You are 25X more likely to be injured and 20X more likely to die if you get the COVID shot
When you combine this result with negative vaccine efficacy, the COVID shots are completely nonsensical. Nobody should take them. We couldn't find a single supportive anecdote!
Executive summary
I recently learned about conservative radio show host Wayne Root’s stunning anecdotal evidence about the 200 people who attended his wedding. He tracked what happened just 8 months after the wedding: 26 were injured and 7 died in the vaccinated group but nothing happened to people in the unvaccinated group, even though Wayne estimated that most of the guests were unvaccinated.
I loved the setup: it’s an almost “as good as it gets real-life randomized trial.”
A single anecdote isn’t compelling. What is compelling is that others are observing the same huge event rates. Wayne is hardly an outlier.
And the fact we can’t seem to find any stories equally extreme on the opposite side has got to be very troubling for those supporting the “safe and effective” narrative.
This is the type of post-marketing research the CDC should be doing: they should follow matched (or randomly selected) groups of vaxxed and unvaxxed people over time to document injuries and deaths just like Wayne did. If Wayne can do this, why can’t the CDC? The signal is huge.
Since none of Wayne’s friends died pre-vaccine (Wayne is 61), this suggests that hypotheses such as this one are consistent with what Wayne observed:
In the year after you are vaccinated with the COVID “vaccines”
you are 25X more likely to be injured and 20X more likely to die
expect at least a 7% rate of serious injury and a 2% chance of death
would be consistent with Wayne’s observations.
I validated that Wayne’s numbers weren’t just a fluke with surveys of my reader base. Over 600 readers responded and the numbers were very similar: 21 injuries and 5 deaths per 100 vaccinated, which is very close to the numbers reported by Wayne (assuming he had an even mix of vaxxed/unvaxxed guests).
An article on The Expose just claimed that 1 in every 246 Vaccinated People has died within 60 days of Covid-19 Vaccination in England according to the UK Government which is a factor of 5 lower than my hypothesis, but that’s just limited to the first 60 days after a single dose.
And then I went even further looking for anecdotal evidence that Wayne was wrong. I asked my 50,000 followers on Gab for opposite anecdotes. None of the 372 people had an anecdote supporting use of the vaccine. Stunning.
Just comparing the number of anecdotes on each side of the narrative makes it very clear that the vaccines are making things worse.
When you combine this with the evidence of negative vaccine efficacy (VE), such as this article on San Diego by my good friend Mathew Crawford, we are left with the inevitable conclusion that there isn’t any benefit at all in any dimension to support the use of the COVID “vaccines.”
I invite all fact checkers to:
Verify my data. The survey data, including the full contact info for each of the 600 respondents, is available for any fact checker to verify.
Do their own survey. Mine was done in full public view.
Explain why nobody I asked knew of any positive anecdotes.
When you combine all of this with the fact that
The COVID vaccines kill people at a rate that is 1,000X times higher than the Smallpox vaccine (which is deemed too unsafe to use),
it is hard to come to any conclusion other than that the “vaccines” should be stopped immediately.
After I wrote my article on Wayne Root’s wedding, it inspired me to see for myself if other people were having the same experience as Wayne.
Wayne told me he’s 61 and he can’t recall any of his friends dying on him in his entire life. Now, in just the last 8 months, of the 200 people at his wedding, he’s learned that 7 have died and 26 have had very serious injuries (heart attack, stroke, severe cancers, etc). All of these people were vaccinated! He has heard of no incidents from his unvaccinated friends in the same time period (which is consistent with his experience with his friends pre-vaccine).
Here’s the kicker: Wayne is a conservative and most of his friends (he estimates 70%) are unvaccinated. So for all 7 deaths to be from his vaccinated friends, that’s unexplainable.
So if Wayne is telling the truth (which I believe), it means that either:
Wayne is a very unlucky guy or
the CDC is lying to everyone about the safety of the COVID vaccine
I liked the fact that this was almost like a real life randomized trial. Wayne’s friends self-selected as to who got the vaccine. The vaccine takers presumably would be the healthier cohort since taking a vaccine is considered to be an attribute of healthy people. Thus, if anything, we’d have expected the vaccine group to do better due to the healthy patient bias. Instead, the opposite was observed.
There were two major potential problems with Wayne’s data, so I decided to try to independently validate it by asking my followers to fill out a simple poll which more systematically collects the data that Wayne did.
My poll just asked my readers to report what they observed since 2021, not to assess causality. In other words, it was just like Wayne did… he didn’t judge causality, he just noticed a differential in the injury and death reports of his friends.
The reason for using my followers instead of an outside polling agency is that my followers are much more likely to take the time to properly answer each question. Also, the biases should be minor as I point out below.
Here is the survey data I received.
The result was stunning: my readers reported 21 injuries and 5 deaths per 100 vaccinated, which is very close to the numbers reported by Wayne.
In addition, the people who were unvaccinated had a much lower rate of injury/death (25X for the injuries; 20X for the deaths).
