The COVID "vaccine" had no benefit. Zero. Zip. Nada.
Here's official US government data, all in plain sight, so you can decide for yourself. If the vaccine reduced the risk of death, this data is simply impossible to explain.

Executive summary
Official US government data, “gold standard data,” shows that the vaccine didn’t save any COVID lives at all. None.
In fact, if anything, the data shows that the vaccine made you more likely to die from COVID.
To the estimated 21 million people who were killed or seriously injured, you should know it was all for nothing.
The single most stunning data point that nobody can explain
The single most stunning piece of official US government data is the US Nursing home data. I first wrote about this nearly a year ago. Since then, there have been no investigations. Nobody wants to talk about it. Here’s why…
I was tipped off by an insider that her nursing home, Apple Valley Village Health Care Center, located in Apple Valley, MN started rolling out the injections on December 28, 2020. The insider also told me that shortly thereafter staff members were called back from their Christmas vacations to deal with all the deaths.
Let’s see what the official US Medicare records that anyone can download here say about COVID cases and deaths before the shots rolled out.
I went on the query page on that site and downloaded the records for Apple Valley Village, highlighted the two key columns in red, and saved them in an Excel spreadsheet here so you can see for yourself. It took me about 60 seconds to do that.
For the 32 week period ending 12/27/20 (right before the shots started being rolled out), there were 27 COVID cases, and 0 COVID deaths. There was an average of 1 death per week (there were 32 deaths in the 32 weeks listed).
Now let’s look at what happened in just a 3 week period right after the shots were administered (rows 35 to 37 in the spreadsheet): 90 COVID cases resulting in 28 COVID deaths (a 31% death rate, up from 0% before the shots). In that 3 week period after the shots, AVV averaged 8 all-cause deaths per week, which is 8X higher than normal.
This is not a statistical anomaly. That is impossible if the vaccine isn’t killing people. You can’t keep injecting people with something that you know is killing people like this unless you give them informed consent.
Which means that the people at AVV are criminally negligent for not stopping the shots. I filed a criminal complaint with the Apple Valley Police Department, but they refused to accept it.
The COVID death rate at AVV suggests we should have seen at most 1.5 deaths in the 90 COVID cases, but we observed 28. The chance of that happening by pure random chance is 6.6e-26. In short, we are 99.999999999999999999999999% confident this didn’t happen by chance.
And this didn’t happen because they changed the criteria for dying from COVID, because the weekly all-cause death rate jumped from 1 to 8 for three weeks straight after the rollout. That can happen by chance, but it is nearly impossible (probability 2.6e-14). So it’s unlikely Apple Valley Village just got “unlucky.”
Something caused a lot of people to die from COVID right after the shot rollout.
If it wasn’t the shots, what was it? Nothing else can explain both the rise in COVID death rate (from 0% to 30%) as well as the 8X increase in all-cause mortality.
There is no possible explanation other than the deaths were caused by the “safe and effective” COVID vaccine.
This is why Apple Valley Village staff will never comment.
This is why the FDA and CDC won’t comment. This is why the New York Times will never cover this story. There is no place to hide on this data.
I’m not claiming this is happening everywhere. I’m only saying that the vaccine was supposed to significantly REDUCE all-cause mortality from COVID. If that were the case, this anecdote is statistically impossible. And yet it happened.
In science, if you can’t explain a data point, you don’t just write it off. You have to explain it or at least publicly admit that your hypothesis could be wrong until you can explain it.
And this wasn’t cherry picked either. In the entire time I’ve been a “misinformation spreader,” I’ve only gotten one insider call from someone in a nursing home who would reveal the date that the vaccine was rolled out in her facility. One.
And even if I scoured all 15,000 nursing homes for a case like this, it still can’t happen because the probabilities are too small.
So I had two independent ways at looking at this data: the tip from the insider and the data reported to the government. Both aligned.
Does this deserve investigation?
Of course!
But there will be no investigations. Ever.
Because that’s the way science works nowaday. It’s all about ignoring all credible evidence that doesn’t support the narrative. And that should be troubling for everyone.
Apple Valley isn’t talking, even when a MN State Representative calls!
Shane Mekeland, House District 27A Minnesota, reached out to Apple Valley Village to ask them if they were investigating the excess deaths.
They said, “No comment” and immediately hung up the phone.
Why did they do that? It looks like they have something to hide.
Aggregate CFR data from all 15,000 nursing homes
Some people erroneously claim that anecdotes are meaningless. This is false because anecdotes are easy to 100% verify and a single anecdote, if statistically significant, can reveal serious flaws in a hypothesis that should cause further investigation as to whether the hypothesis is consistent with the data.
But I’m fine looking at all the US Nursing home data.
I spend a ton of time doing that. You can look at my GitHub repo for all the work I did (including the R code I wrote and all the results.
I summarized it all in my Substack article: The US nursing home data is devastating for the narrative: FINAL GRAPHS.
It shows that over 50% of nursing home residents were fully vaccinated by 2/7/2021. But as you can see, the case fatality rate (CFR) from COVID actually spiked up after 50% of the shots were delivered and then dropped down as we’d expect as the people with the weakest immune systems succumb to the virus early on leaving people with more robust immune systems. And look at the dramatic instant drop in CFR when Omicron rolled out. This is what should have happened after the vaccine rollout if it worked: it should never have spiked up like it did; it should have gone from the .17 baseline and dropped monotonically half of that amount; there shouldn’t have been any spike after the vaccine rollout if the variant didn’t change (which it didn’t).

This JAMA Research Letter clearly shows no hospitalization benefit for the COVID or flu vaccines in the VA elderly. Which strongly implies there was no death benefit either.
