - your pet’s life depends on it.

Dr. Pitcairn referrals:


Protect The Pets vet referral list:


American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA):


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I also did not get yearly vaccination but for some dumb reason I did this last time even though I had had my bad reaction to cv19 death shot and swore I’d never take another vax again! Ugh, I don’t know what I was thinking! Both my cats were indoors! Well, that sealed the deal for me to never take a pharmaceutical ever again.

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Sorry to hear you weren't thinking but so glad it wasn't fatal. If it is any compensation I had 9 sessions of immuno-therapy in 2020 (probably like 9 vaccines in as many months).



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> Do you acknowledge the chronic diseases, cancers and deaths they cause?

Do you have any reading material to back up that claim? In 2019 I wouldn't have thought twice about vaccinating myself or the dog we have got since then. Now I want to look into things a bit more.

There is a vaccine for leshmania, but we still have to give him syrup for it 1 month out of every 3 even with the vaccine, so I am wondering what the point is. Rabies seems a bit more worthwhile, but again, I would like to see some data on chances of catching rabies, versus chances of adverse effects.

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There is so much to say here.

I’ve been investigating pet vaccines for the past two years.

I’m now having a documentary produced on this topic.

If you can share an email address with me, I can give you some critical links that will help you with your questions.

One of the vets who will be participating in our documentary is Dr. Marcie Fallek, I believe she may do phone consults. (See below).

Go to Dogs Naturally.com and punch in “vaccines” for up to date info on pet vaccines by DVMs who are very well versed on this topic.

Fully investigate the rabies vaccine - it can cause untold harm to your pet, besides inducing serious aggression and anxiety in your pet.

A lot of these cases of dogs (and cats and horses) attacking other pets and humans - followed a rabies vaccine.

Knowing what I know now, I would never vaccinate my pet - instead build up their natural immunity with the best diet, possibly supplements, homeopathy, fresh air, clean water and exercise.

Do not underestimate the power of your pet’s natural immunity.



“The Big Scam: Rabies Vaccination”

John Fudens HMC, December 15, 2021


Dr. Marcie Fallek:




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Donald Trump was not into flu shots, but since December 2020 he promoted the injections as life saving solution

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Do you ”he had no choice" group of people know who really had no choice, no say in the plandemic? It's the innocent children who had no choice, while idiotic adults led the kids down the path to destruction.

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What's with this "he/she had no choice" for an excuse?

Do we want a leader who can decide national policy with the only choice to go along with evil?

So..the Nazi officers said they had no choice, should they be a leader of anything?

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You have a point. The problem of 'no choice' (or 'bc it's my job' is another one I've heard) is we only end up repeating the cycle and pattern. It makes me feel like we are colliding with the perpetrators.

And people get annoyed by the same atrocities happening over and over.

It's paradox.

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It's sad that many are still making excuses, these people will likely support the next NWO agent disguised as a friend of the people.

"he's not an epidemiologist/scientist/immunologist/doctor"

"he got bad advice from swamp creatures"

Ok, well the excuses can be put under consideration IF he came out against the poison jab, but he didn't (Trump was silent on the subject when the military was taking the clot shots) and the last time he spoke on the topic was promoting the injections.

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Alex Jones asked DJT (they are friends) to retract what he said about getting the Bio Weapon and basically just say he was wrong. He'd been misinformed by the swamp creatures surrounding him.

DJT ignored Alex's request and that doesn't please me.

DJT the president made a mistake, but he hasn't found the humility to admit he was wrong/misinformed and that troubles me greatly.

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yes I saw that message from AJ.

Should we support people that don't learn from their mistakes, or blindly guided by ego?

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Dec 30, 2022
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All DJT has to say is that he was misinformed and followed the advice of Fauci and the other cronies. If he doesn't, then to me it seems that even he has ACCEPTED a financial incentive (with his wealth?) to push the genocide jab. Maybe he should also start meeting the people with adverse effects and the families of the dead.

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Dec 30, 2022
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if its sabotage, then he is sabotaging "we the people" and if you ask why, remember George Carlin's words: IT'S A BIG CLUB AND YOU AIN'T IN IT

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He didn't have a choice. The military are behind the vaccine programme and the vials were long in the making before so-called warp speed. I don't like him but he was just following orders. Look at the substack of Sasha Lytipova

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He's also NOT an epidemologist so he cut thru the red tape to make a vax he was TOLD by his (backstabbing) experts that it was safe, effective and would save tens of millions of lives. Wallenski even LAUGHED when she testified that she LIED to the President to further the VAX narrative.

It may be a BIT late now but I wish Trump had clarified that point. IF the vax had proven safe and effective against a virus with a 60-70% mortality rate he would have been a global hero for cutting thru 5 to 8 YEARS of red tape. Everybody around him lied to im and the msm and the morons still blame him for f-king up.

