We’ve had eight family members and friends die after getting the jabs. 😣

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Going back to the square-one question I asked from the beginning (along with many concerned & cautious virologists, epidemiologists, scientists & doctors): “Why? For something that’s over 99% survivable.“ 😵‍💫

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This comports with VAERS data which reflects only about 1% of adverse events reported following Covid jabs, according to their own disclaimers.


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I had the 3rd vax because in 2021 were were traveling to Europe and they were all up in arms scared shitless over COVID. After the 3rd shot, about 10-11 days later, (never before, never since then) I developed chest palpitations and shortness of breath. I was scared but talked myself out of calling emergency rescue. It resolved but to date I’m not convinced breathing feels exactly the same as before getting any shots.

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Hi Clark,

I’m sorry I don’t know if it would help that condition. So far it’s helped me and my friend with two types of skin cancer. Some theorize that cancer might be caused by parasites- possibly explaining why Ivermectin can be useful. I’m not sure what causes atopic dermatitis.

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Vaccines have always had dual purpose. Just from my own experience with family and friends. Therefore I have been always very cautious with existing - and not to mention with novel products. When the whole kangaroo circus with C-19 started it was obvious to me that such thing has 'other purpose'. Epidemiology was turned on its head: epidemiology 101 states never try to suppress a raging epidemic by vaccines. Period. Full-stop. Naturally acquired immunity was downplayed, stripped, denied, ignored, gaslight. Under such circumstances what else surfaces as a conclusion? With passage of time it became obvious that my caution was well justified. It became obvious that 'da thing' was very well planed in advance, very well financed, every single aspect of organized life had been adversely affected - not by chance or accident. Licensing bodies, 3 letter agencies, media, most unions, just about any regulatory body. Look what College of Ontario Physicians and Surgeons has done to noble Dr. Mark Trozzi. Not just him... The project continues...

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I didn't know if the shot was dangerous before it rolled out. I did know that it obviously had not long term safety risks. I did know this was a brand new technology being tested on the public.

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It does not work. The vaccine does not prevent you from getting the virus. Notably both Joe and Jill Biden have been vaxxed X4 and both have gotten Covid not once but twice.

The COVID vax isn’t safe!

For years it has been argued that it was not FDA approved. That because it was released as Emergency Use Authorization the testing was truncated or skipped (no animal studies, no testing in 12 and under, no testing for pregnant women, no testing regarding carcinogenicity) For years we have been trying to reports deaths and serious adverse effects to VAERS. For years the CDC has been hiding and covering it up. now however we have 3 years of deaths. Something you can’t hide. Everyone knows someone who got the vax and died. Everyone has seen at least a few young healthy athletes who have died suddenly. How do you simply dismiss that? ITS BS!

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Richard Smith thanks for all the likes. Stew Peters of the Stew Peter's Show has come out with some blow-your-mind interviews and produced the movie 'Died Suddenly'. The best of the best information I have come across is by attorney Todd Callender. Callender covers so many topics in such depth it is best to have the transcript printed out while you listen to him.

Hope this helps.

Video of interview




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I had this out with family members who didn’t believe and thought I was making it up about the darts not being what they seemed and causing damage.

I was told I was speaking rubbish as no one knew of anyone who’d had side effects after they’d taken the darts. I asked them how would anyone know if they hadn’t been given the correct information about what to look for other than the handful that were published on a piece of card before the public signed a form and took the dart.

I asked them if they knew or had ever been informed about the yellow card system to report any potential side effects by medical staff before they took the darts.

Not a single family member of mine I spoke to had ever heard or knew what the yellow card system was, that’s the contempt that they have for the general public

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One more death that no one will connect: My dear friend Carmen died last week after a 6-month battle with ALS. She was fit and healthy, but had to take the vaccine to travel to Puerto Rico to care for an ailing aunt.

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We had zero cancer in our family prior to the jab.

My very healthy 64 year old Aunt died from Stage 4 colon cancer - had a colonoscopy just before the 2 Pfizer doses- her colon was healthy and blood work looked great. 2 months after the colonoscopy and the 2 doses -she was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer that spread to liver. Dead within 8 months.

My very healthy 40 year old cousin- was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung cancer - a few months after J&J shot that he had to get for his job- he was denied an exemption. He’s never smoked. When diagnosed with cancer it had spread to his brain and bones. He’s currently undergoing immunotherapy.

My father in law broke out in horrendous shingles all over his body after the 2nd dose.

Mother n law has blood clots in legs and lungs - blood thinners for life now.

My brother broke out in a rash all over his body after 2nd dose. He’s mentally ill and his symptoms have dramatically increased. He was manipulated by his “doctor” to get the jab.

I have girlfriends their menstrual cycles were not normal for months after the 2 doses.

My friend’s cancer that was in remission- came roaring back and he only has a few weeks to live. The cancer is everywhere. He had 3 doses.

My grandmother had dementia but her body was healthy - she died a few days after the booster. Her death certificate said she died from guess what?? Covid. Which is a lie. She wasn’t sick and tested negative for CV upon entering the hospital for low oxygen- dead 2 days later.

Another very healthy friend of mine was diagnosed with the same Egfr Stage 4 lung cancer as my cousin and she

died within 7 months. Age 48.

