I LOVE this!! I hope you can pull it off.

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Dies anyone know why HHS won't disclose any misinformation they are claimimg?

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I sincerely appreciate all that you have done Steve. But maybe it is not so helpful to keep posing this stuff as a "challenge" or contest. Perhaps it might be helpful to instead seek people to "have a conversation" or a "discussion" with the aim being to "help each other to understand why each believes different things", and what kinds of reasoning each other's beliefs are founded on. True - u will not find many takers.

Also, I kindof believe that most of the people you are battling are perfectly well aware of the truth about these extreme harms, and are absolutely cynical in their flagrant lying. For these people I guess that meaningful dialogue is impossible - and I'm not sure what alternative options our community should pursue to try to dig the world out of this horrible mess.

But I still think that calling on these people to join you in a non-adversarial public discussion will likely be looked on more favourably by observers/public than this kind of "calling people out" for challenges or contest-style debates with judging and point scoring. I think it may risk giving the appearances of descending into something that looks childish - which is absolutely what we need to avoid... my two cents - but it is difficult to know the right answer - and I'm profoundly grateful for all that you do.

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modified the article. great suggestion.

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I perceive a convention by the flock leaders of the henhouse, continuing to persuade the coalition of head foxes, coyotes, weasels, ferrets, snakes, hawks, and other predators to come to the "table" (not the dining table) for a discussion with the intent to solve the bloody problem of hens going missing. None of the head predators admit to their guilt, yet by the feathers between their teeth, show the truth. Hens' being a bit slow, are convinced of the "goodness" of character these meat eaters claim, and are consistently attempting dialog with then for solutions.

"We the People" are dumbed down, cut off from truth, kept at arm's length from our Constitutional rights, and thereby over-run. The time for dialog is WAAAAAY past. The opposition has shown their true colors shortly after the onset of this thing. It is time to get serious, since time is not a luxury we possess. Dialoging, complaining, asking pleading questions to the perpetrators of this crime wave, is like asking Satan to just be nice for the sake of the good of mankind, and the Creator, who made him and us.


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You forgot to invite Dr Shiva Ayyadurai MIT PhD. Immune sytem expert. Beyond vaxx and anti -vaxx.

Invite the vacc-indoctrinated doctor who asked RFK Jr a question on ABC interview?

How about saying autism and other health issues?

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No I didn't forget.

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... But what if I want to challenge the "common consensus - A" rather than the dissenting expert panel, B? Would there be a way to create some additional panel of a few experts supporting the so-called common consensus, that could be challenged by the challengers?

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🤔…for those that had fully trusted the wrongful Narrative During Covid, Admit You Were Wrong And Do Better Next Time 


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You make it seem like all of this was some kind of accident. There won't be a "next time." Next time they spray another toxic compound on our heads under the guise of Geo-engineering, combined with increased radiation from overpowered cellular antennas, the sickness and death which follows will make this all look like child's play by comparison.

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Steve, please add Dr. Russell Blaylock to your team. See his article "The danger of excessive vaccination during brain development: the case for a link to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)". 175 references in a comprehensive review of the neuroscience research. He is a retired neurosurgeon.

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023

HEADS UP! everyone: Shots are now equal to all other forms of healthcare? Please note changes already afoot in ADULT VACCINE schedule, across major insurance and CMS listings. How to tell? Ask anyone who has a "my chart" online account to check which of the (8) or (9) shots may be due on the next annual Wellness Visit with your doctor. The only item not vaxx-related is a colonoscopy. Major Hospital systems and Medicare are making big plans to injure and shorten everyone's lives, at the tip of all these toxic needles, including yours!! (and in line with autism, older generations have bio-accumulated toxins and are known to have a slower detoxification system.

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023

I am grateful for your voice for truth along with the mounting coalition of expert scientists. We need the truth to be widely distributed. Unfortunately, as I see it, this difficult task is like David vs Goliath due to the MONEY that the corporations have poured into the medical research to manipulate the results to bring in more revenue to continue their power cycle. How can we swing a death throw to that head?

Growing up in the fifties, I've seen the blind trust that our population gave to medical science and government because we had just won a World War, miraculously beat the devastating polio, living in prosperity like common Americans had never seen. We had war heroes lIke Eisenhower, McArthur and medical heroes like Jonas Salk, and sports heroes like Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra. We trusted the system and we had reason. To see the corruption of it all just makes me thankful that I witnessed a golden age.

