PERFECT ! gotta love it ...gonna use this list to blow them up lol

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Not humanly possible for Dr Ryan Cole to seen 500.000 patients in a 26 year period, that would be 53! patients every single day for 26 years straight.

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Why in the world are they calling people “unvaccinated” the first 14 days after the death shot? This is perhaps the most absurd of all their crimes. You get the shot, you get a card that says you’re V’d, but no, not really? Even though the poison is in you the moment they inject you? What a load of crap!! Then they label people “un-v’d” in hospitals and otherwise for two weeks? Talk about skewing the numbers! I can’t figure out why more people haven’t come out loudly about this making no sense. Are that many people unaware that they’re using this metric? I seriously can’t fathom them waiting 14 days to call someone v’d ... and no one objected to that utter BS from the start? Please add this to your list, Steve!

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Why are most obituary columns in UK filled with people under 65 “suddenly dying” at home...but no paper is allowed to refer to the big V?

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Why was melatonin removed from UK buyers...yet readily available in any supermarket in France...a known safe supplement that helps against Covid and cancer?

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Why did FDA remove OTC NAC after more than a half century of safety?

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Big question:

What is the Number Needed to Vaccinate/treat? Why was this not calculated for the first time ever for any medication?

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Because anyone who took this vaccine (injection) to date is part of a global clinical trial without informed consent. Even Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla called Israel the "world's lab" in an interview to NBC. Israel was the first country to begin taking the vaccine on Dec 19, 2020. Keep an eye on the Israel data.



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Source for FEMA & Ernest Ramirez?

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Ernest Ramirez

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Great List! By the way I was in Wash., D.C. two weeks ago; AND, I heard your testimony before the Sen. Johnson hearings; in both cases, you did a great job. Keep it up! Tom, Co-Void-of-Truth.com

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Can some one help me answer the base rate fallacy issue meaning that the rate of of hospitalization and fatality in unvaccinated is higher than that of vaccinated? What the answer to this argument

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Robin, that is a great question and the answer is probably more than one thing. For one, the CDC considers you UNvaccinated before the first 14 days after a vaccine 1st and 2nd dose, AND if the vaccine was given greater than 90 days after your last (and 2nd) shot. Secondly, they lie. And now the need for "boosters" confuses the issue further. Almost all cases of the "Omicron" (There is NO "test" for Omicron; it's February, so it's (meaning "Covid") is automatically Omicron; it it were September, it would be labeled the Delta variant). In other countries, they accurately label "Omicron" hospitalizations as fully vaccinated populations. In America, to keep the scam going, "everyone" is unvaccinated if they're hospitalized "with Covid". In other words, they lie. Finally, if you're UNvaccinated, the PCR test is often run at 45 CT's (Cycle Thresholds), meaning LOTS of false positives, BUT if you're "vaccinated," they may do the test at just 25 CT's. So far less false-positives, meaning the "vaccine" "works"! The fraud and the deception is unbelievable. Tom, https://www.bitchute.com/channel/tom-from-cohoes

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You got it right Tom. Good answer!

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Why is Congress exempt from Mandates? Why were Members of Congress able/allowed to be treated with Ivermectin? https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/10/26/joe_rogan_says_dr_pierre_kory_treated_200_members_of_congress_with_ivermectin.html

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Why is nothing mentioned about PCR test reliability/accuracy. PCR cannot differentiate between pathogens. Are many of the supposed Covid positive cases possibly a result of influenza, the common cold, Hepatitis or other viral disease?

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Good reading on the PCR Test: Bombshell: CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test as a Valid Method for Detecting “Confirmed Covid-19 Cases”?


The Who confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has no Scientific Basis


Video: Dr Kary B Mullis. “No Infection or Illness Can be Accurately Diagnosed with the PCR Test.


WHO Information Notice for Users 2020/05


External Peer Review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results


WHO Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2


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This is a lot of questions. I was recently reminded of only 5 questions that Tony Benn (British politician) used to ask of people in power/authority. 1. What power do you have? 2. Where did you get that power from? 3. In whose interest do you use it? 4. To whom are you accountable? And if you don't like the anwers to the first 4 questions then ask number 5. How do we get rid of you?

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Here’s another question: WHY has the military continued to force vaccination/boosters while only using EUA vaccines which is ILLEGAL? Military can only mandate FDA approved vaccines, hence why they waited until Comirnaty was FDA approved to put their mandate in place. DOD argued in federal court that bc FDA approved Corminaty was not available in US it was “interchangeable” with EUA vaccines and they could continue their forced mandate. Federal court said NO, citing licensing differences as well as other issues. Yet they have continued to force vaccinate, discharge/separate troops that refuse. They are “encouraging” boosters by getting a carrier out to sea and giving troops nowhere to hide, as just happened to my deployed son. And when he and his squadron all tested positive with NO SYMPTOMS, they were thrown into cold windowless rooms below decks with no contact and not much food daily. No medical checks. I am truly terrified for his future health due to the vaccines. This is not getting any pushback or discussion and it is not just wrong, but ILLEGAL. I have contacted members of Congress, media, doctors with NO RESPONSE. But I will not quit!

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Of course, we'll done !. I have copied and use when fcbk jail ends in a week or so. Twitter is out of the question. Disinformation Only is allowed it seems.

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Is there ANY way to poll people to figure out how many people have gotten Omicron who are totally UNvaccinated? I am unvaccinated and know many people who are also unvaccinated. Not one single one of them has gotten this thing. However, many of my vaccinated (and boosted) friends have. Just wondering....

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It's all a bit fuzzy. There are about 10 people in my work group. Two of them had something that tested positive for Covid, since New Year's. They were over most of the symptoms within a few days. Both of those people are the zinc-aware type of people and one of them actually is an ivermectin person! He seemed to get better faster than the other person, pretty normal in approx. 4 days. To the best of my knowledge, both of them are unvaxed. One of them admitted it clearly and the other strongly implies it.

One of those two people attended a New Year's Eve party and knew it was a marginally bad idea since he didn't have natural immunity yet, only zinc, etc. and iver which he wouldn't start taking until/unless he came down with something, which he did.

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For a high-powered discussion of whether Omicron prefers vaxed people, there's this at the great Matthew Crawford substack....he has a series on hypotheses about what this Omicron is all about: None of it is quite the media narrative of course: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-omicron-hypothesis-part-3

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You won't see a poll like that in this country but my experience is the same. I know tons of fully vaccinated people with Omicron. In fact, all of my co-workers have been diagnosed with it in the past 1.5 weeks. They are all fully vaccinated and 2/3rds of them had the Alpha variant over a year ago. I am the only unvaccinated person in the office and I worked with them before they came down with symptoms and yet a week later, I am the only one not sick.

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Hi Steve. My insurance agent says that there is no basis fir not paying a death benefit fir those who die from the vaccine. Do you have anything that substantiates that claim? He is pro shot and is opening up. I don’t want to send him the questions without being able to engage intelligently. Thanks

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