My apologies it's Dr. Trozzi not troxxi!

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Well i'm almost 80 and sure as hell i'll never take their fn jab!

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I appreciate this report because it opposes the narrative demanding that we all get "vaccinated."

However, I'd argue that it's partly incorrect: statistically one is /more/ likely to be hospitalized with, and die from covid if they are jabbed. The so-called "vaccines" impair the body's natural immune system.

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Thanks for posting the report to the Cdn member of parliament. It is good as far as it goes, but it still leaves individuals over 60 years of age "EXPOSED" to the "vaccine narrative". Indeed, I believe the report, although good, is flawed in at least four respects, namely: (1) it doesn’t take a deep enough dive into vaccine injury and death, (2) to the extent it implicitly relies on pharmacovigilance databases at all, it doesn't take into account the URF multiplier effect to be applied to pharmacovigilance databases, including in relation to people over 60 (i.e., that you are so often on about, quite rightly), (3) it doesn’t take into account emergent concerns about excess mortality occurring after vaccination which represents deaths not likely to be reflected in VAERS or to be covered by virtue of VAERS adjustment factors, and (4) as long as he/she is trying to influence government policy, he does not deal with early treatment as an alternative to vaccination, including for individuals over 60.

On point (1) in particular, there is a reference to the hokey Cdn vaccine injury system (which is far worse than the passive VAERS system and that's saying a lot). Indeed, the author even recommends that the reader (i.e., the Canadian MP!) look to other pharmacovigilance databases outside Canada "to obtain a more comprehensive picture for adverse events with current COVID-19 vaccines". Moreover, the questions posed and answered in the report on vaccine adverse events (namely questions 8-10) are perfunctory at best and fail to present a proper picture of the vast array of serious vaccine harm, especially for individuals over 60. You have covered these categories of harm relentlessly in your substack.

In effect, the author is inviting the reader (i.e., the Canadian MP) to do his/her own investigation of vaccine injury/death and to derive his/her own harm/benefit analysis, when the author should be doing this in his report, by better analyzing reported vaccine harms and considering excess mortality. There is simply not sufficient analysis of vaccine death and injury, and no proper harm/benefit analysis for individuals over 60 set out in this report. In short, as you well know and often repeat, it is not enough to look only at reduced levels of COVID-related death and hospitalization for individuals over 60 as the sole rationale for taking the vaccines. You must also look at non-COVID mortality and severe morbidity outside COVID, including vaccine injury and excess mortality. I see this criticism as a very serious flaw in this report, i.e., the failure to properly investigate non-COVID death and injury, including vaccine injury in any meaningful way.

My concern is that the report leaves people over 60 (not to mention the member of Canadian Parliament) with the distinct impression that people over 60 should continue taking the vaccines because the vaccines may reduce COVID hospitalization and death. But it does little to tell them about the potential short- and long- term effects of taking repeated boosters aside from any reduction in COVID death that may exist. Again, as you have continually called for, where's the harm-benefit analysis here, ala Fraiman/P. Doshi.

So I am a little disappointed in the report, quite frankly, in that it will be given by the member of the Canadian Parliament to his house leader and ultimately to Trudeau, and will leave people 60+ in the hands of leaders improperly informed. In short, it fails to properly assist those individuals over 60 by getting into a proper harm/benefit analysis, so desperately needed.

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What I don't understand is how can anyone that has their brain functioning at even a 3 year old level can think this injection is not destructive and harmful to any man or woman 60 years and up .

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At the beginning the government was coercing us is why I got mine and so I want to let you know I do regret it I wished I would have got more information! I’m scared as hell we live in a small town and everybody was getting it so it’s the government that Colehurst us and the people in this town so don’t condemn me!!!

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More conspiracy....

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When people use this term it just means they aren’t intelligent enough to have an adult conversation about the facts vs. myths/propaganda. Time to lean how to read.

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I love peoples comments and those who get trapped. They call this report BS. Dsmith we will give you the spotlight here. You can take this report personally to your Liberal MP in your area and ask them to read it in the HOC for comment and then the opposition being the Conservatives can discuss it. NDP can also ask questions. DSmith your not afraid to take it to your MP. are you? Also take it to your liberal rep in your province. You didnt comment on that poster who told you to do it so I thought we can put it at the top for more attention. This is a challenge. You afraid of the truth?

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When will the Liberal Party comment on this report. Has any one went to their MP to ask them to bring this report up in the HOC so the LPC answers .

