What killed over 24 people at the BSL-Clifton Hill facility in Melbourne, Australia in <12 months?
Over 24 people died in less than a year after the vaccines rolled out at this 114 room elderly care facility. Only 1 person died from COVID. What did the others die from? Nobody would return my calls.

Executive summary
BSL Clifton Hill is a elderly care facility located in Melbourne, Australia with 114 rooms. This is a new facility that opened February 2020. They went from 43 residents to 73 residents when the new building opened In February 2020.
Over 24 people died there in less than a year after the vaccines rolled out which is higher than I expected to see over a 12 month period. And only one person died from COVID. Did the others die from natural causes?
It all depends on the age mix of the facility. That’s something I wasn’t able to find out because nobody would talk to me. That makes me very suspicious.
But we can look at the ages of the people who died to estimate the expected death percentage. And when we do that, we find that it’s a younger than we would have expected based on the people who died.
So something is killing these people.
I want to find out what killed these people. Was it the vaccine? Or something else?
I want to know:
What killed all these people?
Why don’t they want to talk to me about it?
Simple. Is that too much to ask?
I have the names, birth dates and death dates for each of these people listed below.
If you can help me find out what killed these people, please use the Contact me link.
Without knowing the age mix and number of residents of the facility, I don’t know what to think. It’s troubling that nobody will talk to me.
These people likely did not die from COVID
According to the official records, only 1 person died from COVID from Clifton Hill. And since the rest were all vaccinated, they couldn’t have died from COVID, right? So how did all these people die?
This is from the official records. Only one COVID death.
Residential Services Manager, Milly Kuranage
BSL board members include:
Stephen Newton AO
Jane Freemantle OAM
Michael Langhammer
Dana Hlavacek
Stephen Duckett AM
Staff members who resigned
Bernadette Wilkinson has resigned from her position as Admin Manager and Client Engagement. Her last day of employment was on 1st October 2021.
Helen Rodd has also resigned from her position as registered Nurse. Helen mostly worked as a registered nurse in-charge in the afternoon shifts.
Resident deaths in September 2021 (N=2)
From the October newsletter:
Prakash Samuel passed away in September. He was a devout Christian and has been resident of BSL since Sumner house days. He had 5 boys and worked as a journalist and an evangelist in his younger days. RIP Sam and you will be missed by all of us!
Mark Hodgeson also passed away in September at hospital. We remember him as a great Cello player, guitarist and actor. Mark worked in a circus with his father in his younger days. He was a renowned Athlete where he specialised in track and field. He was a loving father to his children and we will dearly miss him.
Resident deaths from Nov 2021-Aug 2022 (N=22)
People who died between Nov 4, 2021 and August 24, 2022 at BSL Clifton Hill. Most of the funerals were done by Jensen Funerals.
Albert Coulter 06/11/2021
Denise Dutton 17/11/2021
Kenzie Messer 25/11/2021
Adeel Soliman 21/12/2021
Edward Gordon Walker 15.03.1966 - 31.12.2021
Robert Ousley 4/1/2022
Anka Kosovac 11/01/2022
Roy Alan Lynch, 87, 04/02/2022
Alan Prescott 09.12.1945 - 13.03.2022 Funeral by Jensen Funerals
Rebecca Brandon 21/03/2022
Michael Spencer 11/04/2022
Marjorie Harrop 11/05/2022
Thomas Walker 21/1/1937 - 12/5/2022. Funeral by Jensen Funerals.
Marjorie McCormack 14/05/2022
Edith Bula 31/05/2022
Joyce Morgan 02/06/2022
Elsa Di Zio 12.08.1944 - 05.08.2022
Rosemary Combe ??/06/2022
Joseph Vignjevic 20.9.1936 - 21/08/2022 aka Joso Vigejevic and Jose Vicnievic. Funeral by : Ern Jensen & Sons Funerals.
Louis Tham 22/08/2022
Valerie Anderson 05/05/1934 -24/08/2022. Funeral by : Ern Jensen & Sons Funerals.
Presentacion Wiencke 24/08/2022
Here are the dates of death plotted out for the 22 above

I spoke to a local funeral director
They service many nursing/rest homes and do hundreds of disposals a year. He said they had over a 25% increase in disposals in 2022. Things are still very busy in the industry. He is also finding it difficult to hire staff.
Here’s an interesting observation. The number of excess deaths in Australia is 20% over normal in 2022 based on the article I wrote just 16 hours ago (see How are they ever going to explain the excess mortality data in Australia?).
So the numbers match up!
New data (March 8, 2023)
I received the following info:
In 2022, the youngest and oldest residents to pass away were 72 and 98 respectively.
There were 110 residents at BSL Clifton Hill in Aug 2022. This had grown from 76- 110 when the new facility was opened in March 2020.
Deaths per calendar year:
2020: 24
2021: 20
2022: 23
So the number may not be so unusual.
BSL’s reputation
BSL is one of the better facilities in the area. So why are they not being transparent?
People are dying. There are lots of excess deaths in Australia. What are they dying from? This is a matter of great public interest.
Investigating a typical nursing home can give us insights since the public health authorities aren’t releasing the record-level death-vax data.
What we know so far
Her obituary claims Valerie Anderson passed away peacefully at BSL-Clifton Hill, formerly Sambell Lodge, after a short battle with Covid, aged 88.
Wait a second… The vaccine prevents you from dying from COVID, right?!?! Could it be that the vaccine made it more likely she died from COVID?
For all the rest I could find, nothing was said. This is normally how they do it. They don’t want anyone to know if they were killed by the vaccine.
What death rate should we expect to see?
A typical nursing home will average around 10% turnover a year.
More precisely, the number of people we’d expect to to see die a year at any facility is a function of the number of residents and the age mix of the residents.
The probability of death can be found in this table.
So if the residents are all 75 years old, we should expect to see 2.4% of them die a year. So if there are 100 residents, all age 75, we’d only expect to see 2 or 3 deaths a year. So over 24 would be a “surprise.”
If all the residents are 90 years old, it should be 12.8% per year, so 13 people.
If the residents are all 97 years old, it’s 24.9% a year, so 25 people.
I saw the pictures of the people who died. They didn’t average 97 years old. And none of the people who died were 97 or older. In fact, none of the people I looked up was over 90 years old.
That means that the estimated death rate we observed at this facility is 80% higher than normal.
This means we have a problem. Something is very wrong here.
Silence from BSL
I reached out to BSL for comment (both directly to the facility as well as Steph Jones, the media contact at the home office) and they ignored all my attempts.
Perhaps Steph was too busy with other media inquiries? Or they are hiding something. I don’t think they are busy.
For some reason, nobody at BSL Clifton Hill or the parent company wants to talk about what killed these people.
They are dying off at a rate that I estimate to be 80% above normal. So that might have something to do with the lack of communication.
If you can help me find out what killed these people, please use the Contact me link and specify “BSL Clifton Hill information” as the reason for the request.
Please be specific in the Notes field. All fields are confidential.
I've updated the article from the original. Based on the age of the deceased who I know, it appears that the death rate is 80% above normal. So we have a problem. This may be why they aren't returning my calls. Do you think?
As an ex-LTC nurse who quit when the pandemic was announced, I can guess loneliness and the will to live on top of the other given reasons contributed. In our local facility patients were kept to their rooms for the first ? Months, no activities or meals together, no visitors allowed and nurses had to wear gowns, gloves, masks and face shields constantly. You have no idea how much a warm smile and human contact can lift their spirits and give them a reason to go on living!!
Add some poisonous experiment and lowered immune system…. BAM.
Very sad.