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That's a beautiful bit of verbiage, sister Cheryl! I'm sure it reflects well with many of your generation. I've learned over the decades that USA was deemed too strong militarily to overcome overtly. Therefore the opposition, has had to subvert the nation through other measures. This "opposition" is rooted in ancient pagan religious beliefs, fueled and supported by the devil himself for the purpose of derailing America's seemingly impervious train. This was no single-generation's task. It took well over a few centuries to fabricate, apply, test, and re-structure according to "progress." But with the "master of deception" at the helm, and the semi-sleeping inhabitants of the target land, the task at hand was guaranteed to succeed over time. And it HAS! We daily witness the horrible results of trashing the very God who had gifted the nation to the "people" for the benefit of His faithful, who desired freedom from tyranny and control over the conscience. He has withdrawn, or is withdrawing His Hand, His protective, providing Hand given to the USA. It's been fairly gradual over the last century, but is ramping up rapidly, because of the non-protective environment its systems have created. We haven't seen anything yet.

Attempting to slow the train is futile, but must be done in response for the purpose of showing our true dedication to the Word of God, and His Commandments, even in the face of dire consequences, even death. How can we do this? We are pointed toward LEARNING what the Truth is, and then spreading it broadcast to all peoples, nations, and tongues. Exposing the culprits and their organizations alike to all whom are sleeping, and waking those who are

not enlightened to the history behind the organized push to eliminate our God from society, and thereby gaining by Satan, the free-reign (withdrawing of protection) which he is beginning to advantage himself with.

Oh how I truly wish that the coming events could be otherwise, but prophecy is God's "Sure Word" and there is no changing it. Please do yourself and yours a great eternal favor and investigate the false accusations by the apostate Protestant churches, who have trampled upon the Commandments of the Lord. This should automatically ignite indignation and a sense of alertness in the minds and hearts of the seeker. Much like how the ensuing evidence of the C injections point far beyond good health intentions. The Truth awakens a spirit of resistance to all lies and deception. Prayer encourages the Holy Spirit to be our guest and greatly assist in the process. This is a sure-fire way and means of regaining the "protective Hand" of God, for the individual. Things will shortly become terribly dark and treacherous, as stated in the Word, but we can rest in God's Good Hands if we will but trust and obey.

Please investigate the likes of Walter J. Veith, Doug Bachelor, Stephen Bohr, Randy Skeet, John Lomacang, for some Truth in these deceptive times. Remember, it's what Jesus warned FIRST of when inquired of the "signs" of His return in Mat. 24.

I hope and pray that Sir Steve K. nor anyone else does not take offense at my posts, which quite often veer from the subject to be commented upon. The "connection" however, can be made with the proclamation that both the jab and the false religious information are life threatening.

Thank you to everyone who has patience with me.



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Thank you, I guess I struck some sort of chord to receive this response. What you are saying boils down to simpler terms of Jesus: beware of the hypocrites, believe on me and be not hearers of the Word but doers, when you see these all these signs happening fear not for your redemption draws near.

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Hi Cheryl,

You know, I'm not sure of what I did write which you have just responded to. It doesn't show me MY post AND your response, just your response. Let me just add to your suggestion one thing: The enemy within our gates, has done a wonderful job of deluding souls into thinking that a merciful God would not destroy anyone, and that doctrine is a non-issue. But this is a lie from the pits of hell. The "protestant" buzz-word these days is "unity." Unity in error and lies is no unity of any value to God or to the faithful followers of Christ. TRUTH is our guidepost, and the written Word is the source of it. Read it prayerfully, follow its instructions, and enjoy the benefits of being part of the solution, and not the problem. (Not that you are!)

Yours, always,


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Do you have a substack where you write about these issues in more detail? I'd be interested to hear more from you about the "false accusations by the apostate Protestant churches" but I don't think Steve Kirsch's substack is the place for a detailed discussion of that topic.

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Dear Sister Kayla,

Your response is SOOO timely! It was just last night when I was thinking the very same thing: that Steve's newsletter is not the appropriate place to bring the light of the Truth into focus. Many reasons for that.

Ever since I signed up with and supported Sir Steve's efforts I've been in auto-response mode with the posters in an effort to join in his campaign (within my limited capacity). Figuring to take issue with those who were still "blue-pilled," it soon became apparent that they were non-existent here! But the posters were continuing to ask the nagging "HOW...?" questions relating to the failures of the watchdog establishments not stepping up to fulfill their duty. That got predictably old rather quickly, and from there, the questions of "WHY...?" began to surface here and there. That offered me the opportunity to relay what I've learned regarding intents and purposes of the "controllers" behind the scenes. But to do the subject justice, one needs to take the steps necessary for its understanding. It's a VERY broad and deeply rooted set of truths, mostly hidden from society's gaze. But upon inspection, as you would guess, there are historical facts which, collectively, paint a more truthful motive than that which the perpetrators project.

