A worldwide call for data transparency: Show us the data!
We could end the debate on COVID vaccine safety instantly. All we need is the death-vax record data. But today, that data is being concealed by the health authorities in every jurisdiction. Here's why

Executive summary
Every state should make their public health records public. This doesn’t violate privacy and would provide an amazing resource to show everyone objectively whether vaccination increases or decreases all cause mortality in any significant way.
There is absolutely no excuse for this data not to be made PUBLICLY available now.
But as of November 16, 2023, not a single legislator, anywhere in the world, wants to do that. They all want to keep it secret. Nobody will carry a bill to expose the public health data.
Strongly preferred method is record level data like they issue publicly in the Czech Republic
Here’s the record-level data they release in the CR which is awesome. One record for each individual. It doesn’t need to be this extensive.
Minimum columns would be:
Unique ID, 5 year range for year of birth, sex, vax1 date, vax2 date, etc…. vax1 mfg, vax2 mfg, …., week of death (if died).
You can add: race, batch number for each injection, DCCI, etc.
Note: If anyone has a privacy concern, due to release of partial public data that could enable identification of records, they can have their record redacted just like we do in the US. I don’t think anyone can identify anyone using the Czech reporting style.
Alternative fully HIPAA compliant method (for US)
Simply to require the state health authority to publish on their website a report once a quarter for each vaccine with the following columns:
Index columns
(Typical values filled in)
Sex: M
5-year birth year: 1950-1954
Vaccine Manufacturer: Pfizer
Vaccine Type: Primary Series
Date given: Feb-2021 (monthly resolution is fine for the date)
Dose #: 2 (if a sequence with the same vaccine type like COVID shots 1 and 2)
Value columns
Count: 1230 (# of shots given for that set of index values)
# died within 1 day: 1
# died within 3 days: 2
# died within 7 days: 4
# died within 14 days: 5
# died within 21 days: 7
# died within 30 days: 12
<then every 30 days until…>
# died within 720 days: 98
Note that each of the # died numbers are CUMULATIVE since the time of the shot.
Note: A control group of “unvaxxed” isn’t needed (and is misleading since unvaxxed typically die at a higher rate due to selection bias). A safe vaccine will have a normal looking time series.
Background death events can easily be determined by looking at two different injection months for the vaccine.
If the death peak shifts, it’s a background event. If the death peaks do not shift, the vaccine has a death peak at that period. That’s why monthly resolution is key.
Suggested language
Here is the North Dakota bill text.
Alternative method
You simply allow people to submit queries and pay a fee to cover costs to have the health department code and run them and return the results to the person doing the query so long as no PII is revealed.
Simple method
Return two tables where the second table is for the vaccine of interest, e.g., the COVID vaccine
RecordID, DOB, DOD (blank if still alive), Gender, Race
RecordID, Date given, manufacturer, Dose #
where there is one record of type 1 for each person, and as many as needed of records of type 2.
Most typical method
A table like this:
You obfuscate as described before.
Other options
Restrict the unobfuscated record level data to people who affirm under penalty of criminal prosecution that they are researchers and agree not to disclose the data and try to match the data with a person.
Make the time-series cohort analysis (by week and by 5 or 10 year age ranges) available to the public without restriction:
An example of record-level data
Record level data example has 3 unique patients in the database. This is the result of a Join on the structure above.
A proposal
Better information always leads to better decision-making. Public health data should always be made public as long as privacy rights aren’t violated.
Each state should make publicly available the following records:
Death record: Identifier, DOD, and ICD10 codes. This must have the full date of death. Ideally, it’s the same format as used by the CDC, except we need the full date of deaths to compare with the date the vaccines were given.
Birth record: Identifier, DOB, gender, race. The DOB will exclude the day and month unless the person dies within the 2 years. Otherwise it is simply year to protect privacy.
Vax record: Identifier, Date of injection, vax type, vax manufacturer
Disease record: Identifier, Date of diagnosis, ICD10 codes (for those diseases reportable to the state). The state should require reports for all diseases that we vaccinate for at a minimum.
