Hi Steve.

I know you are a very busy man! Thanks for your strong, intelligent advocacy in the face of such peril to us all.

Are there any updates you can share about the on-boarding of an AG to help us?

I'm guessing that sort of disclosure might be limited as it unfolds; but I couldn't resist asking.


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Coming soon: "Polygraph Justice"

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We need another Richard "Dickie" Scruggs for this.

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Steve, you’re brilliant!

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I think the poster below didn’t understand the nuance of the article; if pharmacies know the shots are deadly, and know they will be liable, they will stop giving the shots. That will be the sole result. They will not give the shots and risk prosecution. As a policy, they will stop giving them.

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Why target those who administer the shots instead of those who mandate them and those who put out false information about their safety and efficacy? You are targeting the wrong people. I don't want to see a nurse or pharmacist jailed for administering a vaccine, for where does that stop? Do we want the other side to jail pharmacists for dispensing ivermectin? People should be free to get the vaccine (or ivermectin) if they want it. But they should not be mandated, nor should they be lied to and misled.

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Really good point, I’ve found lately with covid stuff that sometimes you have to win battles in indirect ways to get to your ultimate goals. For example, I live in Florida and work for the biggest energy company who has the vax mandate in effect and only very recently granted exemptions according to state law. When the laws were passed in November I was so frustrated because I didn’t feel like I should even need an exemption to abstain from a medical procedure or anything else going into my body. But the governor and legislature didn’t want to create a case against state vs federal law, and put our jobs at risk, so there strategy was to clarify how the exemptions work and make it very simple. They saved thousand jobs at my company alone, cant imagine how many across all of Florida. And doing this buys us the time to fight this in other ways. I think this is a little what Steve is doing here. God bless him, great strategy, hope it works. And agree, the concern is they use this on other things like denying safe treatments like ivermectin. But thankfully ivermectin has a solid historical record of wide spread use, ivermectin might be the true miracle drug among some other common ones in this whole affair. You make a really good point as we need to be wise in how our goodwill will be used by the evil ones in future and protect against it as much as we can.

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Storm in a teapot, creating false hope, in order to keep people at bay.

The demonic puppet-masters control everything, including the worldwide money supply. With a flick of the switch, they can create catastrophes, blackouts, plagues from chemtrails using drones, ww3 on TV, UFOs "landing" and "aliens" attacking the Earth. For the time being, they seem content with false pandemics exacerbated by common poisonings from 5G, chemtrails, and the "covid" moves, gently accelerating the path towards artificial famine by burning up food processing plants, slaughtering poultry based on another non-existent disease ("bird flu" is also "diagnosed" with the fraudulent PCR test).

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Love your endless ingenuity! Perhaps the findings on mothers whose breastfed babies suffered or died might strike the right cord with the right d a

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I wrote an multiple emails to the head of infectious disease at our childrens hospital with articles attached. I sent the Canadian COVID slide show about vaccines in kids and I sited the autopsy data to get too. I emailed the chief medical officer of the same hospital about the myocarditis incidence in Israel before the FDA announced the warning. He talked to the head of infectious disease and they both blew me off. I have an email from head of pharmacy of the same hospital admitting they didn’t have the Comirnaty vaccine and she was clueless why I was asking. I reached out to the head of medical ethics in the same hospital about informed consent and he wasn’t worried because every one knew about COVID from the news!! All the covid FAQ for employees were CDC propaganda. Would love to use these emails to hold them accountable.

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Be sure to print out hard copies of these emails. We all might need them in the future and the internet is a dangerous place.

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Oklahoma's AG, John O'Connor, was one of the first to act on this to my knowledge, back in February of 22- great strategy I've been saying this since your podcast with Bret Weinstein and Robert Malone- I live in New Mexico I've called my AG no avail but we need to keep pushing! https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/oklahoma/articles/2022-02-08/oklahoma-ag-oks-prescribing-ivermectin-hydroxychloroquine

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Nothing to see here, folks, move along... "Pharma Spent $6 Billion on Lobbying Politicians in the Last 20 Years: New research suggests that Big Pharma and "well-resourced drug industry groups" exert considerable political influence through lobbying and campaign contributions." https://www.madinamerica.com/2020/03/pharma-spent-6-billion-lobbying-politicians-last-20-years/

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Big Pharma's Political Contributions: From 1998-2012, pharmaceutical companies and health products have led the political lobbying charge in the US by spending over $2 billion over the period. Their total lobbying spend in 2011 alone was $241,481,544. http://www.drugsdb.com/blog/big-pharma-political-contributions.html#ixzz6McR8kGqE

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Can this be done to hold a group that does home health visits to the elderly? They are like angels/devils of death! This nurse gave a supposed flu shot to my mom

My mom fell, had heart attack and couldn t pee on her own, in less than 2 weeks! It s been a nightmare. Nothing admitted

Just cuz she s old. NOT. And her hair s falling out


I WARNED HER. SHE WAS TRICKED INTO GETTING IT. A miracle she made it home after leg, heart surgery, 3 rehabs, severa lcrazy covid tests For No reason at each place. Now saying she needs surgery for peeing issue that is dangerous. But getting urge back! They ignore this. Can t believe have same home health and other doctors pushing vax, even heart 1! My family except me for this and caused it. Feedback, Please!

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The flu vaccines are a massive scam, one that's never been questioned by 97 percent of the world's population - you (and me) being part of the contrarian 3 percent.

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I don't know if this is good advice, ask others. . . but:

-- unless YOU have power of healthcare attorney and the nurse who gave her the shot was told to consult you and not her for any jabs or medical stuff, there is little likelihood of prosecuting, from what I understand of this area.

-- If you are NOT POA healthcare, get the form filled out and make it so.

Sorry about this situation and good luck Ava.

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I agree 100%. Get the POA and be sure it's in the format acceptable by the state. In Florida, it has to be on yellow (iirc) paper, for some stupid reason. You need to make sure EVERY medical professional knows this exists and that YOU have an original.

I've discussed this with both my parents and they wholeheartedly agree that I can make those decisions for them when the time comes.

I will pray for you and your whole family - especially your Mom.

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This sounds like a great idea. If the pharmacies choose to go to court instead of capitulating, it would even be better, because the case would be high profile and maybe get the attention of a lot of the ignorant, credulous, lazy, brainwashed general population running around these days (who the Founding Fathers would disown if they were only here to see).

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Steve this is similar to what Dr David Martin has been asking people to do with his documents for about a year now. California is very corrupt. Nobody will take his case here. Lots have filed David's paperwork, but nobody will press charges. David has filed in Utah via a group.there. Evidently they have a law or something that is different than the rest of the states. He has said the entire time that is only takes one to get this going. This is also similar to what Tom Renz is doing via the makeamericansfreeagain.com the Dr Pamela Popper's group all over the country . They are here in California too, but it takes time to.work up to a lawsuit. Pam has said it takes 1 win and it includes the entire country. Her lawsuit was filed in August 2020 as the first one from the MAFA group, Tom Renz. Steve you should contact them all of them.

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