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There is a guy in MB (I think it is) who has done an extensive report using the Government’s own data to prove all of this giant fraud. He and others have sent it to all political entities - an interview with him is on tbof.ca (taking back our freedoms). This is the group whose 3 amazing doctors went to the Trucker’s Rally in Ottawa - Drs. Byram Bridle, Roger Hodkinson, Paul Alexander - they formally invited Dr. Tam and 2 of her henchmen/women docs to debate them with their data and to “show their science” and guess what? The fraudsters did not show. These cowards have no science to support these giant frauds. No surprise there.

It is amazing to me that non-thinking people still mutter the “conspiracy” word when the proof is staring them in the face. They owe us all an apology. Smirking and mean family and friends too.

We have been writing our elected officials since this started and sending them all this information to fall on deaf ears. My experience is that they are completely and utterly useless, do not do anything for their constituents, and only know how to collect their paycheques at our great expense. Sure hope they will all be fired for their part in this.

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More than just fired for many! NUREMBERG 2.0

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We'll find him! Mick.

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Artificial intelligence is real. I am a victim of it stalked and harassed. Psychos live among us, Coward weak men interested in power and control. The arrivecan app a steppng stone to digital id they will push as so beneficial. No it is not. An extra few minutes at customs is worth it. Covid has opened eyes to AI that I have known for years. You think experiments havent been occurring by evil people. Think again. They have. Evilness knows no bounds. The fact Trudeau gets away with inciting hatred and division should show you how little they respect the rule of law. This is from a citizen with a story. Story of corruption by those your police forces do nothing about. Those who try are harassed abused by their own police and charged. The cowards who walk among us. Crimes in government are massive. Crimes by police the same who protect those criminals in government. Who supllies the cocaine and fentanyl and heroin to safe injection sites. The same ones who move drugs and hook the victims on the drugs in the first place, In bed with hells angels and other organized crime. Shutting down investigations by telling cops you can get killed if you keep investigating. Can you imagine that. Trudeau online twitter saying he will fight online terrorists and extremists. Did you have a mirror with you Trudeau to admire yourself.

Oh really what about your domestic terrorists desigrating Queen Elizabeth statutes and others during BLM riots.or those who fiire bombed CN Rail in blockades. Do you mean those ones you protect. You lied Trudeau to Canadians you actually protect the real terrorists and criminals not law abiding Canadians you abused and terrorized during covid and with vaccine mandates. Not the half million and rising law abiding peaceful citizens on TrudeauMustGo who are not Russian bots. Real everyday people. People injured by the vaccines. Pregnant females who chose to protect their unborn child and parents who protected their children who were segregated cruelly and unjustly and evilly. Hard working everyday Canadians including police officers and army. All with one common theme. Expressing their feelings. Not robots. Real people with real emotions. You lost Trudeau with your disrespect to Canadians who pay your salary as you mock Canadians with no accountability.

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Trudeau is a criminal and a traitor. He has abused emergency powers to illegaly violate constitutional rights. He has targeted dissenters for persecution and censorship. He has fermented hate amongst the population. He has conspired with foriegners to cause much harm and despair to Canadians. He has coerced millions to take an unnecesary and potentially harmful medical injection under threat of job loss and freedom of movement.

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You bet we have psychos in Canada. We have technology in Canada that does throughwall spying from satellitte and they go into your bedroom even when sleeping to harass you. Its all true and covid has helped to out AI that would have been a conspiracy 3 yrs ago. Its all true and I know as someone let me know and the government is supposedly paying for it. Thus your tax dollars are funding it. It will be connected to those trying to cover up crimes. Massive crimes. The extent of evilness knows no bounds

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Trudeau just came out on twitter today to say they are bringing in tools to go up against extrmists and hate online. He is the biggest hater in the country and its in court documents according to Epoch news. Were all waiting for the RCMP to do their job as they are proving tbey are breaching public trust covering up and reneging on their duties and essentially saying the govetnment is untouchable so they can engage in crimes and not held accountable.

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Yes what are the RCMP up to or all the Police forces . Breach of public trust is a criminal code violation. The hate incited by Trudeau and the abuse this government has done is astronomical. TrudeauMustGo on twitter indicates the level of abuse citizens suffered and the slimy RCMP cant wriggle out of their duty and the US Courts have triumphed over evil by striking down mask mandates and vaccine mandates saying public interest is to protect the constitutional rights of the individual and mandates by the government cant be tolerated. How different from Trudeaus hate speech should we tolerate the unvaccinated. Trudeau loses again. You would not have had the genocide of Jews if people werent cowards in those days and refused to be evil and stop evil dead in its tracks The many fighting in Court are the armies who freed the Jews so to speak who are fighting to protect bodily autonomy and our rights especially for children and pregnant females. The evilness of Artificial Intelligence is huge. The human rights abuses of China summed up here. Good people using our courts and being courageous to stop these abuses of bodily autonomy that should never have been repeated but sadly is as evil people are not held to account and charged. Evil is a mentality that knows no color of skin or nationality. It is weak coward people of no asset to humankind.