The identifier is the same for all records belonging to a given person. This allows us to link the records.
Any person can request privacy at any time for their record in which case:
the DOB will be randomly manipulated (moving the day randomly by +/- 90 days). These records will be noted as “privacy enhanced” records.
In addition, the US government is already doing this for death records today and has been doing this for years with no problem.
We are already doing this today. If you misuse the data you can be put in jail for 5 years
Using the data
For example, today we only have summary records such vaccination numbers by age range and sex for each of the doses in California (they don’t give age ranges for each sex separately which is a problem).
You should then be able to fill out this spreadsheet which is all you need to know the truth. It’s that simple. That’s the most powerful way to analyze the data.
Also, by plotting the days after vaccination (plotting after dose #1, #2, #3, etc) until death, you will see it is not a flat line which would be the case if the vaccines are safe (and had no effect). In short, the records would INSTANTLY reveal the truth.
How do I know this? Because I have seen the records from Medicare and from the UK. It’s not a flat line; it goes up after the shot is given. See Figure 4, 5, 7, and 8 in this article. Here is the UK data (from Clare Craig):

Any state grand jury could compel these records from the state health authority and the grand jury could vote to make the records public. A federal grand jury could compel these records from EVERY state and make them public. NOBODY violates a grand jury subpoena (because it has criminal penalties for non-compliance). So a single state or federal prosecutor could INSTANTLY prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the vaccines are killing massive numbers of people. This is why NOBODY is making these records public; they don’t want to expose the truth. The CDC isn’t even asking the states for this data. They don’t want to know either.
If we can also get other death data as well, such as sex, race, ICD-10 codes for the causes of death and ICD-10 codes for comorbidities, that would be even better. In general, the more info, the better.
One record for any person who died or was vaccinated (or both). The birthyear can be a 5 year range, but the other dates should be exact.
To eliminate any privacy objections, the authorities could apply a probabilistic algorithm to each record, e.g., randomly choose one date on each line to move by 1 day. That way, it is guaranteed that nobody can find their own record. Secondly, by releasing a randomly picked 80% of all records, nobody can possibly identify their own record with certainty. Or they could guarantee to make at least one tiny shift on every record. This means that nobody in the world would be able to identify their own record so privacy is guaranteed.
For people who are dead, we can probably eliminate the obfuscation. I am not aware of any dead people who have objected to having their death-vaccination records released. Are you? Also, the last time I checked, the US constitution doesn’t guarantee privacy rights for dead people. So Congress can easily allow this. Why don’t they?
I’ve been in conversation with health authorities worldwide and when I suggest this and offer to pay any expenses to get the data, they all stop talking to me.
I have released the Medicare records publicly for people who died and I can assure you that I didn’t get any privacy complaints from anyone.
This database would end the debate and should be made publicly available for all researchers. It would end all debates.
The death-vax records can be analyzed in seconds using a variety of totally objective methods to show whether the COVID vaccines have increased or decreased all-cause mortality in each age range.
No medical records, cause of death, etc. are required or needed. Just the age, date of death, and dates of vaccination are all that is required for each death since the start of the COVID vaccination program.
The death-vax data has been collected, but it has never been made publicly available anywhere in the world. There is no PII or HIPAA violation by disclosing the records.
Because kids are most at risk, universities in particular should be demanding data transparency of the death-vax records or they should halt their vaccination mandates.
It is immoral and unethical for universities to mandate COVID vaccines if the health authorities refuse to show us the death-vax database records that would justify their use.
Why isn’t the CDC collecting this info?
In the US, the death data is already collected by the CDC for the entire country. The immunization data is available from each state.
The CDC could quickly collect this information, do the database join, remove the PII fields, and make this database publicly available.
This would reveal to the entire world whether the vaccines are safe or not. Instantly. No more debates.
No medical records are required. No judgment is required. The analysis is all based on mathematics and the law of large numbers. If the vaccines are saving lives, we’ll know it. If the vaccines are killing people, we’ll know it.