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By the way the mortality rate of covid is more like 2%. But if you get put on the fauci protocol of a vent and remdesivir your death rate is about 95%

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No it is not. It depends on your age group.

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Spot on. Deaths from covid are not that great. When it hit, it was killing the elderly and people with comorbidities. The rest of the population were hardly touched and that includes teenagers, children and babies and pregnant mothers.

Now look at what's going on since the Bio Weapon roll out. Even Pfizer has a list of all the adverse effects and death, that their Bio Weapon causes. Yet they still continue pushing it.

I knew from the very beginning and especially after the death of Italian Augusta Turiaco, 55 that something was not right. And how many tens of thousands have died since the Bio Weapon was rolled out.

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Most of the elderly died from hopsital protocols (vents and remdisever) and morphine and midoolam. Not from Covid...and certainly not from early multi drug therapy...witness Dr. Mc Culoughs father, he pulled him through despite heart and age and other issues.

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Sorry to change the story but Trump had nothing to do with the production of the covid shots. The covid mrna shots were developed and patented by the DOD years before Trump took office. The whole warp speed thing is just a public relations joke.

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That doesn’t excuse his cooperation with an obviously fake narrative which is now unquestionably false and being imposed by force.

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There's more to this bio weapon than just Trump Warp speed. Read this:https://bioclandestine.substack.com/p/russian-mil-begin-naming-names-fauci

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Yes!!! I have just commented the exact same thing above.

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If you read Dr. McCullough's book - President Trump ordered massive supplies of HCQ be delivered to NYC immediately because it had the highest death rate in the world. This Dr. Bright, whoever the hell he is, defied Trump and made it obtainable only in hospital which was too late - EARLY TREATMENT within the first five days was crucial, before the inflammation hit the lungs. He tried Neo - but the pressure and hatred towards him was enormous. I don't know anyone who could have withstood the attacks he's had and still is having. Find this Dr. Bright -and indict these scumbags. Every single physician who refused to treat us early is guilty of malpractice.

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Oh yes. I want his head on a platter. I'll bring the watercress myself.

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Malpractice? Medical mass murder more like it. I remember Dr Zelenko explaining that as well. The fraudulent Sturgisphere paper was used as an excuse to stop president Trump's order to make HCQ "available to every American". They didn't go back once the paper was retracted of course.

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They could not allow any legitimate early treatments to be used because if there was an accepted, effective treatment around, the mRNA jabs wouldn't have been able to get emergency authorization

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The media (and some doctors) played their part in demonising Ivermectin.

Non of this covid scam would have worked if not for the media being in on it.

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Dec 30, 2022
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"Covid in NYC"? The highest death rate resulted from denial of treatment, the wrong treatment, late treatment, malpractice, abuse of the PCR to hike "cases,", etc., etc.

This is all well known at this point. There was no pandemic. There was the rollout and perpetuation of a 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒.

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Yes it was a deliberate evil crime. There were excellent Mercy ships also prepared should they need them, but NY did not utilize. I wrote Covid in NYC because I misunderstood the part of the comment I was replying to that "doors" wrote. Sorry, I thought he/she was saying that HCQ caused the highest death rate. I will delete my comment about NYC to lessen confision.

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Because of the vents.

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As in storyline highest or reality highest? Because there was no death rate in NYC. It was totally made up.

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5G rollout!

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Murder in the hospitals. Ventilators and no other treatment. People left to die. Sick people put into nursing homes. Complete malpractice.

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Be it careless or deliberate intent to harm or kill, they didnt care. It was all for their greed and agenda

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In reality the covid mrna shots were patented by the DOD in 2013 so the whole Trump warp speed thing is nothing but public relations BS.

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Sadly he was misinformed. Would that be called misinformation or disinformation?

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Steve was misinformed and then quickly corrected himself.

But at the mo I don't see that happening with the 45th.

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Trump was misinformed and was surrounded by back stabbers, including big tech.

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So what's he doing now???

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still promoting the jab as 0f 2022

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I don't think he has responded to Alex Jones's plea, right?

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We will see...

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Steve was misinformed, but a US President has access to intel and plenty of truthful scientists, but Trump stuck to pride and ego for guidance hence people like Fauci got into the decision seat to promote more fake science.

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Remember when Trump said something to the effect that Big Pharma won't like what he's going to do?

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Can't say l do?

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He had no choice. The military are behind the vaccine programme and the vials were in production years before. Operation Warp Speed was just a front, he was following orders.

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Can't stand the guy but he had no choice in promoting them. This vax programme is being run by the military.

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Alex Azar was advising and working for the cabal. He trusted people he shouldn’t have.

