The Lancet Commission on Vaccine Refusal has failed miserably
Vaccine hesitancy has gotten much worse since they began. It is clearly an ineffective committee. It is time to reconstitute it.
Executive Summary
More than a year ago, on February 24, 2021, The Lancet created the Commission on Vaccine Refusal, Acceptance, and Demand in the USA.
That committee has been ineffective in increasing demand for the vaccine and increasing trust in the CDC.
Here are the members:
Peter J Hotez, Rebecca E Cooney, Regina M Benjamin, Noel T Brewer, Alison M Buttenheim, Timothy Callaghan, Arthur Caplan, Richard M Carpiano, Chelsea Clinton, Renee DiResta, Jad A Elharake, Lisa C Flowers, Alison P Galvani, Rekha Lakshmanan, Yvonne A Maldonado, SarahAnn M McFadden, Michelle M Mello, Douglas J Opel, Dorit R Reiss, Daniel A Salmon, Jason L Schwartz, Joshua M Sharfstein, and *Saad B Omer.
All of them take the blue pill.
To the best of my knowledge, all of these people have ducked all opportunities to engage in a serious dialog with any of the primary “misinformation spreaders” to resolve their differences. So the problem is going to get worse until they do.
It’s time for The Lancet to reconstitute the committee with members who are willing to engage in scientific dialog as described in this op-ed: Scientists who express different views on Covid-19 should be heard, not demonized.
Misinformation costs lives. It’s important that The Lancet appoint a commission, perhaps headed by UCSF Professor Vinay Prasad, who will fix the problem and expose the CDC as corrupt.
Trust in the agencies will never be restored until the agencies admit their errors and purge the people responsible for making them.
I predict The Lancet will do nothing to fix their ineffective committee. They will continue to do the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
What do you think?
The most important thing to know about the commission is the Peter Hotez heads it. So, what it will conclude is basically a forgone conclusion.
This is the guy who believes there is absolutely no evidence anything besides giving everyone an endless number of vaccines can be justified. He really believes this to an almost sad and comical level.
Worst still, anytime someone disagrees with him, he claims to be the victim and sites nebulous things like anti-science violence as the rationale for why some individuals might not think giving endless dangerous and ineffective vaccines is a good idea.
Most of us believe Hotez is either a clown or a complete mess, but because the media shields him from any tough questions, he can get away with it. Conversely, he will always block anyone who disagrees with him whatsoever on Twitter and actively avoids discussions or conversations with anyone on the same page as him, despite the fact he continually brands himself as an ambassador for vaccine diplomacy.
At this point in time, many of us believe Peter Hotez was the tip of the spear for a propaganda campaign outlaw any criticisms of vaccination on social media. Because of the work he did immediately preceding COVID-19, a.k.a. the major tech company is the ammunition to censor everybody who provided early treatment options for COVID-19, and then to censor everyone who had dangerous or deadly reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines. In short, Peter Hotez has a lot of blood on his hands.
The saddest thing about Peter Hotez is that he wrote a book called "vaccines did not cause Rachel's (his daughter) Autism," and within the book, while he failed to ever provide any evidence vaccines do not cause autism (even though he repeatedly cites the book as definitive proof debunking the link between autism), in it, he did describe many of the telltale vaccine reactions parents observe which proceed the development autism.
Peter Hotez is a piece of work, so I dedicated an article to exposing all of this and more about him:
Peter Hotez has malnutrition vaccines in the making. He needs those out on the market. To save all the little African kids who are starving. And to save the world from impending food insecurity.
From hookworm and schistosomiasis.
Preventable diseases.
Because if you give a man a fish he won't be hungry.
But if you give a man a jab or five of them, you won't be hungry.
See how that works?