"...another one bites the dust!" - for real

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My guess is that they will say it was an “undiagnosed heart issue” that so many young people are mysteriously being diagnosed with after the V.

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I love how they say there is 0 evidence for the shot causing his death. If you don't look for it (whatever "it" might be), you surely won't find it. Why not an autopsy just to prove the anti-orthodox narrative folks wrong?

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I love the way they can say zero evidence for the shot causing his death, and then bold faced say that 'shooting' people (!) as it were is the reason that some so-called disease has been eliminated. They cannot have their cake and eat it.

Of course vaccines, all vaccines ever, are crap so why anybody should think putting crap in ones body will be any good beats me.

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I sometimes feel a bit bad when I lie to a doctor and tell her my tetanus shot is up to date. I didn't even have the polio shots/pills back in the day. Maybe that's why I have so rarely ever had flu - maybe twice in my life. Now I have sniffles and occasional sore throats. I did get the Omicron variety of flu when I finally went on a trip surrounded by shot & boosted people. It lasted about 6 days and I have gotten worse colds coming back from Europe on long flights. So far, knocking wood is about as effective as anything. ha ha

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Don't we think this was the probable reason for it all. We in this group have undoubtedly seen the Billy Gate's video where he discusses the need for depopulation. So, it's all working out. They, whoever they are, will need some people to do the work for them.

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Yes, they will, but I often wonder why they would want the unvaxed to be the survivors. You would think that would be their worst nightmare!

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It's people from predominantly western nations that are succumbing to the shots. Why? Because we've been given abundant vials of the Bio Weapon to do the trick, while the Third world haven't and their victim numbers are considerably lower than ours. The unvaxxed as the survivors true, will not go down well with the Elites. But NEVER FORGET their agenda was to make massive profit and depopulation at the same time. They've had quite a success with making immense $profits and also the depopulation of Western civilisation where we make up 7% of the whole worlds population and for us it's decreasing.

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I am not sure they counted on us still being around to object to the shots, and, consequently, not get them.

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They'll find other ways to get rid of us. Thing is we must do our best to get rid of them. The winner takes all.

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Yesterday there was an important press conference from the german party AfD.

Tom Lausen (data analyst) had access to 72 million patient data and analyzed them for "died suddenly". There was an increase of more than 150% from 2020 to 2021.

Here it is possible to analyze the data yourself. In the cockpit you can enter diagnosis like (R96.0 for "died suddenly" (+1000% increase in 2021) or R96.1 for "died within 24h of symptoms" (+1474%) or R98 (+640%) for "died without presence of somebody else" in the ICD field). You can also leave it blank to see all diagnosis.


Here the video (german) of the press conference


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Here are ten who died suddenly in the last 7 days (from 5th to 12th of December - on german webpages). You won't find 10 in a week before 2021.

1. https://sportbild.bild.de/fussball/wm-2022/fifa-wm-2022/wm-2022-zweiter-journalist-stirbt-in-katar-82226094.sport.html

2. https://www.bild.de/regional/saarland/saarland-news/ploetzlich-verstorben-radiomoderator-43-tot-in-wohnung-gefunden-82220628.bild.html

3. https://www.bild.de/sport/fussball/fifa-wm-2022/fussball-wm-2022-in-katar-us-sportreporter-grant-wahl-stirbt-auf-tribuene-82209386.bild.html

4. https://www.bild.de/regional/dresden/dresden-aktuell/tragoedie-im-innenministerium-sachsens-polizei-trauert-um-cybercrime-chef-58-82201728.bild.html

"Thomas Uslaub (58, Leitender Kriminaldirektor) brach am Mittwochmittag bei einem Termin im Innenministerium plötzlich zusammen, war sofort tot."

5. https://www.merkur.de/lokales/muenchen/stadt-muenchen/muenchen-ostbahnhof-frau-verstorben-bahngleis-ztz-91970470.html

"Eine Frau ist am Sonntagnachmittag, den 11. Dezember, ohne Fremdeinwirkung zusammengebrochen, die eingetroffenen Einsatzkräfte konnten nichts mehr für die 64-jährige Frau tun."

6. https://www.ksta.de/koeln/ehrenfeld/ehrenfeld/koeln-ehrenfeld-koelner-bricht-vor-kneipe-zusammen-und-stirbt-377888?cb=1670891395903

7. https://www.aachener-zeitung.de/nrw-region/niederlande/piet-taselaar-54-stirbt-in-der-kueche-des-sternerestaurants_aid-81057323

8. https://www.dorstenerzeitung.de/dorsten/dorsten-trauertgerhard-schute-73-unerwartet-verstorben-w672196-4000670453/

9. https://www.wp.de/staedte/ennepetal-gevelsberg-schwelm/ennepetal-philipp-mauritz-mit-nur-55-jahren-verstorben-id237127633.html

10. https://www.nw.de/lokal/kreis_herford/herford/23430672_Deutschlandweit-bekannter-Herforder-Disco-Chef-ist-tot-Trauer-um-Michael-Bueter.html

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There's always the remote possibility he died of boredom while covering soccer.

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That dead guy must have made big bucks. I have worked with hundreds of female physicians and yet to see them date or marry someone below their "social status or educational level" In any case she probably pressured her husband into getting the shots. So basically, she is responsible for his death. Curious if he also had a million-dollar life insurance policy.

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Off topic but I used to work for OHSA and worked closely with Workers Compensation. It would seem to me that if your employer forces you to get a covid shot and you have an adverse reaction, no matter how minor or severe. Workers' compensation is responsible not only for your medical care but paying your salary for lost time. If the shot causes permanent damage, you are also entitled to a cash settlement called "an impairment rating" In my case I just refused the shot and was lucky to get a religious exemption.

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His family prefers to blame Qatari “homophobes” instead. An autopsy wouldn’t support that.

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RIP. If only people were that enthusiastic about real science, not the word "science".

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His wife was one of Biden's initial Covid "expert team". I doubt his family wants to hear your views... The rest of us have little doubt about the cause.

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The word Biden "covid expert team" was so funny that I almost lost bladder control.

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Sorry for that! :-)

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I wonder if someone is keeping track of all of the people who bragged on Social Media about being vaxxed and some even made fun of those not getting vaxxed, then died from vax. This keeps happening. Seen it several times now.

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Yes, I would like a list.

I mentioned a doctor here. Any others to add greatly appreciated.


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Actually, I have seen it more than one hundred times. The website gateway pundit covers most of these dead vax advocates. Most of the dead were under 50 years old.

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Is there access to a list via link?

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this 'group think' 'mob mentality' that obama infected the world with isn't going so well for the ignorant arrogant virtue signalers who took the bait.

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