Why Jake Tapper will never agree to debate RFK Jr
Tapper would lose the debate very badly. #MakeJakeDebate
They are really going after RFK Jr.
This AP news article and Jake Tapper’s tweet appeared on the same day, December 15, 2021:
To which RFK Jr. replied today:
Bobby recorded a nice video to go along with his tweet. This is one of those rare times when I can actually publish the challenge on my YouTube channel and (hopefully) not get censored by YouTube.
Most people I know believe RFK Jr will win handily.
Jake Tapper knows it too. That’s why Jake will not debate even though such a debate would have huge ratings.
This would be a great time to head on over to Jake Tapper’s Twitter account (or Jake’s insulting tweet) and ask Jake why he won’t debate RFK Jr.
Let’s all #MakeJakeDebate
Jake Tapper responded exactly as RFK Jr. predicted he would: he refused to debate
RFK Jr. told me “Jake will never accept my offer to resolve our differences.”
True to form, Tapper calls people names, but he refuses to be held accountable for his name calling.
Here’s what Tapper tweeted:

And here’s the article about it in the Huffington Post.
If you are unsure who is telling you the truth, this is a handy guide:
The nastiness of Tapper's tweet tells us plenty. And his tweet does not even make sense: in the first sentence he says that RFJ is a "liar, grifter," but in the second sentence he implies that RFK is a lunatic, which is another thing entirely from a grifter.
But if facts and intellectual consistency mattered to Jake Tapper, he would not be on CNN.
I have long believed that the mainstream establishmentarians are motivated by a desire to dominate and control. They are angry, malevolent people, and now they are showing their true colors.
Kennedy is awesome. You'd think with a voice like that, he would shy away from debates. But he doesn't give a shit. He just pushes forward. You got to respect that.