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Yeah but just imagine how much larger those lymph nodes would have been had they NOT gotten the vaccine! Probably the size of basketballs. It's just more proof the vaccines are working. CDC, wanna back me up on this?

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To me it looks like you are telling that vaccines are ment for working in the lymp? I learned that the vaccine shall work in the blood, by there learning the B and T cells how to fight an actual virus?

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Dec 30, 2021Edited
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It's correct that the lymp notes fight diseases, byt why do they, as for my wife, first overreact 3 month after vaccinating, as resulth of the mRNA vaccines, where newer before have heard about this to happen? We mostly read that on the legs, for older persons they can be seen as being bigger. We have 500 - 1,000 of then and with the circulating systen on 24 hours opposit to for the blood 24 sekunds. But concerning the B cells especially we learn that they are ment to remembering by witch virus, or bacteria, we have been hit, and thereby recalling them and then fast reacts next time. But concerning the Phizers, and the others we since the vaccines came, realised that they result in the B and T cell can't remember the actual virus, so again and again we will be hit by SARS-CoV-2. Opposit to after when once hit by Covid-19, instead of vaccinated. Strange that Israel in July stated 6 time bigger chance in being infected. The vaccines among other make ravage for the ACE2 and thereby disturbance all over the body.

Strangely you mention TB and HIV, as to me I look like later in the book by Judy Mikovits "Plague", which I am now reading in, will realize that these disease, like the actual SARAS-CoV, invented in 2014, are the results of humans bad work.

What lies are we told about the immune systems?

Tell me so that I can correct in my books, and the doctors.

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Dec 30, 2021Edited
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Now I got a bit more time. Concerning oxygen, it bouth is bad (iron corode) and good (nessecary, energi); not long ago we discovered insects living without oxygen. Actually Otto Warburg believed that cancer only is caused by missing oxygen at the actual place in the body. And some persons white about killing some of the around 250 different cancers by jumping H202 into blod, and there will change to H20 and O2 and the O2 killing the cancer in 1 - 2 days. Normaly we always learned about cancer, don't like, kiled by, O2, but now we also talks about that some cancers which cells live by on O2. And concerning healt, it's best to breath 7 sekund in and 7 sekunds out, for the lungs to have time.

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It's a shame I not have much time to answering back. But for the first you know that concerning way back in history around 1776 (?) measles was from Denmark by ship brought to Faroe Island, and many died. Around 64 years later it came again, and thouse who still lived and had met it 64 years earlier, then not was hit by it. And this brugt to the specultion, why did the B cells, B lymphocytes, remember the virus, as the original B cells, no longer was living. But in any case the now living B cells remembered the actual virus.

The other thing, the vitamin C, not long living, aha, did you read Linus book "C vitamin and the common flu"? It is different what we in books read about its halfing time, as we read from 1/2 to 4 hours, so therefore we have to take it many times a day, and some has taking up to 200 grams a day when needed. And the vitamin C is the best virus killer, better than vitamin E and Magnesium. Opposit to this, concerning halfing time, we have that for vitamin B12, if suddently changing to being veterinarian, first around 1 year later you maybe run in to missig it. And opposit to this then the bad drug used against osteoporosis, its halfing time is on 6 - 10 years, so one time take it, it newer stops atacting you.

But again B cell normaly remembers viruses, but not after being mRNA vaccinated.

And you saw 3 - 4 days ago the policechief in Hamborg telling that 95% of the actual infected had not been vaccinated, and it turned out that quit opposit it was only 14% who not had been vaccinated. So why was the vaccinated infected? And why are we again and again told that the unvaccinated are infecting the vaccinated? To me it as explaining, You see: 2 + 3 = 5, but 3 + 2 = 7. Aha, I learned something new.

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Dec 30, 2021Edited
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Concerning measles I didn't connect it to vitamin A, which I daily give to my wife concerning eyes, I wroute about vaccinating. Actually til MMR vaccinating probaubly are causing autisms and much more. Concerning vitamins A and D I allway concerning helth tells about how FDA and the drug producers i 1937 after 7 years reseach then tried to patent them because the cured person (but killed researsh animals). One of the researchers tried by himselfs during 1 or 2 weeks with 3,000,000 IU/day, 75 mg, and no problem. But as FDA couldn't patent them, then they started varning people against taking more than 1.000 IU/day of the D and also a low number for vitamin A. And all of the docters here around have been choched when I mention reality for how much it can be fine to take. 1937wer

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Dec 30, 2021Edited
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I always say that in 1913 Rockefeller changed the health system i USA. In 1930, the ministeries then told don't take minerals because they are causing the diseases.

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Dec 30, 2021Edited
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Yes we can agree. Actually I was to fast when I wroute about the lymphosyte, bescause I am thinking about after the vaccine had come out in the lymp, then from the it will continue out in the muscle-body, and there make ravavage. 2 hours ago I from Amozon received the book Liljana Stevceva: "Vaccines for Latent Viral Infections". And this is more parallel to what Malone think about concerning the use of vaccines.

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Please don't give this stuff to your family in Germany, or anywhere!.. I'm so sad for what is happening in Europe!- God Bless!-

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I guess you┬┤re being ironic (just a bit, ofc). Hahaha :-)

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