Feb 5·edited Feb 5

11 of 12 results from the initially uploaded to pre-print were revised downwards representing 'improved safety profile' in the 'new release' of the study.

Cerebral venous thrombosis was the only unchanged outcome.

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Steve you ask how the New Zealand scientists could have missed this..well they didnt..them and the govt all covering their butts!..nothing to see here!! yea right!

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Fudge a study in school and you flunk; fudge a study in real life, and you get promoted and are touted as an "expert."

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Dirty "science" everywhere being touted as truth. How do these putzes sleep at night? I would have culled myself by now if I'd been responsible for millions of damaged hearts, bodies, minds and lives. There is no honor among thieves.

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Brilliant speech by the only really 'Honourable Member' in the current UK Parliament: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ej5Se4gMRA

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So, it should be a criminal act for any hospital administrator to order that anyone on dialysis awaiting transplant must get 2 mRNA shots, right? In Canada at least two people have already died because they were kicked off the transplant wait list for refusing the shots. My neighbour was near the top of the transplant wait list in 2021, all systems go, and told that she must get 2 mRNA shots to stay on it, so she did. She crashed, was hospitalized for months, her case became ultra urgent for transplant but when tested again for imminent transplant her renal blood supply was clotted and could not support a new kidney. So now she's terminal with no hope. She's kinda bitter. No wonder.

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those new NZ stats happened the same way Biden got 88 million votes.

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Governments are manipulating the numbers all over the place, no different than in VAERS. VAERS throttles reports and does not publish all legitimate reports received. VAERS runs cover for pharma, when it was obligated to be the exact opposite and a pharmacovigilance tool. Liability shield should be rescinded on this point alone. https://www.vaersaware.com/entire-vaers-1990-current

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redacting at the speed of science ...

#Liars, #Thieves, #Murderers

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My vaxxed friend started to complain about "extreme stomach ache". What does this mean?

I am helping her to find doctors right now, because she never had to go to doctors before.

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My ex didnt smoke or drink. No health problems. Got jabbed, diagnosed with liver failure, told he had a year last summer. Our 15 yr old son went with him to get jabbed against my wishes. Prayers and love to all affected and suffering🙏

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A friend who received a transplanted kidney due to a genetic defect was encouraged by his doctor to get the jab two years ago.

Now his transplanted kidney is failing. 💔

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With Remdesivir also being used for many alleged covid patients, that would also explain their kidney failure. Were they vaccinated, then got alleged covid and then given Remdesivir? Remdesivir is a known kidney and liver killer.

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My friend in Carlisle (not vaccinated like me) has had both her neighbours drop dead. Both were vaccinated, both in their fifties, one in the house & one out on a walk. Both were perfectly fit before the vaccinations, she pleaded with them not to get vaccinated but they choose to ignore her. Her sister was vaccinated & of ourselves got covid. Her sister ended up on ICU & came very close to dying.

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You seem very confused Steve about the meaning of a small P-value obtained from some hypothesis test. You asserted in your post today that a tiny P-value found for some hypothesis test is "clear evidence of a causal relationship". That’s just not true. I suggest that you need to do more serious studying of basics. A good start would be the two excellent textbooks authored by Deborah Mayo in recent years. Not kidding.

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Maybe the remdesivir vaxxxed people were given after being hospitalized contributed to the increase in acute kidney injury. We have a neighbor on dialysis for life that this exact thing happened to.

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