Austria is now kicking it up another notch. Mandatory vaccinations for EVERYONE... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10220735/Europes-Covid-crisis-Austria-makes-vaccines-mandatory-EVERYONE.html

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Watch the numbers rise...two weeks from now...every country who tried jabbing their way out of this mess..just make things a whole heap worse.

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Für Ihre Sicherheit!

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Umm just so you know your neighbours to the North are being treated the same!

I’m not vaccinated and we are only allowed to work, get food, booze/drugs (to keep us stupid)?

Canada is full on Nazi Germany

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One thing that really frustrates me about these coercive measures is that for a certain number of people, they actually work. Stay strong, Austrians, and focus on the long game.

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I don’t think any of the measures work at all. Perhaps you mean something else.

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Apologies, I was unclear. I just mean that measures that are designed to coerce people do succeed in being coercive. I know people who resisted vaccination for months and months until they finally caved because of this relentless campaign.

I certainly did not mean the measures are effective in combating covid-- that's obviously not what they're designed for.

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I did misconstrue your post! Sorry 😐

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Distressingly, I agree.

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I'm becoming particularly sensitive to cointel behavior in forums about COVID or other topics subject to censorship and I often wonder when I see weird little statements like this.

I'm starting to get convinced some of the black-pilling stuff is like this, too. Man, I used to be such a rational gal.

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Explain exactly what you mean by "they actually work," please.

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I mean that people in my life who didn't want to get vaccinated have gotten themselves or their teenagers vaccinated because of similar coercive measures-- "you can't do this unless you are fully vaccinated." I wish with all my heart that this were not the case, believe me.

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I live in Czech Republic. The government just approved new rules against the uninjected to go into effect on Sunday night. They are calling it "the Bavarian model". They decided -- for now -- not to follow the "Austrian model". According to the Czech govt, the Bavarian model means that negative tests are no longer valid to enter mass events and stores/services like restaurants and hair dressers. Only valid is proof of vaccination or natural immunity.

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At least they accept natural immunity. I can’t believe I just wrote that. Can you!?!?

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If this was only about the "vaccine passport" and the road to the Digital ID then why use these new MRNA/DNA vaccines which have all of these safety issues? We know now they knew these vaccines were neither safe or effective when they rolled them out. Again, there are a lot of balls in the air right now, and I just hope our "Rebel Leaders" are watching them all.

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Didn't this used to be called house arrest?

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And Germany to follow suit any day now. The incoming government just confirmed it.

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German article discussing whether police should drag people to be vaccinated: https://www.rnd.de/politik/impfpflicht-werden-ungeimpfte-bald-von-der-polizei-zum-impfarzt-gebracht-EWFGYQMUEFBXPAQZM5WQTK6ZUM.html

While this is more an opinion piece than actual news, I find it appalling that they're discussing it as if it's a possibility to handle the pandemic.

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I live in the state of New South Wales in Australia. The medical apartheid being brought to Austria had been active here since July. Those of us choosing to keep our ‘good hearts’ are still under house arrest but the inoculated were released in mid October as reward for their compliance when we supposedly reached 85% jabbed. First it was said we good hearts would be freed on 1 December but 2 weeks ago the government decided naw - let’s incentivise people and keep good hearts locked up till 15 December now. The no jab, no job mandate ensured we now have a 2 tier society of employed/unemployed as well. People are increasingly desperate and last week they approved poisoning the 5 to 11 year olds and implemented implied consent - if your kid is in school, you are ok with pop up jabfests on school grounds. Honestly, it so fuqing outrageous and happening so fast that people are just complying. The national propaganda broadcaster last week ran a piece about the new Robo-dogs that just arrived on our shores to help with building renovations. Yeah, right. If you are so inclined, pray to your gods for intercession please.

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Hold the line. I’m holding here in Canada, as are many more that I know. Many that got the first draw the line at the booster. We MUST stand strong

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Did you get the “text” emergency SMS today (Ontario). That got my back up! Just waiting for the unvaxxed lockdown. How fast we are marching towards totalitarianism, they already know who the troublemakers are.

My dad fought commies in Hungary, who knew I might do the same? This most evil and insidious of ideology’s never dies.

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I got a Border Securities call that I hung up on.

I’m glad to hear you will continue to fight for freedom because so many are still too comfortable and I’m Afraid that when they wake up it will be too late….we are approaching too late.

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This was an official Emergency SMS text from the govt. Usually for Amber Alerts but we all got one last year about covid.

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I also may have had my phone off. I have a hate-hate relationship with it.

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Keep holding the line. We are battling evil.

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I'm sorry for you, it's a sad state of affairs. People are calling on other governments to speak out against it and literally seeking asylum. We'll all be in the same boat before long. People have noted the media blackout on the conditions in Australia are in indicator of what's planned for here. https://twitter.com/reignitedemaust/status/1456089495229530114

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It was a surprising development. Business and a rare example of a non-corrupt judiciary. I'm not an optimist though.

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Far be it from me to separate anyone from their own compass. But I do love a win - any size! Good thing I don't play the pokies.

