Thank you so much for putting this together Steve. I have been reading about vaccines since my son was injured - 24 years- and trying to warn people and I am exhausted. I appreciate SO MUCH all the data and conflict tracing , crappy papers , etc being looked at with new eyes , including the now aware medical folk who now know personally what we parents have experienced all these years from their colleagues - dead face denial of obvious immediate harm , as well as the seeming incompetence in figuring it out. I am reading all of these , a strange " trip down memory lane " , of our last couple years since I saw the Chinese doctor in his live video telling us what was happening. (Nov 2019)

Having this community of people here is Such a relief ! I always read the comments too , so many intelligent , thoughtful folk who truly care about humanity and this terrible crime being committed.

You are a champion and a hero to me for taking your time , energy , and resources to help us all.

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I know two people that have had babies w/deformities since January. One was born w/half a brain, it is such a rare condition that the world class medical center had never seen a case before. Weird huh? Then the other baby was born w/her insides twisted around so that her bowels eliminate through her vagina. She is supposed to be having corrective surgery. Her doctor said it isn't uncommon for babies to be born this way. I doubt that is true, but what do I know? I am not a doctor. My guess is the baby will have problems of sorts for the rest of her life.

I am on numerous prayer lists for different churches and the requests for prayers for unusual health problems as well as announcements of people passing away is pretty mind-boggling, but so far no one seems to have connected the dots. And of course anyone older than 70 passing away isn't really being questioned because they are older people and their time has come. *Sigh*

Ministers and funeral home directors need to be keeping stats along w/everyone else. Speaking of ministers, one of them received a grant of $50,000 to take a three month sabbatical. Eli-Lilly was the sponsor. I found that to be very interesting on several levels. He and the wife took off for Iceland, then he was going to do some photography and writing. I mean no disrespect, but jeez, don't we all want a sabbatical?

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If memory serves Insurance Co. said NON COVID Deaths rose 40%, so check Insurance records. Peoplke avoided doctors, and hospitals for routine checks, and many fatal illnesses killed them. Medice is part of the problem with screening test. I have Barrret's Esopogaus Precancers 3 maybe 4 spots due to excessive reflux on a bland diet, The Barrets is the cause if rhe Reflux. I am allowed 1 Upper Endoscope EVERY 3 YEARS. The Gastro won't remove them, just biopsy them. I have my 3 year check in Nov. With Barrett's Cancer on the rise I want them REMOVED, AT 74 I am a risk for developing a silent Cancer. I'd rather be pro-active than take a sit back and wait. Toby Kieth has Stomach Cancer. He can go to any Cancer Center he wants. Doesn't mean he'll survive. Joey Martin Feek the female half of the JOEY/RORY FEEK Country duo had 3 bouts of Cancer, had the best of care, she lived to see her Down's daughter Indiana Boone Feek turn two. I have Medicare/Tricare Life, 2 sucky government heath care providers. That is what you get when your Hub spends 20 yrs in the USN, and you get old. Nor can you afford to change. If you sign up for one of these great sounding Obamacare pieces of crap, you lose the Tricare Life. Which is Part D of Medicare for us. Yes they are intertwinned.

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Why did the CDC stop publishing daily updates of all-cause US deaths on June 3? Are they hiding something? Is it no longer important? Is the bureaucrat who compiled the data just on vaca?


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In Europe, the management of the pandemic is also irrational. Our observation is that the testing offered by the State is also deficient. This morning, my husband had symptoms (fiever, chills). He did a self-test. It showed positive. The procedure is to do a citizen test at an official center ... This test showed negative ... As this was unlikely, he repeated another test at another center. This time, it showed positive ... I think that we are doing things without any consideration for quality ... Therefore, it is the same for data collection. There is no data quality and no data integrity ... There is no added value in having tests for asymptomatic persons. On the other hand, when someone has symptoms, he/she should be examined by a doctor ... and the doctor should decide which tests should be performed! This mass medical approach does not make sense! Human beings are not machines! They are not standardised! I thought that modern medicine aimed to customise treatments to individuals! This is total madness. Unfortunately, official medecine has turned into a money making entreprise ...

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Today an old family friend passed away at the age of 93. Normally I would not question the circumstances of a death at this age but in his case I do. He went in for a heart stint 3 months ago and it ended up infecting his heart valve.

So, the hospital tried to stop the infection by using massive amounts of antibiotics which ended up destroying his kidneys. Prior to this he was in excellent physical shape for his age. My question is: did the Covid Vaccine he took play a role in the infection?

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Doesn't feel possible to say for sure .. was his heart stint only needed after a "vaccination"? Did he have heart stints previously? The infection + antibiotics in large amounts + being 93 are significant factors ... Perhaps infection connected to weakened immune system made more weak, or heart problems connected to the injection, ... I don't know enough about the situation, but if you're very curious it may be worth connecting with one of the doctors who treat vaccine damage and see if they can say more, although they wouldn't give a clear answer not having known him. Or if he was fortunate enough to have a doctor who understands "vaccine" injury ..

Sorry for your loss ...

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I don't know how Doctors like Peter Marks live with themselves knowing their decisions have killed and injured millions of people. Ditto for Fauci, Gates, Baric, Collins et al. I just don't know how they do it.

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psychopaths have no empathy ...

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People like Marks will NEVER submit to a debate for any amount. They don’t need the money and they know they’d lose. Avoidance is victory. Another tactic is needed.

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The recent Vaers data is showing nearly 30,000 death reports. What date is your data from?

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The issue with your survey is that if you ask 2 people to list if they know anyone who died or was injured, then you may be getting double ups in the count as 2 (or more) people might know the same person... The same goes for listing yourself as injured and having someone else count you!

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Baby formula and peanut butter vendors can be sued.

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This is beyond belief

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Check out his recent posts, add him to the list, why are we so BLIND

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Justin Beiber is asking for prayers, having trouble eating, wife recently recovered from cerebral blood clot, … does anyone wonder what the h*ll is going on, why are we so BLIND, and how do we see the truth

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So it's an interesting question. And disability is absolutely a leading indicator of higher medical costs and excess mortality, so it's a worthwhile exercise. The data would certainly exist; the problem would be getting it. A couple of suggestions:

1. Social Security disability applications - this data should be public. You must adjust for the SS waiting period though, i.e. someone must be completely disabled for 5 months before applying.

2. The alternative that comes to mind is data from disability insurers. This would be useful because their definition of disability isn't as strict. However, barring convincing such an insurer to do a study, their data probably isn't directly available. It might be possible to get a sense from their annual reports (incidence, premiums, reserves).

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