Watch for the Rasmussen poll coming out on Friday, March 31
I'm going to predict that Mark Skidmore's paper will be validated. So will the work of Denis Rancourt. And so will my VAERS estimates. And it will be clear why the CDC doesn't want the vax data.
Executive summary
I was in Atlanta last week for the COVID Litigation Conference in Atlanta.
While I was in town, I paid a visit to the CDC:
The CDC claims that they would like to get the vaccination records from the states, but they told me that the law doesn’t allow them to compel the states to give them that data.
I suggested that they ask nicely. They said the states ignore their request. I said, “Really? So you asked Gavin Newsom and he ghosted you?” No response.
Look, it’s clear that the CDC doesn’t want to see the vax records themselves or they would have called Gavin if California’s health authorities refused to deliver the vax records.
We all know what the merge of the vax-death records would show. My next post will make it clear with some visuals you’ll find compelling and will be impossible for anyone to debunk. You’ll see that Dose 1 and 3 have identical curves, but Dose 2 doesn’t. And that’s for shots in the same quarter! Dose dependency is problematic when the death rate goes up by 16%, don’t you think? And the curves for the flu vaccine don’t look like the COVID vaccine. That’s bad news too.
The CDC employee I talked to who claimed he was interested in the truth when I talked to him never called me back when I told them I was meeting with a powerful Democratic Senator that could write a line item to give them the power to compel the data (with the quid pro quo that you have to make it public of course). So no, they don’t really want to see the data and learn the truth.
But if all goes as planned, the truth is going to be painfully obvious to lots of people on Friday if we can get the word out on Twitter.
The Rasmussen poll
Rasmussen will publish the results of their latest poll on Friday and you’re going to like it. A lot. I have been waiting a long time for this.
It will confirm the work of Mark Skidmore and Denis Rancourt as well as my work on VAERS and my earlier poll asking the same question. We all predicted that the vaccine has killed about the same number of people as COVID, roughly around 500,000 Americans in 2021 and 2022. It was a disaster.
Wait till you see what Rasmussen found in their survey when they asked the two questions that you aren’t allowed to ask. These are two questions that when we tried to get professional pollsters to ask, they refused (no matter how much we offered to pay them). In America, speech is restricted and you aren’t even allowed to ask questions if they go against the “safe and effective” narrative.
Everyone is ghosting me
Two years later I’m still having problems getting anyone to talk to me, even though it’s painfully obvious I was right from the beginning.
For example, the Stanford Daily agreed to consider an op-ed on vax mandates for Stanford students and I submitted it and never heard back. Then I wrote to the Dean of the Law school who had just written a huge memo on free speech and asked if we could debate the vax mandate on campus. No response. Add to that the CDC not following up on my offer to help them get the law changed so they can get the data. And UCSF hasn’t answered any of my questions. The CPSO in Canada never got back to me on my offer to end the misinformation spreading. The FAA never got back to me either.
So VSRF’s next conference will be on pilot safety because the FAA is still ignoring it. So we have to take matters into our own hands. We’ll be advertising the conference at airports telling people how unsafe flying is by listing out all the near misses and asking them to call for Pete Buttigieg to resign since he is obviously ignoring the problem.
Then we’ll do a conference on “Destroying trust in the CDC and FDA” as payback to the Georgia State University people who put on a conference “Restoring trust in the CDC and FDA.” As you can see, I was the only attendee at that conference (because I wanted to see what they had to say)'; my tweet about it got 230K views!
I wrote an article about how the CDC could restore trust and my content was a heck of a lot better than anything at their conference. They refused to let me speak and they wouldn’t even take any of my questions.
The results of the Rasmussen poll are going to be really hard for them to explain, so they will make sure the Rasmussen poll is not covered by anyone, just like they did with the Project Veritas Pfizer video.
So when the poll comes out, be sure to retweet and promote on all your social media channels. It should be big.
Yes they are ghosting you. That is how the new systems rolls. Conversations with people we disagree with are not beneficial to the bottom line.
Steve I am in such awe of your bravery and tenacity to get the truth out! A million thank you’s 🙏🏻💞✨