EVERYONE should be demanding to see this data. It can be easily compiled. It is dispositive. We’d know instantly whether the vaccines are safe or not. No more arguments. No more debates. No more censorship. One and done.
Yet, nobody in the mainstream infectious disease or epidemiology community seems to care about seeing this data. Nobody is calling for it. Why is that? Are they afraid of being proven they are wrong?
If the vaccine is so safe, they should be shouting for the release of this data from the rooftops because nearly 80% of the public is no longer drinking the Kool-Aid:
But the authorities are remaining silent and keeping the data under wraps. That can only mean one thing: the data is horrible and they know it. That’s why they are hiding it from public view.
That’s not just a hunch. I did my own data collection and analysis. Even after adjusting for the bias of the reporters (by restricting the analysis to just parents and grandparents of the reporter), the signal of harm was huge.
Science used to be about data. Not anymore.
Science used to be about data and what the data shows. Sadly, today, science is about what the CDC says, even if there is no data in support of the recommendation whatsoever.
The most stunning example of this is the “six foot rule.” Did you know that it was entirely fabricated out of thin air? From Presidential Takedown page 49:
What is even more stunning is that the CDC has never admitted this publicly. This is evidence that they are a corrupt organization and the corruption goes to the very top of the organization.
We have over two years of data. Why not make it public?
We now have over two years worth of death and vaccination data for people who died after getting a COVID shot, yet nobody wants to see the record level data tied to the vaccination dates?!?!
Let me be perfectly clear:
This is an abject failure of the entire medical community for not demanding to see this data.
The Ohio example
In Ohio, for example, the death records were public until COVID hit. Then they made them impossible to obtain. How does that save lives? It doesn’t. They are not trying to save lives; they are trying to make it hard for anyone to make the government authorities look bad.
The data is being concealed worldwide. Not a single country is releasing the data needed
From the Sorli paper, for example:
The status of the vaccination of these patients is not publicly known, which makes it impossible to calculate the exact impact of Covid-19 vaccination on the increase of these diseases. Despite several calls of researchers from different fields, NIJZ is keeping these data confidential. It is unprecedented that a scientific organization of public health is hiding data that could prove the danger of a given medical treatment. In the lives of people in Slovenia, the only big change of life in 2021 was massive Covid-19 vaccination, so the vaccines represent the most logical candidate for the increased morbidity and mortality. Only when the data become publicly available will we be able to carry out calculations of exact percent of patients that were vaccinated.
There isn’t a jurisdiction in the world releasing the needed data.
People paid for us to see this data with their lives. Why is it being hidden from us?
In the US, hundreds of millions of people participated in a massive clinical trial and have data to share with people. At least 500,000 of the participants paid the ultimate price: they sacrificed their lives to send a message to America about the vaccines. It is extremely disrespectful to these people to ignore their death data and not share it with the public. Why are we not allowing these people to share their data?
Do you think if we could ask those people right before they died, “Do you want to let others know what killed you?” Do you think they would all say, “No! Don’t let anyone know. Please keep it a secret!”?
el gato malo agrees with me and suggests we go even further than my proposal. I agree!
The reason we have debates on vaccines and deaths is because the health officials keep the association between vaccines and mortality a secret, hidden in databases few people have access to (and rarely look for counter-narrative hypotheses).
Wouldn’t it be great if public data were actually “public” as el gato malo has suggested in this excellent Substack article:
I couldn’t agree more.
Every institution in the world that is recommending or requiring COVID vaccination should be DEMANDING to see this data made public
John Beaudoin and I have been calling for the death data to be set free and made public. We have been ignored.
Why aren’t any of these organizations calling for data transparency here so we can learn the truth?
The mainstream medical community
Heads of state throughout the world
The White House
The mainstream media
Public health authorities
Any doctor or nurse who recommends the jab to patients
Universities who mandate the vaccines for students, staff, or faculty
Any organization that supports COVID vaccines for their members, employees, or visitors
The data exists in VSD as well. But the CDC won’t allow anyone to see it.