Our survey numbers are consistent with Wayne’s numbers.
Here is the punchline from the poll
If you’ve been vaccinated, you are:
25X more likely to be seriously injured compared to the COVID unvaxxed
20X more likely to die compared to the COVID unvaxxed
This means that Wayne’s results were in fact, pretty much in line with expectations based on what I discovered in the poll.
Since Wayne is a conservative, he’s going to have fewer friends who are vaccinated than the national average (70%).
If Wayne had only 125 vaccinated friends and 75 unvaccinated friends, here are the actuals and my prediction using the survey data in parens:

As you can see, the estimate (in parens) is quite close to what was observed suggesting we are close to the target in the survey of my followers.
The details
Here’s the data I used. That link doesn’t disclose name and contact info (for privacy reasons), but the contact info is available for any “fact checker” who wants to verify each record. The comments are most enlightening as well.
At the time I did the calculation, there were 631 records submitted that passed basic sanity checks, all from different people.
vaxxed: 4910, 1039, 235 (total, injured, dead)
unvaxxed: 3475, 29, 8 (total, injured, dead)
1039/4910 = 21.1% injured
235/4910 = 4.7% dead
29/3475 = 0.83% injured
8/3475 = 0.23% dead
Implications (from 2021 to present). If you are vaccinated, you are:
21.1/.83 = 25 X more likely to be injured
4.7/.23 = 20.4 X more likely to be killed
Note: the people taking the survey did not make any judgments at all as to causality. They just entered numbers observed for each category. You can see from the comments that they were appalled by what they observed.
So we have quite a stunning result that is easy to remember: you are >20X more likely to be injured or die if you’ve been vaccinated.
Adjusting the numbers based on the bias of my followers
Now we need to possibly adjust the numbers because my followers do not represent a random cross section of America.
Let’s look at the makeup of my followers:
So this just results in a higher % of unvaccinated responses in the survey since I’m basically asking unvaccinated people. If I was doing a survey on % vaccinated in America, surveying my followers would be a very bad idea! But for this topic, where we are looking at the injury rate of vaxxed compared to unvaxed, having mostly all unvaccinated responders doesn’t skew the results at all; it simply means I have more unvaxed data points in my ratio (and even with the skew, there are still more total vaxxed data points).
Also, my followers will have higher awareness of injury and death around them than the typical blue pilled person, so the numbers will likely be closer to the truth. They aren’t going to make up injuries that are not present but they are less likely to miss injuries that ARE present.
Finally, we are looking at the damage ratios of the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed so again, this is invariant of the mix of the responders (vaxxed vs. unvaxxed).
Because I have ~2% vaccine injured, that’s lower than surveys show for neutral audiences so if we applied a correction, we’d have to make the vaccine numbers worse!
I likely have a smarter and healthier group of readers than normal, so that might skew the numbers somewhat. If my readers are much less likely to die than average, then that could explain the much larger effect of the vaccine on them.
The biggest bias is respondent bias. Unlike a survey company, I didn’t pick the respondents. I asked my readers to complete the poll. You are much more likely to fill out the poll if you have a compelling story to tell. This is why my numbers are much higher than normal.
So we have an upper bound. For that reason, it is unlikely that the actual numbers are worse than this:
1039/4910 = 21.1% injured
235/4910 = 4.7% dead
But here’s the really interesting point. If Wayne had 125 vaccinated guests out of 200, then the figures we got match his observations.
So while these numbers seem very high, they do match Wayne’s numbers.
Note that we didn’t track the age of our readers or the people they reported. That would be a much tougher survey to complete.
There is also likely to be some bias in that people who have seen damages may be more likely to fill out the survey than people who haven’t seen any damages at all. So if anything our survey might overstate the percentages.
However, the fact that our numbers are pretty close to what Wayne observed suggests we are over the target.
Data inconsistency
These numbers aren’t consistent with other numbers. Which one is right? We don’t have enough trustable information to answer that question right now.
Tracking numbers outside the family unit
This “problem” is happening to pretty everyone who is aware of what is going on around them.
Read this post by Anita Jader. She’s exceptional because she’s been very methodical about tracking what’s happening around her.
Have you ever seen a post like this in your life? I have not. That alone should tell you that something is very wrong. She lists 18 unusual events happening to people she’s in touch with and then asks, “How much more do you need before you’ll see an association?”
If the vaccine is safe and effective, the anecdotes are hard to explain. The lack of anecdotes on the pro-vaccine side again suggests we are over the target.
Reliable entries
When people take a lot of time to fill out the form (with comments) and have a compelling anecdote (in this case a tight knit community), this provides some of the most dramatic data points.
Here’s an example:
I live in a fishing village in Ecuador of about 3000. I estimate I know about 100 in the town by name and face. 90% of the men make their living fishing with nets. After the vaxes started my fishermen friends told me that many cannot do the work anymore. I know 6 that died right after their shot. First a 76 year old who did work everyday, the father of a friend, died the same day he got the shot. 2 of his neighbors were very sick and close to death also. They did not die but have never recovered. Others are aged 18, 23, 35, 2 in their 60's and one 65. There are a good number of expats living here, mostly jabbed. The week of the first boosters, 3rd shots, 5 heart attacks and one death of a heart attack.
