The "TransferX" project
I have a clever way to modernize the transfer of authentication, value, and information. It makes what we do today look like we are in the stone age.

It’s always bothered me that Canadian truckers had their bank accounts frozen by the Canadian government. That’s not right.
A week ago, an idea came to me that will enable us to create a parallel economy that is resistant to such abuse. And the beauty is that it makes the existing mechanisms for:
transfer of value and
transfer of information
obsolete. It’s a way better solution.
Perhaps the single best idea I’ve ever had in my life (according to people I’ve disclosed it to).
Remember how Uber revolutionized transit? It was an idea that could have been executed at any time, obvious in hindsight, yet it took years before someone acted on the concept.
I have a similar idea for how to make value transfers faster, easier, safer than using credit cards. It works for push and pull money transactions, authentication, and information. And more (and the more parts are $100B markets too).
Confirmations are INSTANT (under 100 msec) so perfect for in-person and web transactions (push and pull).
All the infrastructure is fully secure (comparable to a public blockchain).
This will make credit cards and today’s authentication look like something out of the stone age. And it’s all extremely secure (orders of magnitude more secure than today’s mechanisms). And the control you have over things will be much greater. It uses public blockchains, but even if there is an outage, the transactions still work.
I’m looking for an experience software architect to collaborate with take this to the milestone
I know how to implement all of this, so no rocket science is required. If you are familiar with Solana, that’s a huge plus, but not required as the idea is public blockchain independent.
We’ll start with a paper design and get feedback before we hire a team and start coding.
Apply here
If you are an experienced software architect with crypto experience, tell me about your architect/crypto background here.
Be sure to check the “TransferX” box. Impress me in your writeup; tell me what you’ve done architecture wise that will knock my socks off. Feel free to link to a Google doc, etc. if you need more space than what is allowed (or want to be more expressive).
This will be game changing. Together we will change the world.
If RFK gets elected President, we can do AMAZING things with this system. The financial regulations in the US are driven by ignorance.
At age 72 (and counting thank the Lord) I know absolutely nothing that would be useful to your development of this idea, but I am willing to contribute some money toward the cost of bringing it to market if that would be helpful. As a retiree on a fixed income my contribution wouldn't shatter any barriers but I figure if enough of us invest a bit it will do the trick. Anything I can do to circumvent government control is right up my alley!