I used to like using the analogy of piecing together a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle as a parable to explain this reality. The assembler is not shown the pictograph of the scene. The many pieces are poured out on the assembly table, all mixed up, some face up, some down. The first leg of the procedure would naturally be the frame; the border pieces retrieved and separated. Then the task begins to fit them together. Once completed, the puzzle's size comes into view. There is no clue as to the picture it presents yet.

These "puzzle pieces" represent individual FACTS. Each has their peculiar shape, and color, both of which are required indicators of "where" they fit into the adjacent pieces, and subsequently into the "big picture." No force is needed when the "truth" is at hand, by way of "fit" as well as the blended colors on their up-side giving credence to the fit. At times, by way of color parallels, sections of the puzzle are assembled without recognizing "where" the partial assembly will fit into the whole, but the assembly is a sure thing, nonetheless. Truth is a reality which cannot be condemned. Our sensibilities and moral compasses are set to discern "proper fit."

As progress continues, half-way through the process, certain groups of unplaced assemblies will be found to "fit" in their proper places, causing the "big picture" to begin to take shape, and be the cause to consider what the "big picture" might be exactly. We're curious!

Finally, through continued exploration, examination, and test-fitting, along with perseverance, the puzzle gets to a point of completion that the picture becomes blatantly obvious, even without every piece being fit. It's close enough completed to become SURE of that which was "pictured" on the box; (aka...the TRUTH).

Likewise, the evil deeds done behind the scenes will leave a trail of tears, destruction, frustration, and ruin in their wake, and although intent is always cloaked in a smooth outer garment, it is recognizable if suspected of foul-play. The key is to NEVER trust the established narrative for any reason, especially one's gift of Christ's Blood for undeserved salvation; our eternal well-being.

This important factor is hidden from view, as you have inquired of. The above has been written simply as an introduction of reason for these thoughts to culminate in what is likely deemed as a peculiar point, with many folks assuming I'm crazy. Like you pointed out, this is not the place to expound. But the subject matter at hand is so vitally important to each and every one of us, that I cannot help myself from elaborating.

That's why I trust the broad subject to be worthily re-directed to the ministers who make it their life's work to broadcast the seed of Truth widely using the available media at their disposal. I would guess that 99.5% of all questions ask-able can be fully supplied by the handful of faithful ministers with Youtube exposure, or specific videos on their own websites. Some of these sites like Amazing Facts, or Amazing Discoveries, or Secrets Unsealed will of course provide other links if need be. These are Seventh Day Adventist Ministers, Pastors, etc.... who are supremely trustworthy for delivering the "straight testimony" (aka the TRUTH as it is in the Gospel of Christ)

But that is only the beginning. We are nearing the END of probationary time, and there is a dire warning given to a "system" of worship referred to as "Babylon" (confusion). It is a Pagan religion in full regalia, posing as a Christian religion! And God's Judgements are JUST about to fall upon this wicked world, which has been lulled to sleep by the "pied piper's " merry tunes, and such a huge number are not paying any attention to any of this.

In the midst of the mother of battles,


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I know I'm jabbed although I never danced with a needle.

I drink water. I breathe air. I eat foods that come out of soil.

They got me!

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So what changed nation wide in the mid to late 1990's beside the childhood vaccine schedule? I just happened upon this After Skool video, https://youtu.be/Aw16LPVnNco

(great thought providing videos by the way) within a great substack;


and I was blown away.


I couldn't believe this hasn't gotten more attention. While everybody is yapping about vaccines, me included here's this other national change that's impacted the entire planet.

What do you think Steve?

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Glyphosate contamination of foods is important because it decimates the human gut flora...and that makes babies and children more vulnerable to vaccine injury (see Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride's comments on this). Gut dysbiosis has a variety of other bad effects on a child's developing brain, too (again, see Dr. C-McB's work).

However, while glyphosate is probably an important contributing factor in the autism epidemic . . . Take a look at C.D. Nevison's research report "A comparison of temporal trends in United States autism prevalence to trends in suspected environmental factors" (easily found on the web by censorship-free search engine). Specifically, look at Figure 6, "Temporal trend in autism compared to temporal trend in U.S. application of glyphosate to genetically-modified corn and soy crops, as estimated from US Department of Agriculture data." The curve for autism and the curve for glyphosate use are an excellent match, *but* the glyphosate curve lags behind the autism curve by roughly 5 years. So something was powerfully pushing autism rates upward for some years before widespread use of glyphosate in US agriculture.

