Hi Steve, question not particularly related to this article, but I know you have mentioned in the past, and certainly it is mentioned in the turtles all the Way down vaccine book, that one of the gaps in research is legit studies comparing Vaxxed to unvaxxed for all shots on the childhood vaccine schedule. But now there’s a New book out by Dr. Booker and RFK Junior that reports to analyze 100 studies between Vaxxed and unvaxxed. Please un-confuse me.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

I'll give you the perfect "not quite 100%" analogy: 92% [claimed relative] effectiveness! And all the safety in the known universe. Which was initially commonly rounded up to 100, easier on the eye, that. Well, we've come a long way from 100 since, in fact the most plausible numbers around tell me we're in subzero turf! How far down the Siberian highway are we going, you wonder? That, my friend, we're about to find out.

Btw, as I heard someone say of Malone the other day befits your work also, Steve: If you're the enemy, let's hope the CIA/WHO/Gates sends us some more of your sort, your effort is a bigger contribution & help to the movement than that of a lot of it's (purportedly) keenest proponents.. In that sense, thanks & libertas semper!

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Thanks for all you do Steve to educate us on what has happened. It’s horrifying.

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I can venture as far as you did by stating: It seems like there was an effort to murder ALL the residents of that instotution".

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The first casualty of War is truth and we are definitely in a War against these Globalist psychopaths for humanity’s survival.

It now matters not whom you might be, what you have, your worth, simply put, if your not a Card carrying member of this Cabal, if you haven’t Sold your Soul, then you are collateral, to be expended, you simply do not count, you are are their prime target, you will be eviscerated as this twisted demonic group of psychotic’s continue to roll out this depopulation agenda, an agenda predicate upon lies, fraud, pseudo science, hype, propaganda and a heavily controlled and contrived narrative, all furthering the insane, as has been noted, written in the globes most famous tome… “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

Similarly, these adherents to the globalist gospels, have all, engaged the same trope, the same Modus Operandi to perpetuating the ever changing and hyped myths of their depopulation agenda, the Fauci DOD Ukrainian Bio Lab originated Scamdemic, of the fraudulent Climate Change science and its purported outcomes…. I mean, good lord… how many times was the world supposed to end, to be underwater, destroyed, flooded, 2000, 2010, 2020 and again, natures total Armageddon has necessitated being moved up, no cognisance given for the impact of volcanoes or any other naturally occurring natural phenomena, or for that matter their contrived attacks on Gas Pelines buried in the sea, the War and resulting munitions and ordnance gleefully exploded, nor for that matter the scores of military Aircraft always flying, many supersonic as a supposed necessity, National Security the oft quoted rationale, no worries about carbon footprints amongst that gang.

Equally insulting, the changes in the long established protocols and metrics, time proven and recognised conventions that over many decades devolved accepted science, conventional thinking and wisdom by every other definition, sadly, such as the most basic, the measurement of Air temperatures, typically as any meteorologist would opine always and once measured at a height minimum or protocol of 5 - 10 metres above ground, not as at present and recently amended to now be undertaken and measured per the recent switch to “ground based temperature measurement” as these frauds and liars perpetrating these lies, obscenely go about their fear mongering, scaring the pants off of the timid, the most gullible, the weakest amongst us.

The denials that Kirsch has been incessantly assaulted with by this detractor underscores the disdain, the lack of empathy, the lack of any humanity and feeling such individuals as this detractor hold, traits, that thankfully many of us still hold dear and possess.

It is discomforting to know and recognise such odious types exist, that they can willingly and seamlessly simply gloss over that which impacts most sane, clear and right thinking human beings…. Death.

Worst of all, to do so at the behest of points scoring, underlines a true disconnect with humanity, a real loss of morality of whatever once passed or presented for their moral compass, sadly this critic of Kirsch has underscored the truly venal and banal of her ilk, for that I remain ever grateful knowing and recognising with clarity each time we are assaulted with such modicum’s of behaviour that there are those of us who do remain on the right sides of humanity, of morality, that our individual compass has not gone awry, that in recognition of such, at the very least, despite the soul searching engendered each time we are so assaulted, is a true blessing and ought be recognised for the barometer of sanity it affords unto us.

Those of us who have awakened and truly understand the fall from a once implacable humanity we believed incontrovertible… how times and people have in such a short time changed.

God bless you Steve, your efforts, your tireless endeavours, may you always be protected with his guidance.

A kiwi fan, kia Kaha, strength in faith…

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This reminds me of a Snopes or Reuters fact check. Straw man arguments.

87% death rate is more than significant.

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It would seem like the 'Truther', as a defense, is 'picking the Fly-pooh out of Pepper' !! Those Nursing Home Stats tell the Story of the Jabs demonic intent, part of the Depopulation Agenda. We guess they now have to vehemently deny the connection between sudden Deaths and the 'Innoculation' for fear of any reprisal, both Legal and illegal. Life may be just a little scary late at night, for some of these Truthers !!

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The Long term facility I know HAD an average ‘stay’ of 14 months in memory care. So anybody who managed beyond 14 was doing good. There were a few who managed 14+ because it was a pretty good place. Until a Dec 2020 / Jan 2021 outbreak, full lockdown, then jabs. They lost almost everybody. To ‘Covid’ or the jab? Or loneliness? Or lack of care? On Christmas Day they had ONE caregiver for 25 memory care residents, most of whom could not care for themselves. How? Because Gov Newsom allowed facilities to be short of care during Covid. No penalties.

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I've asked before and didn't get an answer: what is the criterua used to determine that these are deaths caused by vaccines?

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Or you could actually read the article and ask a relevant question instead.

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I think Facts are Good should see a psychologist, or at least get out and have some fun. Probably both.

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The Bard answer reminds us that artificial intelligence is just that: artificial--not real--intelligence. In other words, real dumb. If I were 100 pounds overweight, I would be overjoyed upon having lost 83, and encouraged that I was close to my goal. And saving 100% of your income? How does that make sense unless you have a very large savings account and are drawing from that to live on? Anyone who can save 83%, especially these days, probably belongs in the record books. The mid-wits programing that thing are obviously none too bright.

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Yeah... I noticed that too.

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You are NOT the enemy Steve. Thank you for being... kinda like that dog that keeps barking the truth at them and nipping at their heels with data. I applaud you. Keep at it.

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WE ARE NOT COMMUNISTS WE ARE GODS MEN AND WOMEN WE ARE HARDWORKING, GOD FEARING PEOPLE 1. A God fearing man does not willfully commit sin 2. He feels truly remorseful when he sins 3. He never resorts to any other god during difficulties 4. A God fearing man is a man of integrity 5. A God fearing man is a responsible man: 6. A God fearing man is an humble man 7. A God fearing man is a peace loving man: 8. A God fearing man is kind hearted 9. A God fearing man is wise: 10. A God fearing man is forgiving as well as a PEACEMAKER Luke 22:36 ----- New International Version

He JESUS said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

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Praise JESUS to say the quiet part out loud.

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Mr. Kirsch's analyses are logical and compelling! The two people who criticized him are willfully blind. They don't want to engage in a discussion to arrive at truth.

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Well said. I am with Steve and his excellent analyses.

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The fact that she asked, "So we'd have to believe that the facility had close to 100% death rate per month for three months straight and were able to instantly replace anyone who died?" tells me that she knows nothing about nursing homes. They literally give you 24 hours to clear out your family member's belongings before they fast-track the next client in.

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True. Or you can pay per day. No grace period whatsoever.

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Here is another to add to the list. Pilot cardiac arrest in flight and dying before landing.


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