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🇨🇦 PM Turdeau 💩 (AKA Blackface) finally - after enough polpulace aggravation, travel delays and business/tourism losses - caved in to drop the infamous ArriveCan vax passport. This apparently came in on the heels of an announcement by a newly minted opposition leader's pledge to abolish it for good on day 1.

Is there some other other country still doing a Vax pass other than those dimwits?

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Thanks Steve. You are a beacon of light and I appreciate the work you do.

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This goes nicely with NEJM and John Hopkins studies that natural immunity is being destroyed from these vaxxes in young adults but it doesnt matter even under 60 it is the same. In Ontario Canada they put the survivor rate from covid and under 60 there was not much difference between different age groups especially when seeing vents and remdesivir was being uttiized improperly and killing.. This is sad because both adults and children have always gotten colds and they handle them no differently. Same symptoms and length of symptoms as well. The truth is being muddied with too much over analyzing. The vaccines are not good period and another 2 healthy young doctors died suddenly in Canada. 3 doctors in the last couple of months from McMaster in Hamilton Ontario. Knock Knock is there any doctors with working brain cells free of fear and brainwashing out there to figure out its no coincidence. There is a common thread here. Its disgusting when the City of Toronto puts out an ad and essentially it was attacking unvaccinated chilldren. Check out Joe Warrmington on twitter from the Toronto Sun who wrote a email to the City of Toronto demanding an explanation of why vaccinated children were being put as superior to unvaccinated children and unvaccinated children should not play outside. Go see tbe video ad pushing vaccines and be horrified and shocked at disgusting dehumanizing people in Ontario and Canada. A real disgrace to humanity based on this report and other studies and Denmark stopping the vaccines to children. Lawsuits cant come quick enough.

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You are full of crap. Three doctors died, two from late stage cancer and none of the deaths had snything gbyo do with the vax or Vovid. And they weren’t at McMaster.

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Dr William Makis posts can direct you to McMaster and you can read it for yourself. Appears you spout off without researching what people tell you. Its not QAnon. Its actually demanding investigations of sudden deaths of healthy young including doctors.

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More bs

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Go do your research before you comment. Young doctors dying suddenly while swimming or running or in their sleep. Sure we have watched that happen for decades right. Not. Dont be ignorant and research. Check out Dr William Makis on gettr. and a few died of cancer no one disputes that. . Many dropped dead whike engaged in sports. Running swimming and hiking. You can cover your eyes but you cant unvax. May I suggest you read everything. If you like to find truth not try and hide from it.

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Bombshell study, but of course no word about it on the msm, and Canada is going on with their draconian COVID restrictions and vax mandates. Unreal, how many countries and officials are still pushing the fairytale of a safe and effective RNA vax, although all facts are disputing that notion.

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Probably because the study is garbage. Notice that none of the authors put their name on it. Wonder why?

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They didn't want death threats and other harrassment, including the threat of losing their jobs.

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Ah, so while real scientists and experts in the field have received death threats for proving that the vaccines are safe and effective, these people claim to be scientists doing real work that they can back up, but won’t because they will lose their jobs or get death threats. They don’t have the courage of their convictions to try and save millions of lives.

Or how about this scenario: it’s all bs made up by some anti-vax clown that makes his living promoting conspiracy garbage to QAnon believers and the like.

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Do you live in Canada. Take this report to your liberal MP and ask him to share it in Parliament. If he refuses then we know the cover up.

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You are ignorant. Dr Roger Hodginson of Canada got death threats. Dr. Byram Bridle got death threats and smeared.

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Go read John Hopkins and Harvard studies while your at it before you comment.

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Trying to reach you for an interview. Here is my column about this Liberal report you have posted. https://www.westernstandard.news/opinion/krayden-leaked-liberal-report-on-vaccines-blows-trudeaus-narrative-apart/article_a3cb6daa-3838-11ed-b2a7-9b72a8f83dba.html

Please contact me at dkrayden@westernstandard.news

Would love to interview you on this and your work.

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I see thetruefactsc19.com is suggested to look at in comments. Have you interviewed them?. Ken Drysdale ? They were outside the Winnipeg RCMP detachment on the labour day weekend. Interesting report at that website. All government data based.

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