In Nevison's report, be sure to access Additional File 1. That's where you'll find the graphs for cumulative number of vaccinations given to US kids birth to 18 months, and the cumulative amount of aluminum vaccine adjuvant injected into US kids birth to 18 months. Also, the graph for probability of obesity in US women is a good match for the autism curve and precedes the autism curve by a few years; this suggests to me that the high-carbohydrate, pro-inflammatory diet that was promoted in the US starting in the late 1970's may be a contributing factor via enhanced inflammation in the brain following vaccinations. (I suspect Dr. Russell Blaylock would agree with me on this.)

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If you could provide links to the information you cited it would save me a bunch of time.

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Natasha Campbell-McBride - Book "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" - Chapter 8, "Vaccinations: Does MMR Cause Autism?" (pages 59-62)

C.D. Nevison research report:

A comparison of temporal trends in United States autism prevalence to trends in suspected environmental factors


Be sure to access Additional File 1. Do this by clicking on link in section titled "Electronic supplemental material". (On my computer, this file opens as a WORD document.)

Russell Blaylock MD

"The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development: The Case for a Link to Autism Spectrum Disorders"


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Ty much. I'll dig in asap

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Poisonous Snake/Snail/Marine animal venoms are in glyphosate and vaccines. Look up Dr. Brian Ardis who has the data!

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Oh, ps: Get rid of this with nicotine!

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On your team, I think it would be a good idea to add teams credentials. Dr. and PhD, etc.

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It isn't just the jab. It is EVERYTHING! The jab was the focal point for a spell but now it is a mere symptom of this clown world.

These are end days for the human race. And that's being optimistic!

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I'd like to point out that in the past month I have read two articles by supposedly knowledgable sources. One claims autism is caused by acetaminophen (tylenol) usage. The other claims autism is caused by glyphosate (round up) weed killer. Both claimed the the rise in autism correlates perfectly with the rise of use of these substances.

Many of us are old enough to remember when acetaminophen came out and overtook asprin as the main OTC pain releiver. Glyposate, if it had remained just a weed killer might not have made the big time, but it seems that it's creator, Monsanto, promoted it would be not only profitable but also a harmless practice to poison the entire wheat crop prior to harvest so that there wouldn't be pesky green spots (unharvestable) in the mostly golden wheat fields. The practice has apparently spread to all grain crops in almost the entire planet.

I'm sticking with vaccinations but thought I would share these "findings" with this group.

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I've spent a great deal of time studying autism. There is no "one cause." Humans are complex ecosystems living in and interacting with complex ecosystems. We need to think of autism as a multi-contributing-factor problem.

Here are some of the factors that can contribute to the development of autism: gut dysbiosis (e.g. "inherited" from mother at birth; or caused by antibiotic use early in life; or caused by ingestion of glyphosate in breastmilk, formula, and foods); vaccines (cause brain inflammation and longlasting microglial activation, dysregulate immune system, cause autoimmunity, poison the brain with aluminum adjuvants, etc.); Tylenol given immediately before and after vaccines (interferes with detox of toxic vaccine ingredients); epigenetic injuries by vaccines or other environmental toxins; undermethylation; inherited or epigenetic disorders of metal metabolism.

Here's an example: Years ago I read a research report which has since been "disappeared" from the internet. Researchers observed two groups of 25 toddlers each. Children in both groups had apparently normal development. All the kids in one group had a history of gut trouble of some kind (colic, diarrhea, constipation, food allergies, formula intolerances, etc.) All the kids in the other group had no history of gut trouble. The kids were observed before and after their first MMR shots at about 18 months of age. None of the children who had no history of gut trouble regressed into autism after their MMR vaccination. But 23 out of 25 children (that's 92%) with a history of gut trouble regressed into autism within 4 weeks after their MMR vaccination.

So . . .please stop thinking of autism as having one cause. Think about interacting factors instead, with vaccines being a major factor for most kids. (For autism-from-birth kids, consider the HepB vax given at birth, which delivers a dose of aluminum adjuvant.)

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Open debate should be the bases regarding every universal issue that manifests opposing sides. The experts vs the experts. And all public media should be encourage, if not forced, to imparcial coverage of the event.

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In my mind it's beyond sad that the issue of rise in autism should even have to be attempted to be resolved in a forum such as this. The rise in autism should have been definatively resolved long ago by the sheer rate of increase in cases in the span of a few years. The state of our world, our government, our medical community, our society is beyond pathetic. We have so digressed.

Man is the only animal that shows shame...or even needs to. - Mark Twain

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