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Trump was misinformed & surrounded by back stabbers, including big tech etc. It wasnt really pride & ego, but more due to dizzying fake science from Fowchi, Cee-dee-cee, and all of them.

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Well, according to him he has a super genius sized brain. You did not need that to realise that the mRNA abominations will kill/maim in more ways than there are stars in the sky. All you needed was a basic knowledge of human cellular biology coupled with a couple of functioning brain cells. Something Trump obviously lacked - else he was threatened or something. Either way, I do not know how anyone can support him going forward - he is a mass killer.

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Disappointing. Shows a lack of discernment and poor judgement in who he chose to listen to. Although he vociferously supported the vaccine for awhile. Lately he has fallen silent on the vaccine. Is he reevaluating or sensing the beginning of a change in the direction of the wind? I know Roger Stone and at least one of his kids are friends with Ty and Charlene Bollinger and the Truth About Cancer and their Truth About Vaccines program so a change in his position on the jab is not impossible. When it is politically advantageous to change, he will change. His previous decision to withdrawal the US from the WHO suggest he might be more amenable to an argument that the WHO's World Pandemic Treaty is a threat to US sovereignty and any "make America great again" program.

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As far as big pharma is concerned it’s ‘job done’ Enough profit has been made and enough people have taken the jab to give them a good idea, what in their ‘brew’ worked and how much ingredient ‘a,b,c,d’ was too much or was too little. Other sectors of the global economy, those that agreed to go along with covid scam have prospered too.

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He called the c19 injections are his greatest achievement

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Methinks the cabal got to him:” hey, Don, remember what the swamp did to kennedy...?”

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Clearly. And their agents are still raiding ppl's homes with weird search warrants, causing damages.

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Either that or was a set up from the start, which he may or may not know the plan the NWO parasites had for his presidency then add the picks of advisors were obvious from the parasite swamp, but why would he care since the presidency is a big ego trip for a person with big hunger for ego?

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Presidents do as they are told or they take a ride in open top limousine.

They know what they are signing upto.

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Yes, and prone to the lies that surround him, and his wealth confers fake immunity on him from accountability.

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For people that are out to feed on big ego, accountability, responsibility are not of concern to them.

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I saw on the news bk then around the time when he left the office, he and his wife received the jabs too.

Yes he is cozy with pharma.

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All of DC parasites are in the pocket of pharmakeia. They don't get to be a political candidate if they fight agaisnt pharmakeia/sorcery/luciferianism/santanism, which these dark forces are out to spiritually and physically corrupt people.

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Fundamentally I see him as a business man, driven by profit making. He puts himself and his family first.

Thus what he thinks is in the best interest of American ppl is not necessarily what American ppl think is in the best interest of American ppl and the rest of the world.

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You might want to rethink this, as Trump is down big money because of his presidency. Obama, Clinton and Biden made millions in DC. Compare their wealth before and after office.


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Perhaps different definitions?. It could be a difference between a career politician and a bold business man.

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As ANY highly mutagenic pathogen CAN NOT be vaccinated with B-cell Antibody evoking way, can we please STOP all of them? (All infecting, transfecting, injected...)

We learned so much early treatment recipes we just have to adopt to other pathogens, and are done.

Take any "effectiveness" some vaccine may have, and surpass it by treatment, done.

If you want 99.999% you have to have 1:10^5 suppression of severe cases by your interventions. This means you need 5 interventions having 90% efficacy. Or 10 with 80% etc..

We can APPLY all we have learned from innate antibodies being trained up to sterilizing immunity.

(Take snot from patient 0, sterilize and filtrate, dilute in nasal spray, give to the vulnerable. 3min. time delay. Spray 4x/day, 1 week, Done with first round of training already giving protection against severe cause.

MEASURE it, before and after the "training" week, and watch out for "passers-by" training.

Measure: e.g. IgG and IgA mucosal antibodies against the pathogen like used in all papers seriously dealing with innate trained antibodies.

(I'm no specialist, could think one would have to measure binding energy or protective effect of mucosal secretions against infecting cells in culture vs. control group or sample taken before the training vs. after).

THAT's vaccine technology I WOULD like.

Being humanistically:

cheap, available, effective, safe, TRANSPARENT.)

Add protection of the vulnerable and as early treatment:

1x/day: give 4 rounds in 1min of "breathing in, spray to nose, throat RING and 1 puff under tongue to saliva glands" of inorganic antiseptic nasal sprays. (Emulating gargling with better cover.)

(Or use 5x/day film building antiviral nasal sprays like xylitol, iota-carrageenan or other sprays.)

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I know alot of people like Campbell. I dont. I watched him PROMOTE the shots even until mid 2022. I have no use for cowards. He was constantly beating the drum for the Establishment, claiming they were just making errors or mistakes. He makes me sick.

