The alledged stillbirths that kicked off the controversy were not at Lions Gate Hospital, but at Vancouver Women's Hospital. However, the local protests highliting the issue were initiated first at Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, not at Women's Hospital. Even Steve got tripped by the factcheckers feint in this regard.

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I think the "vaccines" are poison, but the clear impression online now after some dust setted is that these stillbirths were exaggerated. Does anyone in Canada have clarity?

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There are indirect witnesses who know the direct nurse witnesses if the case ever went to court. But the only clarity is that the hospitals won't release the data, and anyone not authorized to speak by the hospital would get fired. However, the ovaries is a primary location where spike proteins accumulate and likely do damage https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027869152200206X . So the accusations are credible.

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This means that if you ate a GMO food, you are also transhuman. I'm afraid that is all of us at this point. The thing to watch is how the laws are interpreted, not their exact letter. And since most people were "owned" already prior to the consumption of gene altered goods, I don't see the distinction. Freedom, after all, is as much a state of mind as it is an inailienable right. Most give it all up voluntarily when they join Facebook and consume all that media trash. What worries me is that we are moving steadily from wage slavery to outright slavery. I wonder if many will even notice.

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What time period is "the last fiscal year" in their mind? That would be a key question to answer.

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Our Minister of Health should be addressing any allegation of stillbirths in vaccinated mothers. This is a serious report that should not be dismissed. This puts Christine Elliott's competency in question, in my opinion, as she has a legal and moral obligation to address this and follow up with the manufacturers. This is an urgent matter and the fact that she does not even acknowledge it gives me great concern.

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An Ontario doctor has stated that 100 percent of her patients vaccinated in the first trimester had miscarriages and her favourite patient just had a stillborn after being vaccinated at 3 months. The Minister of Health is covering up and lying

These are not safe vaccines.

The PM Trudeau continues with hate speech against the unvaccinated that proves he is a liar but since his popularity is at 30 percent and falling the more he keeps up this hate speech the more he will have calls for the RCMP to arrest him. He has lots of corruption to be arrested for. Andy Lee @hanbah bananaz Twitter is a great source to read. Seems Trudeau's crimes of giving favors in exchange for monies to his foundation is linked to Chinese who bought retirement homes where many seniors were killed during covid.

Christine Elliott needs a visit from the Ontario Provincial Police for cover up of a failed vaccine causing harm to pregnant females. Very sad.

Just a note on the hate rhetoric by Justin Trudeau who was supposedly in Barbados over Christmas and the RCMP and border crossing would do well to leak it if true is very wrong. The unvaccinated are healthy. They are getting covid and doing very well. They are not ending up in hospital anymore then in a normal flu season. It is the vaccinated in the hospital. No doubt vaccine injuries playing the role in that. . The lying media and lying doctors spread misinformation. The data proves otherwise. The vaccinated are spreading

covid and getting sick and being hospitalized and dying outing the lies of Biden Wallensky and Pfizer. We have all their videos and tweets. . They can't run and hide. They need to face trial for hate inciting violence and treason to the citizens and so should Justin Trudeau Christine Elliott and all the rest of the clowns. A Dr. Brian Goldman on twitter states omicron is not always mild and a double vaccinated healthcare worker is having breathing issues. Well if the vaccinated are being made sick and allowed to be sick then the unvaccinated are allowed to be sick

as well. Pretty stupid Nazi mentality to say differently. Only stupid people accept people being made sick by a vaccine that was supposed to stop them getting it but demand the unvaccinated not be allowed to be made sick.

This is where the majority of Canadians will not stand for the hate mongering of Justin Trudeau or Joe Biden Or Macron of France

Nuremberg Trials are needed for these traitors to humanity. The Hague ICC better stop being paid off and do their jobs. The genocide of Rwanda started with the hate speech and dividing of citizens aided and abetted by the media.

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People can demand to have the data shown by those making decisions and they refuse.. Why. Because they have no data to prove anything. The onus is on the government to prove with facts that lockdowns continual emergency orders are warranted and now the vaccine mandates. They have none that's why they drag the court cases. The stillbirths will not be investigated as it is covered up. Perhaps years from now it will get brought up but right now keep pushing the vaccines as safe. The omicron variant is mild. South African doctors the EU and Who all concur. But our crazy psychotic doctors continue the lies. The dead bodies will pile up in hockey arenas. Never ever happened anywhere in the world. Just the crazy spin that is lapped up by those driving policy. Remember Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell are linked to blackmailing powerful people to drive policies in countries and you can be sure it's in Canada as well. In Germany France Italy. Their tentacles went everywhere.

