Whoops! FOIA response from Santa Clara County reveals that the COVID shots INCREASED your risk of getting COVID!
The COVID vaccines worked in reverse making people more susceptible. Attempts to contact Santa Clara County Public Health Department for comment were totally ignored.
Executive summary
Based on new data I just got from a FOIA request, it appears that the public health epidemiologists in Santa Clara County knew in January 2022 that the vaccines made people more likely to get COVID, but they remained silent.
98% of the people with COVID were vaccinated, but the vaccination rate in the County at the time the data was collected was 86%. In short, the vaccine made it more likely you got COVID.
I predict that there will be further silence on this matter: no accountability and no opportunity for public challenges. They will continue to push the shots as if nothing had happened and the mainstream media will ignore this important data.
Here is the data for you to download yourself
Download it here. When you click the link, it will silently download the Excel file to your Downloads folder.
Summary of the data
The data in the spreadsheet is from January 2022 and contains a line for each person who was diagnosed with COVID in that month.
N means unvaccinated. Y means vaccinated. U means unknown. Blank means unknown.
Santa Clara County is highly vaccinated (95%), but it isn’t that highly vaccinated!
In fact, one of my critics (who I challenged to discuss his criticism with me), pointed out that at the time, the vax rate was a measly 86%! He wrote, “On January 31, 2022, the county reported 260,861 unvaccinated residents and 1,595,689 vaccinated residents.”
blocked me on both X and Medium after I openly challenged his article and his analysis. These people who attack my work are like cockroaches… when you turn on the light, they run for cover instead of defending their work.The rows are 10 year age groups.
So the percentage of people who were diagnosed with COVID (98% or more) was higher than the percentage of people who got the vaccine (86%).
In other words, the vaccine made you more likely to get COVID instead of 10X less likely that they claimed in the clinical trials.
Why didn’t they warn people??? They knew about this in January 2022, more than 2 years ago and said nothing. Why?
Controlled study at renowned Cleveland Clinic showed the same thing: more vaccines, higher likelihood to get COVID. It’s in the peer-reviewed literature.
Here’s the latest paper which confirms the earlier paper. It’s been thoroughly investigated and confirmed with 2 papers now in the peer-reviewed literature!
More shots —> more COVID infections.
Note that the error bars don’t overlap meaning the difference is statistically significant.
The exact same thing is happening in Australia!
Stunning parallels in Australia:
The COVID vaccine trials were fraudulent. There is no possible way they got 90% efficacy (a 10X reduction in infection risk). They did it through deception as described here. The vaccines actually made you more likely to get COVID as we learned from the Santa Clara data, the Cleveland Clinic study, and numerous other sources (see this article for example).
The numbers here are highly statistically significant. It appears that the Santa Clara County Health epidemiologists knew something was wrong by January 2022, but instead of warning people, they kept their mouths shut about it. There was no public admission of this, no public warning. I predict that there will NEVER be any public accountability of what happened because public officials never like to admit they were responsible for killing people with these useless and deadly vaccines.
The Santa Clara County Health Department ignored all my attempts (multiple phone calls and emails) to solicit a response to this article.
Looked for this question in the comments but couldn’t find it.
Is it possible that the cohorts were not equivalent and that the unvaccinated group was, on average, younger?
I have been urging people to do their own research. Make a list of close friends and family of whom you know the vaccine status. Of those, who contracted COVID and who did not? Compare. When our local independent theater sent out a questionnaire asking if they should require the vaccine, I suggested they ask each employee to carry out this exercise. The theater opened to all the next week.