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Hi Baldmichael, I try to be as open minded as I can. I read your comment and wondered if you might be right about Campbell. I have to admit that I have considered several times through the past 3 years that there is no real opposition. That everything may be a game, and controlled. But then I figured: if that were true, then why keep up the pretence?

So my reasoning now is that there is real opposition. This is not a done and dusted deal. These sociopaths are still in a fight, and the outcome is not already a forgone conclusion.

Now back to Campbell: when I watch him, he gets very upset at times, and his level of sarcasm is incredible. At present: I do not think he is controlled opposition. Of course I could be wrong, but as I said at the beginning of this reply to you: if everyone is controlled, then they don't need to put up any illusion any more do they? So in my view, I respectfully think you have this one wrong. I suppose time will tell us all we need to know.

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Took to long. Why did a layman like I and many others, come to this conclusion over a year ago?

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Took to long. Why did a layman like I and many others, come to this conclusion over a year ago?

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Nice to hear Cambell's concession but all the bullshit coming out of his mouth still makes it a painful listen.

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We had the greatest economy that spanned al ethnic groups, we had peace in the world, we were respected and yes, feared by our enemies. Sorry but I disagree - Read Dr. McCullough's book - Trump most likely was unaware that this Dr. Bright sent the HCQ to NYC but made it impossible to obtain unless you were hospitalized. This was discovered afterwards. My daughter was prescribed HCQ by a famous NYC neurologist and it was almost impossible to get it filled. When we finally picked it up the pharmacist told me daughter - I wouldn't take that if I were you - it's dangerous - this from a pharmacist who had to know that millions of people take HCQ daily for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and are fine. With that creep Cuomo on national news every day? Trump had no chance. There would have been riots had he stopped the vax. It was Trump who passed the "Right to Try" law so that terminal people can try experimental drugs.

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The timing of what data was known and how long it has been ignored should be laid out chronologically. It will provide the basis for indicating the proponents of the mRNA experiment. Each additional price is severely damning.

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My mom is under the impression Campbell has always been anti-covid-vax from day one.

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Excellent. That's a win. I've been frustrated with him all along until recently, but welcome to common sense reality Dr. Campbell.

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I dislike Campbell. Be courageous and make your announcement on you tube. Dr. McCullough and others put their reputations on the line, why can't John Campbell do the same? Doing it on Rumble is good, but he should do it on You Tube also.

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I have to say I agree, but then I say John is controlled opposition, gently leading the sheep away form utter ignorance.

But he is still way off the whole horrible truth about vaccines, the NHS and big pharma etc generally.

I told the truth on my website, all of it re vaccines in 2020 including those behind it all in general terms. And it cost me something to do it when my own health was not good.

Technically I even lost my job because the firm i worked for was stupid although it was no big deal as I then had more time for my site. That is not the whole story but enough to say I dislike John Campbell who was pushing the vaxxes when I knew they were pointless at best.

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I'm so sorry you lost your job, it happened to so many of us!!!! Can you give me your website's address?

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Link at end gives the info on vaccines, there are various sub-links within to explain the aspects. You go to world menu for other stuff or use search box and see what comes up.

My home page sets the scene together with my CV.

My approach is unusual and I cover all sorts from sublime to the ridiculous. I use humour a lot, typically plays on works or puns and I am not PC.


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Steve, you know no one is going to have examples of "red to blue"! And I'm so disappointed in John Campbell for being so late to the "party". I realize "better late than never", but..... long time coming for such an otherwise intelligent guy.

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I love Steve and I love Dr. Campbell. HOWEVER, STEVE.... You said "The end is near." I wholeheartedly disagree, 100% disagree. This isn't even close to being over. I'm not sure it will even be over in my lifetime, which hopefully has another 3.5 decades.

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If we can be so inaccurate as to say Donald Trump is a "thought" leader, he went from red to blue. Of course he is as ignorant as can be about nearly all the subjects about which he claims to be the world's greatest expert, but so many pre 2016 vax skeptics were counting on him to provide some real investigation into vax "safety" that I thought he was worth mentioning. I keep wondering which will catch up with him first, the legal system or the inevitable C shot effects.

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Nurse John is directly responsible for the deaths and injuries of tens of thousands of his followers, yet I've heard no apologies, no remorse, no contrition. Instead, he's more concerned about playing silly self-censoring games to save his hugely profitable YT channel. Does anyone else see a huge disconnect here? Has he shed a single tear on his YT channel for all the death and misery he's created? If so, please provide links.

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More concerned about his income.

Why aren't people more angry about clowns like him?

No one really trusted big pharma.

It's was idiots like him that sold the vaxx.

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Because people have short memories and take everything at face value. Here he is just the other day pushing the ridiculous narrative that 100,000 Chinese people are dying from omicron every month...


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