Your opportunity to report the major COVID-19 misinformation spreaders
Here's a link to the official government form where you can report misinformation spreaders like the CDC, FDA, NIH, your doctor, the mainstream media, etc. This is your chance to make a difference.
The official US government form to report misinformation spreaders (see this article for a relatively complete list) can be found here (note the screenshot below has been creatively altered by me to show how an honest government would frame the problem):
Video walkthrough (3 minutes)
I have also created a short video showing how to fill out the form that I hope everyone will watch; you’ll see why just 30 seconds into the video where I read the “creatively enhanced” text from the image above.
Most "doctors" around the country need to be reported.
Credibility of the entire medical system is in the dumpster at this point.
Ironically the RFI itself contains some examples of misinformation. The word “lifesaving” has no place in an unbiased discussion of medical treatments. It carries emotional weight meant to sway the listener thru manipulation rather than reason.
Also, the term “misinformation” itself has become a disgusting example of misinformation. It doesn’t mean the opposite of whatever is true, it means the opposite of the official narrative.
They are looking for people to rat out alternative sources of information so they can attempt to silence them. Fuck these guys and their gestapo tactics. They don’t want the truth, they want compliance.