He knows 100 people.
Among the 80 vaccinated:
25% rate of vax injury
7.5% rate of vax death (even more compelling due to the temporal proximity of the shot)
Among the 20 unvaccinated:
0% injury
0% death
But the # unvaxxed is small so anything under 5% will look like 0.
Still you can see the differential here on the injury rate of the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed in this one anecdote… it’s substantial.
Here’s the kicker:
The numbers from this fishing village in Ecuador are nearly identical to Wayne Root’s numbers!
Isn’t that interesting?
I didn’t cherry pick this from the responses because it matched Wayne’s data. I cherry picked it because it was a large tight knit village case where people know each other.
The Nextdoor survey
My Nextdoor survey is also damaging and the 3% rate of death is comparable to what Wayne found. Of course Nextdoor removed the poll shortly after this screen shot because the numbers weren’t working out in favor of the official narrative that we are supposed to believe so the survey was censored.
Negative vaccine efficacy
The numbers we’ve been discussing above are for all-cause injury and mortality. They are definitive and all you need.
Still it is useful to compare with the efficacy of the vaccine in counteracting that.
What we find is the vaccine also has a negative effect for COVID as well.
Negative VE means the shots make you more likely to be infected, hospitalized, and die:

For fact checkers
The full dataset is available to any fact checker who is willing to verify the entries, signs an NDA to keep the names and contacts private, and who guarantees to publish the result, even if it is counter-narrative. After all, it’s important for America to know the truth, isn’t it? That’s what the fact checkers are supposed to do!
The all-cause morbidity and mortality data that anyone can collect (just like I did) is consistent with other evidence and shows that COVID vaccine program should be stopped immediately.
This is also obvious when looking for negative anecdotes vs. positive anecdotes. I couldn’t find a single positive anecdote. None of the 876 anecdotes from my readers individually supported use of the vaccine and in aggregate, there was no comparison. See for yourself and read the comments as well.
I work for a major company (I’m being intentionally vague here, because it’s public forum, I’m willing to discuss with Steve Kirsch if he wants).
I was fired because I refused the vaccine, as were numerous others, including higher ups.
Before the vaccine became mandatory, our engineering plant had 2 outbreaks in 2 years, one outbreak including 4 employees, and another outbreak including 9.
After the vaccine became mandatory, there was an outbreak of 120.
I want to clarify here, due to the nature and location of our temporary facility, no workers are traveling outside the job site, and no outside contact happens. We are completely isolated, and completely controlled. Food drops, mail, and all deliveries were disinfected before entering the plant. All employees took multiple PCR tests, and faced a 2 week quarantine at the facility under nurse supervision. Twice daily temperature checks, the whole 9. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY infected after the vaccine rollout.
They’re very tight lipped now that I’m gone, but some information does trickle out. The highest up at the facility had a heart attack after the vaccine and had to be airlifted out, and hell never work in that industry again.
The head of IT died in his sleep at the facility.
The third highest up has myocarditis, and suffers debilitating pain attacks in his chest, although he is still allowed to work there.
Another worker died.
Also, before they made the vaccine absolutely mandatory, they offered money incentives to take the vaccine. Of the people who took it, we saw about 8 wildly aggressive bacterial infections, from mundane injuries like paper cuts, turning into airlifts to hospitals requiring ER care for weeks.
In 15 years I never saw an infection that couldn’t be handled with basic neosporin and some oral antibiotics, and no, it wasn’t MRSA running through the plant, it was almost always some different bacteria the body couldn’t fight for some reason. Not one had MRSA.
All post vaccination.
My favorite phrase of the entire Orwellian clown show is “vaccine hesitant.”
Whenever I would get this thrown at me I would aggressively respond with: “I’m not vaccine hesitant, I have no hesitation whatsoever in rejecting an experimental poison from a serial felon.”
Anyone who has studied the topic in depth knows that every aspect of the “vaccine story”, starting back in the 1800’s up to present, is complete fraud. Vaccines have done nothing but harm people and line the pockets of the medical establishment.
Vaccines are barbaric- all of them.
There has never been a product of any kind so filled with historical misinformation, purposeful deception and outright fraud. The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.
From their inception to today’s mRNA monstrosities vaccines have done nothing but cause massive and systemic harm to the human biological system.
Furthermore the biggest fraud in history might be the medical industrial complex itself.
For the past 100 years and more they’ve been claiming credit for things that builders, sewerage workers, water treatment plants, gutter designers, roofers, fridge inventors, electricians etc have created.
Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s. The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and much more.
Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths. Vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases.
Like virtually all of the history you are indoctrinated with the story of “modern medicine” is a complete fabrication pounded into the heads of people from cradle to grave in order to maintain that corrupt, and highly profitable, system.