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It's a tentative win, they granted a stay. (BTW, when you post a substack link you can stop at the "?token" -" https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/unbelievable-but-apparently-true/comments "

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Well Joe - if your ‘here’ is the US of A you’ve got the best set of tools to beat this back and I pray you all show the world how it’s done. 💪🏻

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Don’t let them take your right to bear arms!!! It’s be auss we do not have that in Canada and Australia that they are doing this! Bare your arms!!

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They've been showing the world how it's done all over Europe, and it's impressive. I believe the protest sizes have exceeded the previous record of the Iraq war protests, but you have to be the type to look for them, because they aren't appearing on the evening news.

I think the barrier to mass protest in the US is the geographic size. The population is pretty well spread out across 75% of the landmass, and protests are limited in their usefulness. At the beginning, after I got over my shock at the coordination of over 190 countries, and the churches being closed (which I never suspected would happen in my lifetime) I'd hoped the issue would be solved by businesses and the 'upper middle class' with lawsuits challenging the blatantly unlawful "mandates" but they never happened.

All 3 branches are corrupt and co-opted. I'm not optimistic about the immediate future. I understand Australia doesn't even have a bill of rights, and they were disarmed 20 years ago with a false flag. http://mileswmathis.com/porta.pdf

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The Netherlands is about to install ‘2G’ which means you cannot go to non essential stores,… if you are unvaccinated. Only vaccination and (for 6 months) natural immunity counts. Natural immunity ‘proven’ by a PCR test though, not a serological test.

My country, Belgium, is also going to introduce stricter measures.

It’s going to be a long, long winter.

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Why do they call it "2G"?

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2G stands for ‘gevaccineerd’ (vaccinated) or ‘genezen’ (recovered from Covid, ‘proven’ by a PCR).

3G stands for vaccinated, recovered and ‘getest’ (tested).

Terminology comes from Germany but sadly, has been ‘adopted’ in the Low Countries (Netherlands/Belgium).

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"Natural immunity ‘proven’ by a PCR test though, not a serological test."

Then they get your weight with a stethoscope.. because our health matters.

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Having just spent all winter in lock up in the Southern Hemisphere winter, my deepest condolences. Go-to sanity advice: kick Hollywood and it’s particular brand of poison out of your headspace and protect your mind by also titrating your news feeds. Read books. Play music. Dance, paint, create, rest, contact ‘pure heart’ friends and chat. You aren’t alone but they want us to believe we are. You steal something from the robbers when you can live contentedly without their artifices.

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Yes, all those who are anti-Cov-vaxx MUST cancel cable. Otherwise funding big pharma.

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That’s wonderful advice, which I am doing my best to follow. My focus is on my children. Doing our best to give them a normal childhood.

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Good for you❤️

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I don’t know about ‘normal’ but having young ones to love and nurture is a sacred responsibility and incentive to foster a wholesome human world. Good on ya!

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There are a lot of balls in the air right now. I do think that these extreme measures make them look desperate.

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Not sure illness spreading like wildfire in the vaccinated is helping much either.

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And it's going to be a severe winter. When it rains it pours. Or...snows.

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Is this natural selection in action?

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There is nothing natural about this. It’s all global bioengineering using toxic, untested biological substances designed for population reduction via global genocide, enslavement of the population to be ruled by the economic elite. It’s intentional and demonic.

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I understand that, but to be honest the thing that gives me the most hope is the continually trumped up stat that 2/3rds of African Americans are not interested, and the protests worldwide that are showing this is largely a grassroots blue collar rebellion. But

Whatever metric you use, the hell scape we have turned our planet into is a result of actions of our so called skater betters. I mean 2hem I see the Australian federal health minister on hospital for two weeks after the jab, and a NSW minister develop guillane Barr syndrome on camera mid press conference, and then two weeks later be photographed wearing an eye patch and face mask to cover his facial paralysis, giving a big thumbs up as he gets shot two, I'm thinking natural selection. We are talking about the Darwin Awards sweepstakes. Anyone stupid enough to continue on the booster train at this point is a Darwin Awards candidate.

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I understand that, but to be honest the thing that gives me the most hope is the continually trumped up stat that 2/3rds of African Americans are not interested, and the protests worldwide that are showing this is largely a grassroots blue collar rebellion. But

Whatever metric you use, the hell scape we have turned our planet into is a result of actions of our so called skater betters. I mean 2hem I see the Australian federal health minister on hospital for two weeks after the jab, and a NSW minister develop guillane Barr syndrome on camera mid press conference, and then two weeks later be photographed wearing an eye patch and face mask to cover his facial paralysis, giving a big thumbs up as he gets shot two, I'm thinking natural selection. We are talking about the Darwin Awards sweepstakes. Anyone stupid enough to continue on the booster train at this point is a Darwin Awards candidate.

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Yes, now I see your point. Exactly on target.

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Does Austrian Science ignore natural immunity too? It’s shocking how stupid this tyranny is. Reflects even worse on the public than the psychopaths in charge.

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