What to do if you child gets infected with COVID
I discovered this handy guide from a local school system. It is not based on any science, but parents are expected to follow it.
Dr. DeMello in India has treated over 12,000 patients. If the patients are treated early, he’s had zero hospitalizations and zero deaths.
Notice how there is no mention of early treatment protocols such as the Fareed-Tyson Protocol? That’s because the CDC says they don’t work. Has the NIH, CDC, or FDA ever contacted Dr. DeMello? Of course not.
Insane. Now I understand why the billionaires are trying to leave the planet on their rockets.
Think most of these “protocols “ are just to give appearance they are doing something. It plays to the neurotic members of society. Best policy for most - allow nature to take its course, maintain healthy weight and take OTC supplements. Find a doctor that is willing to initiate early treatment.