The narrative is falling apart, piece by piece
The momentum feels to me like it is accelerating... Here are five important new developments you should be aware of.
Here are some narrative pieces that have been falling apart that were recently brought to my attention.
Here are the five new truths:
EEU Regulators, WHO Call for End to COVID Boosters, Citing Evidence Strategy Is Failing: Experts admit that frequent booster shots are not sustainable.
The vaccines make you more likely to get COVID: It was supposed to make things better, but we’re basically mandating you get a shot that makes you more likely to get infected. That is totally insane, but that’s what we are doing. Check out the graphs here. No age confounding this time: UK Government Data proves the Covid-19 Vaccines DOUBLE your chances of catching Covid-19.
The vaccines aren’t safe: I’m now hearing a lot from prominent formerly pro-vax docs that they are turning on the vaccine. This is great news. Nobody is going public yet, but they are all pissed and realize they have been misled. It will not be pretty. This is of course great news.
Cloth masks don’t work: The CDC finally admits that cloth masks that they said worked before and that everyone wore (including Rochelle Walensky) don’t actually work. The other mask types don’t work either, but it will take them longer to figure out the obvious. P100 respirators do work but only a small percentage of people know that. I can’t wait to see Rochelle Walensky wear a P100 respirator; after all, she should be modelling best practices.
Kids shouldn’t have boosters shots: Top WHO scientist finally admits that kids shouldn’t get boosted!!!! Yet the US colleges and universities aren’t going to back off. Someone is very wrong here and for once it isn’t the WHO.
Here are some older truths that should have been realized by now, but are still going on:
Remdesivir is killing patients, not saving them: RDV is standard operating procedure in the US, but everyone I talk to says it doesn’t work and is much more likely to kill patients than save them. Doctors are forced to give it by hospital policy.
Social distancing doesn’t work: The MIT study came out in April, 2021 that showed social distancing makes no difference. 6 feet or 60 feet made no difference. People still haven’t figured this out.
I will tell you one thing. I have lost all respect for doctors, as well as the entire, "medical system". This, "pandemic", has freed me from their lack of understanding. I fired the lot of 'em over the past two years.
My mind has never been so clear, and my body, never so healthy.
I battled it out with my principal over masks AGAIN yesterday. I pointed out that the CDC essentially says cloth masks are now useless, so I asked why does our school mandate them anyway? And, to further the insanity, I asked him how our school can refer to "immunity rates" when talking about how many of my colleagues were "vaccinated" with a "vaccine" that does not confer immunity. My school is tying the "immunity/vaccine" rate to when to go mask optional, but the "vaccines" don't provide immunity and the "masks" never worked, which more mainstream sources have begun admitting.
I'm about to teach Orwell, incidentally. So many real-world connections to make during these dystopian days.