Many nutrition clients of mine had reactions- thyroid issues, autoimmune, cancer, shingles, tinnitus, Bell’s palsy. A few of my young clients (35-50’s) have died of heart attacks. Another client lost his arm from a huge blood clot 5 months after 2nd dose. He was told it was from CV not the jab. He got the booster after he lost his arm.

I know many people that are fine after the jab. At least for now. But they regret their decision.

What’s really surprising to me. I have 7 gf’s that got the jab and then got pregnant- their babies are healthy.

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Not knowing whether you are a man or a woman, you talk about girlfriends and the vaccine affecting their menstrual cycle, and 7 girlfriends who got pregnant after the jab and had healthy babies--If you are a man you would be quite something.

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My Mom now has a suspected cancer. I sent her some links on Fenbendazole that look quite promising (also see Fenbendazole Support Group on Telegram).

As I told her, “If there was an inexpensive and effective cancer treatment do you think that most people would hear about it?” Crickets.

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fenbendazole YES YES YES Also, no sugar. find Professor Thomas Seyfried. Great resource on cancer.

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Thank you Lauren!!

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there's an even better group on fenben support on FB. It's full of very helpful files and information. Zahrah Sita is Admin and you can get a consult w her, i hear she is excellent. I have appt 2/20 for my moms metastatic BC to her bones from last August.(Looking to tweak her program)

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Thanks Lauren!

I appreciate your helpful comment

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My hubby cuz who HAS glioblastoma GR 4 Unmethylated (VERY DEADLY TYPE) DX AUG 2023. I insisted she get on Fenben & Ivm immediately. She did. She also did one round chemo pill Temodar (Which doesnt work & crushed her platelets so she stopped taking the pill before she was done. She did one full round of radiation, even tho I insisted she go to Dr Lederman in NYC who uses Stereo Tactic Brain Radio Surgery, a laser like pinpoint radiation that leaves surrounding issue unharmed. ) So, Scans were clear in Nov 2023👍🏼. AND........... Her Brain Scans ARE ALL CLEAR TODAY,2/1/24!! Insane for her type of Cancer. Fenben works! PS. Oncologist & Radiologist refuses to prescribe MEBENDAZOLE for her, where I have Pub Med studies showing it works for GBM. They are arrogant and condescending to cuz's hubby when he repeatedly asks for it for her. They WONT let me join in their meetings, they are afraid I will go full koo koo on these creeps. 😡 I wish we could go public and expose them.

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Looks like all these immigrants are here to help remove and replace the survivors. It's insanity: working all ones life to help enrich capitalists and then they decide there are too many people.

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I’m concerned they are forming sleeper cells.

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Yeah like Ha--ha--mas. Plus the Israelis on border were forced to turn over all guns 2 weeks before the attacks. That went well (not).

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In their hubris, they see themselves as smart. Who was it that said "More evil is committed by those who think themselves doing good?"

Actual quote attributed to TS Elliot: "But the fact is, that the greatest harm in the world has been done by people with good intentions. The bad ones seldom have power enough to do great harm."

Also: "O Lord, deliver me from the man of excellent intention and impure heart: for the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked."

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How about, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

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all vaccines are poison. Covid just has killed more than others. All vaccines just take longer to harm and kill. Which is why more people don't reject products made by career criminals and convicted felons.

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I have never seen so many complications from a vax . A local plastic surgeon , healthy , dead within 48 hrs . A 38 yr old attorney , coded at his engagement party by his mom , no less . A surgeon we work with , dead in his sleep . Multiple females vaxxed at work with severe menstrual irregularities ( very , very heavy bleeding ) , 3 got hysterectomies . Two people with strokes within 48 hrs of vax . Bells Palsy driving home from vax .

Related to me by an ENT surgeon : two females , mid fifties with platelet counts in the 30,000 range from autoimmune issues post vax . Also tremendous increase in head and neck tumors . Also shedding issues : girlfriend gets severe menstrual bleeding and petechiae after sex with recently vaxxed boyfriend . A local hospital told the OBs that if they said anything negative about the vax , they would be terminated . Co-worker , mid thirties with very rare turbo cancer after vax , has been thru CART therapy . This whole ordeal has been disgusting and sad .

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How about help with the most critical 2024 issue?

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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So you're using hospital slang--"coded"? Most people may not know what you're talking about, including myself until I looked it up.

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re: " A local hospital told the OBs that if they said anything negative about the vax , they would be terminated ."

MAJOR sign of an over-all corrupted system, and I don't say that lightly, because, it leads to this:

"Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”


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The doctors/ surgeons that I work with say the same. One of the docs I work with wrote my husband a medical exemption for the jab and the medical board sent her a nasty threatening letter . My husband does not work in the medical field and was harassed and ostracized for not getting the jab. We live in an insane asylum. I’ve lost so much respect for doctors. Family/friends/clients that I respected and thought were intelligent; it shocked me to watch them cave and get the jab. I did months of research to make my decision. I told everyone to avoid it and I lost friends because of it.

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You have "MD" in your moniker, would you mind giving a quick summary why snake venom is so effective in immobilizing an individual? Think: "chemical coding", specific compounds and molecules whose purpose when injected into another living beings tissue is 'coded' to achieve specific purposes, which is (?) to attack the nervous system ... NOW think about mRMA 'treatments' the same way? Note the question mark there.

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Christ...At what point do actions like the hospital’s gag order on OB’s merit manslaughter charges...?

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Genetic poisoning / vaccines can’t help but be LONG TERM

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