July 23, 2024: Breaking leak from the Robert Koch-Institute (Germany), published byAya Velazquez, independent journalist:


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If the people who are selling the toxin are in control of the approval process and the profits why would they want the bad data shared with the public or the consumers. Our entire economy is now based on bad product that everyone wants but doesn’t realize the risk. Wireless, GMO, HFCS, and So many more ingredients that we face everyday.

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I see Steve went to British Columbia.

"Protesters call for Reclaiming Canada Conference to be moved from city-owned Conference Centre"


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I have a new job in a medical device company, met my new boss today and he proudly shares how he knows Fauci and what an incredible man he is. I almost left the meeting with that bizarre comment. He continued to share how impressive the vaccine development happened and how successful it was. At this point, I asked “do you still believe that with all of the evidence available now?” He responded with a confused look “what new evidence?” I responded that the vaccines did not result in the claims of efficacy and reduced transmission. The fact the “vaccine” changes your dna permanently”. He seemed surprised and said “well I would like to see a peer-reviewed journal with those claims”. I responded “ok, will do”. He then says “how do you define efficacy?” And then shared how people who were fearful of the vaccine sought him out for knowledge and advice. He then said “our country is full of selfish people that cannot focus on the greater good over one’s self”. I will pause and say I haven’t had this kind of conversation since 2022. That made me look up what is the current CDC messaging on their website. They are still proposing boosters and the unvaccinated are at risk of death…it continues. I am not sure this is a good employer/manager fit. In fact it feels like a horrible fit and it matters. It really matters.

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In # 15 : Deaths skyrocket at geriatric clinic where Deanna Kline works. Went from 8 to 10 deaths per month to 48 deaths/yr in 2023; all the excess deaths ascribed to the vaccine by the medical staff.

Do you mean: 48 deaths/YEAR or 48 deaths/ MONTH?? Typo or not??

Please clarify. Thanks! This old RN wants to know!

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In the vein of sharing world Bio-Weapon dump sites. This site is excellent and very disturbing!

Chemical Weapon Munitions Dumped at Sea: An Interactive Map

August 1, 2017 • Updated September 7, 2017

Ian Wilkinson

View the Google Map


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The Daily Clout received unredacted FOI from the CDC showing in May 2021 the White House was freaking out about myocarditis pericarditis and thrombocytopenia. What did they do. Push it on our children. They did not care. They are caught.

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Thank you for this summary it is very helpful!

What I'd like to suggest is an even pithier version, a cheat sheet, for those brief moments when we have to explain our position to friends and neighbors who disagree. What I, and I think countless others could use is a maximum one page document. At the top would be 3-6 bullet points. These are the sentences most deadly to the pro-vaccine argument and could be phrased as questions. The remainder would be important logical arguments, anecdotes and basic statistics.

A cheat sheet isn't supposed to be the ultimate answer to the debate. Instead it would let regular people land devastating blows in the brief verbal jousts that frequently occur over the dinner table and other social gatherings.

You've given so much to this cause that I hate to ask more, but I think this would be really useful. No matter how interested someone may be in this topic it's hard to keep up with all the developments and current state of play.

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Watch The Great Setup with Dr David Martin. He explains the timeline for pulling patents, developing the plan to roll out the kill shots and implementing it. Horrific stuff.

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How can you have protypes for a vaccine before the virus is identified. Because it was planned.

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So the patent would be filed first!

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We need a memorial with the names of all the dead and injured from the COVID "vaccine" inscribed on it . It should be just like the Viet Nam war memorial and paid for by the government and the drug companies who are responsible for the horror.

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................AFTER we hang them first!

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Austria just had one in the streets. Remember full on Hitler Austria tried to make the COVID vaccine compulsory and jail or huge fine if you refused it in Jan 2022. They dropped it quickly after Britain got rid of all mandates and masks and after the Canadian Trucker protest.

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You're gonna need a bigger wall

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Here's a guy going after Ed Dowd : https://jowaller.substack.com/p/update-on-excess-deaths-and-depopulation

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Ed Dowd knows his stuff.

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Hero Dr. Makis:

“Canadian doctors are the most compromised in the World, followed by Australian and then US doctors.”


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Yes the Ontario CPSO was caught in ethics breaches online regarding vaccine exemptions. They tried to wriggle out by saying in email doctors could write exemptions as they saw fit and the 2 given were only examples. Outright fraud and lies by criminal CPSO. They hauled doctors in Stole their licenses for writing exemptions and even tried to jail an Ontario Doctor Mary OReilly who refused to hand over patient files who were given vaccine exemptions. It was dropped just before the court trial. CPSO caught in criminality aided by criminal government who stated the same 2 exemptions and ignoring doctors right to choose.

We have solicitor client privilege where organized crime with crooked cops and crooked lawyers commit treason and crimes yet they step on the patient doctor relationship where the Charter and Human Rights gives full body autonomy and integrity to the patient. What a crime against humanity.

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Maybe you’re already aware that all this was planned but that would be a conspiracy theorist and you don’t seem the type to believe this unless you had the main facts. Dr. Carrie Madej (whistleblower) had to go in hiding to South America because she felt her life was in danger for knowing about the plan to depopulate. She even closed her practice and left. She knew of other doctors losing their lives for the same reason why she flees. They didn’t want to be a part of the “Big Agenda” so they were murdered. This is why the doctors don’t want to admit to vaccine injuries because they’re a part of it. Same goes for all the people you’re trying to get data from. Even the CDC is involved. The list goes on and on. You really need to get with Dr. Madej and hear her story. At least you would know the truth.

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They can't learn lessons from Merck Vioxx where they had hit lists against doctors who outed Vioxx was killing and harming until too many died and then criminal fines. That doesn't bring the dead back. Outing the murderers now can help to stop further bad vaccine technology from being done and mandated. H5N1 is the next pandemic and no doubt H5N1 miracle mRNA vaccine

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This is a lot worse than that on what they have planned. There’s literally bus loads of involved people secretly taken to an undisclosed location to have there meetings. They also block cell phones and no one can leave these meetings. I know CNN was at this meeting and I can’t remember if she mentioned others.

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