This is the billboard that we will be running right outside CDC headquarters in Atlanta
What do you think?
All methods to get the CDC to pay attention to the “death” safety signal have failed.
That’s pretty much expected. After all, it’s their safety signal formula and their data. I’m just holding them accountable to do what they promised to do.
I even left a nice message to Dr. John Su about it that you can watch here. Trust me, if you haven’t seen the video of my call to John already, it’s well worth watching.
No response from John… What a surprise!
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result
So instead of repeating the same methods, it’s time to try something different.
We’re going to see if a billboard might work. We are going to run this billboard for a month right outside CDC headquarters in Atlanta, GA:
It may not get them to notice, but at least everyone else in the world will notice.
What do you think?
P.S. If you like this idea and want to support me so I can do more stuff like this, please consider becoming a paid subscriber at just $5 per month (or $50/yr). Thanks!
Off topic- Is anyone else getting 10-20 months old Substack posts in their Inbox? This has just started happening about 3 days ago.
Yes, many will see it. The Highwire has put up billboards, "V is for Vaccine" has created huge signboards for their educational rallies outside larger events in California and in many large cities, and individuals have put up billboards relating the deaths of their children by vaccines, in many places.