There are now 4 reported myocarditis cases at Monte Vista
So it's likely that nearly 1 in 70 teenage boys are affected. That's not rare. Why isn't anyone speaking out about this? Is it fear? Of what?
I’ve written earlier about Monte Vista Christian school.
I just heard from a parent that there’s another case of myocarditis at the school, so now there are 4 cases in 285 vaccinated boys (estimate), bringing the estimated incidence rate to nearly 1 in 70, assuming all the cases are boys (285/4=71.25). This is not rare. This is a disaster.
Furthermore, these are just the cases we know about. There could be other cases that we simply don’t know about because the families decided not to tell anyone. And there could be sub-clinical cases where the damage is being done slowly over time.
And I’d bet that the boys with myocarditis are all recently vaccinated. What a coincidence. That should be a big clue that this isn’t just “bad luck.”
I also heard from one of the parents that her child told her today (Jan 5) that a teacher’s wife was in the hospital after the booster yesterday.
Nikki Daniels, MVC’s Head of School, isn’t saying anything. In two emails, she wrote me, “regardless of the particular medical condition in question, Monte Vista Christian School does not disclose confidential student health information."
That’s nice, but I’m not asking for confidential information. I’m just asking to confirm aggregate health data that is not personally identifiable. As far as I’m aware, there is no legal, ethical, or moral reason that they can’t disclose this information. It’s not secret; it’s apparently well known among the parents I’ve talked to. In fact, by not saying anything at this point, it looks like a cover up.
Perhaps Ms. Daniels believes it is in the best interest of all parties to keep this information confidential so that nobody outside of the school will know?
I wasn’t asking for confidential student health information; I was just asking for the total number of cases of myocarditis. It is interesting how schools all over the country have no problem whatsoever revealing the number of COVID cases, yet when it comes to myocarditis cases, these are protected numbers that nobody talks about at all.
Here’s what Harvard University publishes on their website, for example:
So why can’t Monte Vista Christian School publish a similar dashboard tracking the weekly number of myocarditis cases by age group for male and female students?
Most of the parents apparently agree with the secrecy; they could speak out but choose not to say a word to anyone outside the community. Even the parents of the injured kids are remaining silent. Why not speak out? It reminds of the fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”
I disagree. I don’t think remaining silent is the right thing to do here. Suppose half the school died after taking the vaccine. Would the school say nothing? They could save hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide if they spoke out and others followed their lead. It would destroy the credibility of the CDC and break people out of their hypnotic trance doing whatever the CDC says.
Instead, Monte Vista behaves just like every other school: keep your mouth shut about the kids being injured by the vaccine. Perhaps they are thinking that maybe it will all just go away if we don’t say anything.
This kind of behavior doesn’t save lives. It fuels the false narrative and costs lives.
Monte Vista is setting a horrible role model for students
Students learn that if you see people being injured or killed by your government, the right thing to do is to keep your mouth shut and look the other way.
This is not consistent with what the Bible says: “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them.” James 4:17
I guess these are the new Christian values that they are teaching kids today.
Tony Fauci would be so proud of the school, the parents, and in particular, the parents of the injured kids who are choosing to remain silent so as to not alert other parents of the problem.
If you are a parent at MVCS, you can contact the school officials to share your views here.
Why nobody wants to talk about it
Here are my best guesses as to why nobody wants to talk about this:
I was told by multiple students that the school jabbed the students on campus on April 30. They said they saw it with their own eyes. So if Monte Vista disclosed that they knew the vaccines are dangerous, they could be sued. To minimize the chance of a lawsuit, a prudent course of action is to cover up all the vaccine-related injuries. However, Ms. Daniels disagrees with the students. She stated in an email to me on Jan 5 that “Monte Vista Christian School has never administered Covid-19 vaccines to students or anyone else. And Monte Vista Christian School has never hosted at its real property or anywhere else any clinic or other event at which Covid-19 vaccinations were administered.” OK. Then that means someone is lying. Why would the kids lie about this? Isn’t that a sin? And if the Head of School is lying, then that’s a sin and sets a very poor role model for students. It’s important to get to the bottom of this one. I’ll let the Monte Vista parents sort it out. Unfortunately, I’ve heard that the Board refuses meet with the parents who are opposed to the vaccine. So maybe this won’t get resolved.
Some parents aren’t speaking out because they don’t want to damage the school. They believe God will save them. One parent wrote “I would much prefer to see God heal these children with myocarditis.” I’m serious. I saw the text message. You really can’t make this stuff up. It shows that the parent knew about the myocarditis and are keeping quiet.
My offer to clear up any misunderstanding
I sent an email to Ms. Daniels offering a recorded zoom call to clear up any misunderstandings in the article. I’ll update this if I hear back. I’d be amazed if she’ll go on camera with an interview.
Monte Vista is not alone
Other schools are hiding the statistics too.
For example, I just got an email that a local 17-year-old boy from Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Meyers, Florida died from the vaccine. It will undoubtedly be reported as an unfortunate event and the vaccine will never be mentioned in his obituary. After all, why create vaccine hesitancy without proof?
Censorship is required to keep the mass formation going
People are afraid to speak up because they are convinced it couldn’t be the vaccine because if it was the vaccine, people would be speaking up or they’d read about it in the press or the CDC would acknowledge it. So they just assume it was bad luck.
Not a chance it is “bad luck.” I’d bet that all the boys with myocarditis were vaccinated. The Indiana insurance company admitted that the deaths aren’t “bad luck.” A 12-sigma event simply cannot happen by chance. These people weren’t unlucky. The vaccine is harming or killing their kids.
But nobody wants to admit they were fooled. This what keeps the mass formation going.
I wonder if one of the reasons that Monte Vista and any other school for that matter, doesn't want to speak out about these adverse reactions is because schools have and still are receiving a lot of money from the government (taxpayer dollars) to push these inoculations. They are encouraged to hold jab clinics on school grounds. Steve is correct in that I receive numerous emails every week from my son's school informing me of students and/or staff that have tested positive for Covid. I receive emails and reminder emails when they are planning to host an inoculation clinic. I have yet to receive an email informing the community of a student or staff member that has had an adverse reaction or worse from these so called "vaccines." The high school campus (grades 9-12) that my son attends, has approximately 6000 students and staff. Given that number, I find it hard to believe there wouldn't be numerous adverse events on record. As for the parents that are waiting for God to heal their children that are experiencing life changing adverse reactions from these inoculations, they are delusional, at a minimum! What would they say should the child die from their condition? It was God's will? The child's faith wasn't strong enough? Unbelievable! A parent's number one responsibility is to protect their children at all costs. If they aren't willing to do that, they don't deserve them.
So it's happening. A little later than many expected, but happening nonetheless. I hope as many embalmers as possible come forward and autopsies are performed on children who are cremated. So, the questions become:
1) How many kids will suffer this horrible fate before they can no longer be swept under the rug?
2) How many will ultimately die prematurely, be disabled, or sterilized before this insanity is brought to an end?
3) Will the perpetrators and enablers be brought to justice?