The Dehumanization Awareness program needs to be read and shared. It's on social media. It encompasses what we are seeing here with vaccine mandates passports and hate speech of segregation.. Slavery of the Blacks was dehumanizing behavior. Hitler did it as well. Thus to push these obscene mandates and call those who refuse the shot selfish unclean and need to be segregated is on.tbe same level.as slavery and Nazi Germany. Slavery was pure evil. It resulted in deaths of many Black people. It was on the same level as genocide. Evilness has no borders.

In Germany they have stories of children being forced everyday to go at the front of the class and state their vaccination status and the class claps when the child is vaccinated. How cruel. dehumanizing and pure evil based on lies. Based on governments without one shred of evidence to back up the emergency To back up need to keep people safe. Or its for your good.

If you want to take the vaccine it is your choice but you are legally and ethically to have informed consent. It can't be under criminal duress bullying threatening.

It's your choice as to whether you want to be part of dehumanizing other members of society. f your an employer.

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The dehumanization of 12 to 17 year old children in Ontario Canada went further today. The government now requires fully vaxxed children to play sports in recreation centres. Most recreation centres were doing that but I guess not all.

RCMP then CSIS years ago had a program watching communists in Canada and their sympathizers and there was a plan to go after certain families and put them at Casa Loma. I guess it fell through and it was stated they had to recheck their mindset so grave human rights offences were not committed.

Well I guess that mindset needs to be revisited to not follow same mistakes. Today that mindset was not stopped by CSIS or RCMP. The dehumanization of children forced to get a vaccine to continue to play sports was not kept in check. In fact that group has massive risk of myocarditis. There is 325000 unvaccinated males in the at risk category. Very sad. They are boxed in is one great way to describe it.

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Yes any doctor who refuses health exemptions is committing dehumanization of their patient. The patients right to informed consent free of coercion. Refusal to give a patient a right to body autonomy and to choose what goes into their bodies falls under the medical health acts thus doctors have to respect their patients free of political irrational fear or threats to loss of license.

Any doctor who refuses their patients wishes is aiding and abetting criminal coercion known as criminal duress here.

Bullying and threatening is added. They need to be served with Notice of Liability. Attach the government to that notice. Enforce your rights

Yes the Genetic Non Discrimination Act of the Federal Government can be used. There is a $1,000,000 fine and up to 5 years imprisonment for contravention. Make your doctors aware of that.

Time to hold cowards to account. Stand up against medical apartheid and those who stand with it. That includes doctors too. Dehumanization was done by Hitler by communist dictators by slavery. It is part of our past and is now part of our future. Do not turn a blind eye to that.

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The story given of children being dehumanized by having to announce Vax status everyday in front of class goes over into adult situations through job losses right to freedoms of sports travel and entertainment. It is dehumanizing to be suspended or fired. It is dehumanizing to be kicked out of sports clubs and other venues based on vaccine status . It is dehumanizing to be shunned by family. It is truly demeaning demoralizing and beyond comprehension when this is based on lies and illogical. Do not try to justify it as there is no justification whatsoever and if you accept vaccine passports your plain stupid

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Dec 12, 2021
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Yes I read the part of the patent and that is ludicrous. Definitely mad men.

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Dec 12, 2021
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Taken away to what? If Steve is part of the elites involved why did he take the vaccines then? Why would Gavin Newsom take the third dose and suffer a reaction. Are there certain Elites they want to get rid of and steal their money?

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“Trust me” is not the slogan of science, it’s the slogan of religion. The slogan of science is “Show me.”

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Exactly, Dr Nagase was clear that the reports of still births were at BC Women's Hospital (BCW) which is although it is situated in Vancouver is not a part of Vancouver Coastal Health Authority but is under the jurisdiction of Provincial Health Services Authority (not the same as the Provincial Ministry of Health). So Vancouver Coastal would not be the one to speak to whether there was a still birth increase at BCW to begin with.

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Yes and this stillbirths will.co to be covered up so as not to prove the vaccine being unsafe. The pandemic is so deadly we need to coerce pregnant females to take an unproven rushed experimental jab while Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is having a fundraiser in Toronto for $1650 a plate at a fancy Hotel. It's too dangerous for families or friends to mingle but fine for the elites. The second in command at Canada Public Health is cancelling her holiday dinner so she says as this virus is raging out of control yet here we have the big fundraiser dinner at a hotel. Travellers need to quarantine with PCR tests at hotels that are not feeding them properly but the elites are eating a five course meal at a hotel. Justin Trudeau will be flying from Ottawa to Toronto to attend. All is fair right during this real deadly pandemic that schools might close in Ontario as it's so unsafe but perhaps we have some teachers union members at the Trudeau fundraiser. Who knows. But got to push a vaccine that's not looking so safe to pregnant females or children. 4 children dead in Vietnam from the vaccine. Supposedly 2 in Ontario. Quite sad that the masses are fooled into believing this is so deadly but elites obviously do not. They tell.you it is. They blame the unvaccinated for a spread using hate and segregation speech.. but their actions prove otherwise. Any reporters going to scope out the fundraiser tonight from 5 to 7 pm at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Toronto? Probably not. They would have to ask serious questions like how safe is the vaccine when very coincidental stillbirths are occuring in Canada with hospitals misleading when confronted with it

