Yes, of course 6 stents are normal.

Kids have ALWAYS had myocarditis and dropped dead on the sports field, we'rejust better at noticing.

Musicians and sports players have always died during performances, and had Guillain-Barre flare-ups on stage, we used to take bets over which player would drop dead.

Cancer rates have always been this high.

All of this is perfectly normal. . .NOT

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Please remember you can say, I refuse, when you’re in a health care system.

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Whenever you enter a healthcare facility, please remember,

You can refuse over and over again.

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And believe it or not our wonderful president Biden, just had his fourth booster shot on television with Anthony Fauci smiling behind him!

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Fiat Medicine, like our ever-inflating currency, is losing value by the day.

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My 77 year old dad got his 2nd vax shot in March of last year. Never had a cardiac issue in his life. Barely 2 weeks later, he needed a quadruple bypass. 98% blockage in 2 different arteries.

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Given what patents reveal about the hydrogels and 5g 6g connection I have to ask - how many of these fast acting blood clots were accelerated by 5g network exposures?

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Given that 5G is deploying fairly slowly & a low percent of the population was exposed in 2021, i would say probably low impact. Not to say it's safe, or that it's not a factor, but the vax reactions are observed & predictable - vax rolls out, whole bunch of death, peaking at 14-18 days out, then a spike in cancer & other health issues

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I’m surprised they did anything for her. Doctors have been playing dumb, especially if you’re over a certain age. I hope she recovers ok.

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A French Minister spoke recently about his injections: he wanted to show he was a good sport and got them. since January he's had 4 heart operations, was fine before. He also learned that other Ministers, including Macron never got the real injections. He knows about the whole scam and is a victim of his own "goodwill".

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Tristen Nash, Son of WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash, Dead at 26


Patient dies after being given sweet lemon juice in drip in place of platelets


msu https://www.tmz.com/2022/10/20/msu-football-player-sam-westmoreland-found-dead-church-cops-say/

Josephine Melville: EastEnders actor dies backstage at Nottingham Playhouse after performance


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When we see the blockages these embalmers are pulling out of the vaxxed bodies it makes you wonder if the stents will end these problems as the growths keep growing.

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My aunt has been a vegetarian for 35 years, was a yoga instructor for many years, healthy lifestyle. Had 2 pfizer shots and moderna for booster. Had a heart attack with 99% of arteries in the heart blocked with plaque. Needed two stents and open heart bypass surgery. To me, this was 90% jab's fault, 10% of eating mostly carbs and starches with no animal protein.

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My guess is that every single time, the medical industry will blame "C0VID," "long C0VID" or my absolute favorite, "asymptomatic C0VID" for these heart issues.

"I know you suddenly got heart problem after the C0VID shot, but it's really not the shot, you had Imaginary C0VID."

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The medical industry will blame anything, the weather, Russia, global warming (ahem), computer games, sugar etc. etc.

Mind you, big pharma do produce tons and tons of toxins which they put into the air, food and water. And into their drugs of course. Vaccines are just the icing on the cake as it were for them, or the lead in to a new customer for life.

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And most of the normies will believe what the TV tells them, and their doctor, and exponetially shorten their lives.

But hey, at least they won't die of C0VID.

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Why is it that “professionals” in the medical profession are the only ones that get a pass because they fear losing their jobs? They are advising these vaccines KNOWING the amount of adverse reactions are more than other vaccines that were halted. They have the legal duty of provide informed consent to their patients. Many unnecessary deaths and preventable deaths have been caused by their unwillingness to stand up to evil.

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The doctors and nurses involved in these covid protocols and standards of care with remdesivir are complicit in crimes against humanity. Harsh, but true. There are bonuses and financial perks that go along with complying. I can't seem to draw any other conclusion.

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No other conclusion sadly.

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How about this conclusion:

1. There is no verified correlation between the vaccine and heart events

2. Physicians are not speaking out because they do not believe their is a correlation.

3. Physicians are in such demand that being fired is not a deterrent to speaking the truth.

4. The focus should be on specific vaccine brands and, if the data shows a correlation, the vaccine should be removed from the market as with all medications.

5. The use of sensational terms like "jab," does not lend credence to the argument.

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1. "There is no verified correlation between the vaccine and heart events"

- and there is no verified correlation between the vaccine and benefits only wishful thinking and manipulation of staistics.

2. "Physicians are not speaking out because they do not believe their is a correlation." - but there is a correlation between having a well paid job and pension at taxpayers expense (UK)

3. "Physicians are in such demand that being fired is not a deterrent to speaking the truth."

- good physicians are in demand perhaps, but as food should be our medicine and medicine our food, we need nutritionists/good cooks who have a decent grasp of chemistry. And not doctors who doctor the truth.

4. "The focus should be on specific vaccine brands and, if the data shows a correlation, the vaccine should be removed from the market as with all medications."

- all vaccines are poisonous if not a placebo (which makes more money for big pharma) and should be removed from the market including big pharma in general as most of its medications are neuro-toxic and hence harmful.

5. "The use of sensational terms like "jab," does not lend credence to the argument."

- agreed, governments etc should not use this term as Nazi death stick would be more suitable. But this doesn't sell the product well, so it is avoided.

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My daughter-in-law was pressured (scared) into accepting the jab, against the entire family's recommendation. She immediately began having problems with her heart (racing heart rate, along with pain). She went to the ER. A test revealed an elevated d-dimer. The attending physician could find nothing wrong and contributed her issue to "anxiety", and was prescribed anti-anxiety medication. She was referred to a cardiologist, "just to be safe". After seeing the cardiologist, and having a stress test, the cardiologist told her everything looks good. Her d-dimer is still elevated (almost a year later, still @ 1200). She is 37 years old. And two weeks ago, she contracted COVID. She is not the same person these days...

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She should have had a cardiac MRI to eval for myocarditis, CT of her chest to eval for PEs, and if those were both entirely negative, she may have microclots that are so tiny they don't show on imaging, see FLCCC.net for recovery protocols to consider and get a telemed visit there or with myfreedoctor or Stella Immanuel or Americasclinic.

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Anti-anxiety medication like most big pharma drugs will be neuro-toxic most certainly, so adding to vaccine problems. What many doctors will not say is that there is a vitamin D deficiency in the western world due to increased living and working indoors. Testing for and improving D levels essential to try and repair damage.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) with bioflavnoids a great anti-oxidant to remove neuro-toxins.

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My wife has had heart failure for years, but it has been stable and with medication she has done just fine. FOUR days after she took the second covid shot, she started retaining fluid and had to be hospitalized twice (the last time I wasn't sure she was going to live she was in such bad shape). Her sodium and potassium levels dropped to dangerously low levels and it took six days in the hospital to correct and finally get her on the proper drugs to control the collection of fluids. The covid vaccines have or will cause the deaths of more people than covid itself. Fauci and the rest of his criminals at the CDC are responsible for the death of millions of people of all ages. They should be rotting for the rest of their lives in jail.

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Very similar with my mother. After getting boosted, her lungs kept filling with fluid and had to be drained. Then she got a blood clot and passed away a few weeks ago...and she has been on blood thinners for years to prevent that.

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