The data exists in every state health department. But you can’t FOIA it because it requires a join to avoid PII problems and FOIA requests are not allowed if they generate effort like that. So FOIA requests won’t work.
It’s time for everyone to demand that our health authorities “Show us the data!”
We should all refuse to comply until they produce it.
Do you remember the movie Jerry Maguire?
Who could ever forget the classic “Show me the money!” scene from the movie Jerry Maguire?
In the same way Tom Cruise said passionately “Show me the money,” everyone all over the world should be equally passionate with their doctors and healthcare authorities and demand: “Show me the DATA” before we agree to comply with their requests/demands regarding vaccination.
Civil disobedience in Canada
Check out this video from True North entitled “Show us the data and evidence” that described the civil disobedience in Canada:
Business owners and local politicians are pushing back against the government's lockdown measures. Their ask of the government is simple – if you're going to shut us down, show us the data and evidence.
Calling all parents: ask your school why they aren’t calling for the data to be produced
The data that we have shows that the biggest harm is being done to kids.
Therefore, the biggest urgency is to put pressure on any school or university that recommends or requires the COVID vaccines to drop it immediately
Please ask the university president or head of school at any school your child attends to contact the CDC and let them know that if the CDC doesn’t make the death-vax record level data publicly available with the next 30 days, that the school will suspend their COVID vaccination policies until such time as this data is produced and scientists can analyze it. That is the only ethical thing to do.
You can refer to my article in your email.
The public health authorities have been voluntarily keeping the data secret for two years now. That data would end the debate. We should not let them continue to get away with it.
All the excuses for not revealing this data are just that: excuses
I was just notified I will have the death-vax record data from one of the US states soon. It’s in progress.
So if the other states in the US are not able to produce their data, we’ll all just have to rely on the data from this one state, won’t we?
Wow. Talk about an epic failure of 49 out of 50 states…
It doesn’t end with publishing the data
Let’s say the data is finally published. It won’t end there.
For example, suppose the data says that the vaccines make you more likely to die. They’ll spin this by saying, “Sure, that’s because higher risk people got vaccinated! It would have been much worse if they weren’t vaccinated.”
This is a ridiculous argument! The mix of healthy/unhealthy people is irrelevant; if the intervention is safe, the days to death must be a flat line, just like it is for the flu vaccine (after day 0 which shows it isn’t as safe as they claimed).
Note: the only time it isn’t a flat line is is the vax wasn’t given out randomly over time, e.g., 90% was given in Q1; this is because deaths for older people are seasonal.
So no matter what the data says, they will try to interpret it in their favor, no matter how ridiculous their argument is. They know the press will eat it up without engaging any critical thinking skills.
My “no excuses offer”
I am willing to pay for the data merge and obfuscation costs so that a state or country can publish the vax-death records for 2019-2022.
Any takers?
John Beaudoin and I have been publicly calling for data transparency.
As of February 9, 2023, we still stand alone.
It’s time for everyone to be demanding that the death-vax record data as described above be made public for everyone to see. There is absolutely no reason to keep this data hidden.
That data will tell us everything we need to know. It’s time to set the data free.
Show us the data. Show us the data. SHOW US THE DATA.
In 1979, the WHO and the CDC redesigned the International Classification of Diseases coding list and erased any possibility for the world’s coroners to label a cause of death related to vaccination. A coroner has no code to input if he/she believes someone died of a vaccine.
Vaccines have likely been the primary cause of illnesses for over a century. https://expose-news.com/2023/02/02/vaccines-have-likely-been-the-primary-cause-of-illnesses-for-over-a-century/
Sorry to say--but data doesnt work on these people. We have data. Birthrates are down. Excess mortality is thru the roof. Sperm counts devastated. A Pfizer exec telling us womens fertility is in trouble. Nothing happens. They ignore every single piece of data as if its some wacko story about bigfoot. I used to get excited with every piece of bombshell evidence. Now i know none of it leads anywhere. Not sure what else we can do.