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How humiliating to Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada to be called out for human rights abuses from a big human rights offender China. A communist dictator. Yes Justin Trudeau has committed human rights abuses against citizens with vaccine mandates and passports allowing citizens to be fired who refuse the shot and stopping them from getting unemployment insurance. He has shut out the unvaccinated from flying or going on trains internationally and domestically. A democratic free country leader being called out by a communist dictator should go down as a disgrace to that Prime Minister.

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Left is the killer. No vote in left... Hitler and left are brothers...

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For the above Health Minister Christine Elliott ask her why she requested that the federal government to hurry up with their maximum security isolation camps. I guess the common cold of omicron is such a threat. Ask the Minister of Education .and Health. With all those school closures how many kids hospitalized or dead? There have been outbreaks for two weeks now. So please up date with the status of those. If it was so deadly surely we would have lots of hospitalizations and deaths from covid in kids and teachers.

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She is also calling for Bill Blair to criminalize the unvaccinated. Wakey Wakey. This is not about health. She lies through her teeth and the question is who pays her.

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Tell Bill Blair to stick to organized crime in the way of guns and drugs. The citizens demand that on social media but somehow they are deaf.

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Focus...maxim security isolation camps. Did she say that in the letter to the feds. Yes she did. So do you think it's about health.? You need maximum security. Why? No wonder they want to test symptomatic at Shoppers Drug Mart. Then they can sequestered all those in the store at the time if a person is positive. What a scam. This is Australia coming to Canada UN backed of course..

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The stillbirths need to be investigated. They stated to pregnant females it was safe without any proof and totally against all advice to pregnant females pre covid.

Same for the children 12 to 17 years old. They recommended to stop Moderna in that age group but refuse with Pfizer even though the risks of myocarditis are the not far off. Does anyone really understand what's happening?

They pushed the vaccine on our children 12 to 17 years old or they could not play sports or go to movies with friends or eat in restaurants. They had to have the vaccine passport just like adults. Yet there were myocarditis risks warning. There were children especially males getting myocarditis. They used this vaccine passport to coerce the vaccine onto kids even though it was harming and only months later after hurting many kids they said stop Moderna

This is an experiment. These public health doctors bureaucrats and leaders pushed this vaccine saying it was safe. They gave no informed consent and months later the removal of Moderna to this age group proved it was not as safe as they stated. They vilified parents who didn't want their kids vaccinated and even vilified the children by denying them access to freedoms like the vaxxed children. This is criminal. This is insane and no one will be held accountable. They use fact checkers to lie and attack anyone who dares challenge the narrative. They use terms anti Vax or selfish or granny killers to vilify those who wont subject their bodies to the experiment.

Are you getting this yet world. Are you getting the fact they vilify people for refusing to be lab rats. They even vilify your children. They care nothing about you or children. Only their narrative their power and control and money money.

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The horrific news could use some narrowing down.

Vaccinated before or while they were pregnant?

If vaxxed when pregnant - which month into the pregnancy?

If vaxxed before the pregnancy, how many weeks/months before conception date?

I’m also curious to know if there are any unvaxed women with vaxxed partners who have had issues with their pregnancies.

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Yes a real investigation will include all questions and scenarios. But shutting the door to any investigating us wrong since this is vaccines in stage 3 clinical trials. There should be autopsies done. There should be checking the funeral parlours in the area. I guess it's easier to ticket for

non mask wearing or those who don't have vaccine passports then to investigate whether a vaccine is causing harm and sudden deaths. We don't pay cops to have irrational fears put onto citizens either.

Remember they will fight tooth and nail to cover up any vaccine injuries and try to stop investigations . So be prepared for this. The fact they will blatantly mislead using fiscal year tells the story. Every citizen should be outraged if this is not investigated because something stinks to the fact that they called the vaccine safe for pregnant females and even so far as to try and coerce by stating vaccine uptake in pregnant females in Ontario was low so how can they coerce more to get it Very sad what is going on.

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Horrendous and disgusting. There are other words that come to mind too.

