Adverse events in Pfizer trial may have been underreported by 8X or more
Pfizer trial whistleblower, Brook Jackson, knows of at least 8 cases of anaphylaxis in the Pfizer trial, but 0 cases were reported to the FDA. This is fraud.
Executive summary
We have yet another piece of evidence suggesting Pfizer understated certain life-threatening serious adverse events by a factor of 10X or more
I’ve written about the COVID vax clinical trial fraud before. These things never get investigated by anyone and the medical community ignores all of them without investigation. That’s the way science works I guess.
But Brook Jackson just noted this:
Brook was involved in the Pfizer trial. She informed the FDA about what was going on and then she was fired just 6.5 hours after she called the FDA.
How does that happen?!?! You confidentially tell the FDA there is a problem and the FDA releases your identity to the drug company and you get fired on the same day?!? How is that supposed to encourage people to be whistleblowers!??! Meanwhile, the medical community doesn’t say a word about this. Did you see any outrage at all from anyone in the medical community about this? I didn’t hear a peep. I guess this is how science works.
Brook personally knows of at least 8 cases of anaphylaxis post-shot.
But Pfizer told the FDA that there were 0 cases of anaphylaxis in Summary Basis for Regulatory Action dated Nov 8, 2021 (see page 25):

Who is the more likely truth teller here? We can use math to answer that question
Let’s look at the numbers.
First, anaphylaxis is easy to spot since it happens right after vaccination.
The rate of anaphylaxis post COVID vaccination is well documented in the peer reviewed scientific literature (the Blumenthal MGH study published in JAMA): 2.47 per 10,000.
Let’s be clear: this is over 40X higher than for other vaccines per Pfizer’s own admission (247/M per Blumenthal study cf. 6/M expected!
In other words, just on this one life-threatening event alone, the COVID vaccines are 40X more dangerous than the typical vaccine.
Since there were 22,000 people who got the shot in the Pfizer trial, we expect to see around 5.4 cases of anaphylaxis.
Pfizer says 0. Brook says she knows of at least 8.
The standard deviation from the 5.4 expected cases is 2.3 since it’s a Poisson distribution.
This means that on the surface, Brook’s observation seems like it much more plausible (it’s within about 1 sigma of the mean whereas Pfizer’s report is more than 2 sigma from the mean).
Furthermore, if you believe Brook based on other factors (see the next section), her observation validates the JAMA paper numbers. These numbers are important, since they were used to derive the minimum underreporting factor of 41 in VAERS that I’ve written about many times. In fact, if you think Brook’s observations are more accurate than the JAMA paper, then the minimum VAERS underreporting factor should be closer to 82 which is devastating for the “safe and effective” narrative.
Brook Jackson has no incentive to lie
She puts herself at a huge financial risk of being sued by Pfizer. She is now out of a job and lives on donations sent to her GiveSendGo (which has only raised $6K to date). Not only that, she took out a $50K loan to fund medical treatments for the vaccine injured. That is extraordinary.
You can learn more about this incredible woman here. She is an unsung hero in the fight for truth. You can follow her on Twitter here.
For more about clinical trial fraud
I wrote previously about Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial fraud allegations that should be immediately investigated by the FDA.
Pfizer isn’t interested in talking about it to lift any clouds of suspicion.
The FDA said they would investigate but did NOTHING, even when it is clear cut as in the Maddie de Garay case.
Now we have yet another data point to add to the article which indicates that at least one adverse event was underreported by 10X or more. I wonder how many more adverse events there are like this? Unfortunately, nobody wants to know the answer to that, not the FDA, not Congress, not the CDC. Because it isn’t about your safety. It’s about not making people look bad.
Pfizer's veterinarian CEO Albert Bourla need to be smoked out of Israel and face the death penalty. I want every single penny this ba st ard has earn for Pfizer to be confiscated. Pfizer's entire board need to face the same fate, while these fckers are taken down and the entire company closed down and all revenues confiscated.
We all know this vaccine was a disaster. Too many senior researchers. doctors, specialists and nurses expressed apprehensions about it very early on due to zero validation and research data. Even when the reports about side effects began to surface they were forced to keep with the fake narrative.
Bourla pulled the "horse stunt" on us humans, as I've mentioned in a past comment. It was a marketing strategy to maximize sales. For those who don't remember the horse stunt - here's a recap:
Pfizer turned their attention to horse owners in 2012 for their new Hendra vaccine profit strategy created under the name Zoetis, a Pfizer partner used to take the heat for them while posing under a non-Pfizer name. Pfizer announced a fake pandemic, Zoetis had the magically "cure" very soon as the "pandemic" was announced, while Pfizer made sure to have their lobbyist and lawyers dupe the government. Pfizer hired powerful PR companies to engage all major media channels to make this "pandemic" sound particularly alarming. Soon people started believing this b/s.
Pfizer's team then made sure that local authorities contacted veterinarians in every single region to make sure they were convinced of the dire situation with this "pandemic", and to announce a new government policy (lobbied by Pfizer, of course). This policy aimed to force people to vaccinate their horses with the Hendra vaccine. Failure to comply was punished severely and horse owners and their animals pressured with lockdowns. Horse owners refusing to vaccinate their animals over concern for their health and safety were ostracization by other horse communities (all orchestrated by negative PR, of course), and banned from attending competitions, blocked from accessing stables to keep their horses (sound familiar?), get accused and quarrelled about by other horse owners who accused them of risking the health of their vaccinated horses, and so on.
This should all sound familiar by now....
But soon enough the Pfizer / Zoetis-vaccinated horses began to die...; others experienced a high level of stillbirths, and some got riddled with all sorts of rapidly forming diseases costing massive amounts to horse owners and devastating them watching their animals suffer agonising deaths.
20 years later, data showed there was no actual "horse virus pandemic". It was one of the usual Big Pharma scams. Out of millions of vaccines distributed to horses, only 100 horses turned out to have any actual virus that could be deadly and needed treatment. The death rates from the vaccines was staggering.
Pfizer made their millions and happily declared the Zoetis scam their most successful product to date. They got sued, and because it's so difficult to provie vaccine injury only paid a small portion of their profits in compensation for all the deaths and losses they caused. It was worth it for them; a small 10% payout still gave them a 90% profit.
Pfizer is pulling the same scam on humans. Albert Bourla is a veterinarian by profession, not a researcher in pharmaceuticals. His success pulling off this sham on these poor horses and their owners catapulted this filth into his role as the new CEO of Pfizer.
The whole company will need to be taken down, the entire board arrested and hung from a rope tied to a bridge or pole so everyone can see what scams like this will lead to.
I went into anaphylactic shock immediately after my first Pfizer shot on January 28, 2021. I reported my experience to VAERS.