Regarding "fact checks" and related neologisms for gatekeepeing, I fondly remember a trick a techer taught me close to 35 years ago:

"If someone has to make a point of them being honest, like a used car salesman calling himself 'Honest Bob' or something similar, how honest can they be?"

It works like a charm with "fact checkers" too. As you amply demonstrate, none of the suspicions or fears of dr Nagase are checked. Only "facts" made up by the fact checker are discussed and subsequently knocked down. Like men of straw.

With that said, below is a short rundown of how life in a totalitarian state works:

Imagine the police, the prosecutor and the courts working like this: suspicion of crime equals proof of crime. Challenging the word of the court is the crime of wasting court resources.

So when you protest your innocence, you prove your guilt, since an innocent loyal law-abiding citizen would want to aid the police, yes? Only a criminal would stymie police work by being difficult, yes?

Are you going to be compliant, or a problem?

After all, it's for your own good.

And since the State is built on science, rational thought and right - anyone challenging the word of the State is anti-science, irrational, and wrong. These poor people must be cared for away from others so they don't spread their mental illness. They must be re-educated, rehabilitated and made fit to rejoin society. For the greater good.

Anyone actively opposing or resisting this is an agent of the enemy, evil or a traitor.

The question in a totalitarian state is not if you are loyal and compliant, it is:

"Are you loyal and compliant enough?"

Rikard, ex teacher

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An innocent law abiding citizen realizes quickly the cover up.and realizes the many factors that are involved that never hold people accountable. Case in point here a doctor is attacked for using a treatment that goes against the narrative so he is not a good Doctor so then he can't be believed on the miscarriages and stillbirths and then you have forces at work who can't have a vaccine failure causing harm so they quickly resort to fact checkers lying. Who pays the fact checkers. We all know who right.

Then we have government pay people to go through reports of crime and mischief or through social media to try and paint a narrative as well. For instance they need to get funds through lying about hate speech and online threats. They take something innocent and turn it into hate speech. The internet censorship bills are not legitimate. They will claim to be against hate speech but in reality they are designed to stifle exposes and opinions . They pay people to comb through posts and then say majority of people want crackdown on opinions that they don't like.. No people want crack down on abuse of government over reach illegal activities ethics breaches and no one ever held accountable for their actions. Case in point blame people for not wearing masks or travelling or not social distancing and send the police to ticket but you have pictures of them with no masks travelling and caring on like normal and all they do is apologize or blame others. No tickets for them. No loss of jobs but your firing people who refuse the vaccine. Even the police are engaged in firing their own who refuse the vaccine. That is against the Charter of Rights. That is abuse of power and breach of trust. They are not upholding the very foundation they are supposed to protect.

Yes they want to see if your loyal and compliant enough in a totalitarian state. If you are not you might turn against them and expose them. Now you have a third dose of this vaccine. You took the first two but will you succumb to a third or will you say. Enough is enough. Never in the plan. Something is not right. Cover up of adverse events. They never debate with other experts only their chosen narrative ones. That is communism at its finest. Yah a car salesman can be very dishonest.

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Innocent people protest their innocence all the time. That's why wrongfully convicted have been exonerated. Because they never gave up and people came to their aid. The Justice system is not true justice if it takes so long to exonerate a wriongfully convicted individual.

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The vaccine is made to reduce the world's population. No vaccine is good The best vaccine is sunlight and raw vegetables and fruits

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Buying fruits and vegetables cost money. So does vitamins and minerals supplementation. But we lockdown stop people from working we fire those who refuse the vaccine and shut them access to unemployment benefits thereby denying them the life saving stuff for health. We destroy their me tal and physical health with anxiety and stress and pretend it's about health. We have to watch lie after lie while people lap them up or upset but do nothing. We watch as children are harmed with myocarditis and no one does anything other then the amazing courageous doctors and people on here commenting and on other social media. They remove recommendation for one vaccine after they already harmed many children and young adults and that's ok to many. Just accept that. No sorry we don't accept that. We challenge that. That is pre meditated harms by using an experimental shot and criminal coercion by stealing freedoms and jobs.. We are not ok with that. For the greater good is absolutely criminal and we say be quiet you fools who utter that. .

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Exactly. I wonder how the government expects to maintain health after decimating the economy with debt and with people unemployed. Did they think of the repercussions of firing able bodied people who refuse the vaccine or do they think criminal coercion will win out because I do not see that happening. In fact many fired are rehired as the new employer states these ones have integrity and stuck to their principles. Principles these crooks do not possess. So a man made pandemic. With people not as healthy and no long term effects of the vaccine known.

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There has been no clinical trial on vaccine safety during pregnancy. The people pushing vaccines on pregnant women are beyond childbearing age. They probably won't even vaccinate their 5-12 year old children if they have any.

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