One of my personal favorite papers was a Research Letter published in JAMA on April 6, 2023 described in my Substack article entitled VA study published in JAMA shows that COVID *and* Flu shots don't reduce your risk of hospitalization.
The study looked at the official US government VA data.
Hidden in this Table was a gem that none of the authors noticed: extremely strong evidence that neither COVID nor flu vaccines reduced hospitalization. It showed the vaccination breakdown in both cohorts (hospitalized for flu vs. COVID) was nearly identical (in both raw and adjusted numbers)
Truly revolutionary. A paper in JAMA unintentionally demonstrating that the COVID and flu vaccines DO NOT work!
These are large numbers. If the vaccine worked, there would have been a significant difference between the two groups. But there wasn’t.
The Z-score for influenza group is over 24, and for the COVID shots it is over 47 (assuming a 50% reduction is expected). Which means the results are highly statistically significant (a Z-score of 1.96 is generally considered statistically significant).
I contacted the senior author of the research letter, Ziyad Al-Aly, who is a highly published epidemiologist with an h-index of 82 who works for the VA.
I asked him how, if the vaccines worked, you could get a result like this where it clearly shows the net hospitalization benefit is near ZERO for both vaccines.
He couldn’t explain it either.
I suggested to him that he write a follow up Letter to JAMA to point out this truly game-changing observation in his paper, but he said he didn’t have time.
But I thought this was pretty darn important.
So I collaborated with Mark Mead and Paul Marik and we wrote a Letter to the Editor to JAMA to point out this stunning result.
JAMA rejected it as not important enough for their journal. Wow.
You show that the COVID and flu vaccines are a complete scam and that isn’t good enough to make it into JAMA?!?!?
We have the rejection letter, but it is marked confidential at the request of Gregory Curfman, MD, Executive Editor, JAMA.
It’s been accepted by another journal and will be available soon.
Lack of a compelling positive anecdote in the US
I’m not aware of reading or hearing about any nursing home facility (which largely have stable populations so we can look at their statistics over time) which noticed a significant drop in CFR, and lower all-cause mortality after the shot rollout.
And apparently, the success examples are so rare that if you asked 5,000 people, they aren’t aware of one either.
If the vaccine worked as promised, nearly every single facility of the 15,000 US facilities would be a huge success story where the COVID CFR went down by at least a factor of 2 after the shots were given to most of the patients in that facility.
But apparently, after over 5,000 views now, nobody knows of one. How is THAT possible? Ask 5,000 people and nobody can cite a success case? Is it that rare?
If you look at the stats for nearly 15,000 nursing homes (which I did in the “ALL” analysis in the github code), you find that there are nearly 3 nursing homes where the CFR went up (i.e., worse) after the demarcation date (vax rollout) for every one that got better. This is simply impossible if the vaccine worked as advertised.
There is no possible way that anyone in their right mind could call that a success.
This is a huge failure since if we did nothing, the CFR naturally goes down over time. This strongly suggests that the vaccine made things worse.
Where is the paper showing the US Nursing Home data shows the vaccine was a big success?
The US Nursing Home dataset is available to scientists worldwide.
None have looked at it.
Yet this is GOLD STANDARD data.
It doesn’t get any better than this.
If the data is so compelling, why isn’t anyone using it?
I’ll tell you why. The odds are 3:1 that the CFR increased in any given nursing home after the shots rolled out. That’s why “scientists” avoid this dataset like the plague.
Where is the analysis of the New Zealand record level data showing it saves lives? Nowhere to be found because it doesn’t!
Barry Young paid dearly for releasing record level data in New Zealand to enable anyone to run a time-series cohort analysis on the data.
I did that and it showed clearly that mortality went up after the shots were given to people, just like what happened at Apple Valley Village.
I challenged the New Zealand Health Authority to release the full dataset, but they refused to even talk to me.
The image below summarizes the argument. Nobody has been able to explain it AFAIK.
And for those who think the tests are random
The CFR drops over time, exactly as expected. And when Omicron hit, the CFR nearly instantly ticked downward, exactly as expected.
So where is the evidence that the trends are random?
Others found the same thing
Dr CHRIS FLOWERS MD wrote in the comments here:
We showed that at no stage was the intervention lifesaving in our peer reviewed paper on the forensic analysis of the Pfizer clinical trial. In testimony to the Australian Senate, one of our colleagues. Dr Jeyanthi Kunudhasan shared the results of our paper.
If the COVID shots worked, I wouldn’t be able to find any data points like this. Not in anecdotes, and also not in large databases like the VA and Medicare.
If the COVID shots worked, they’d be able to explain these data points. Instead, they ignore them and ghost me when I ask for explanations.
Nobody has ever explained how the all-cause mortality dropped from 1 death a week to 8 deaths a week over a 3 week period right after the shots at Apple Valley. They won’t answer any calls. Nor will they be held accountable by lawmakers in their state.
And we aren’t hearing a single success anecdote from any of the over 15,000 US Nursing homes how COVID mortality dropped like a rock after the shot rollout.
Come on. 15,000 nursing homes and they can’t find A SINGLE success anecdote that anyone knows about??? Are you kidding me????
So we have strong evidence that the shots didn’t protect people and we also have a lack of success anecdotes. And the numbers are damning with 3 nursing homes getting worse after the shots for every one that got better. That’s not a success. That’s a huge failure.
We were conned into believing these shots worked.
Over 21 million people are paying the price for this fraud and they are still perpetuating it.
The stories of harm caused by these shots are extremely sad and it is very troubling that our government is looking the other way when these people are trying to get the help they deserve.
I ran into a friend today who works in the chemo department at my local hospital, he said "you wouldn't believe what is happening in the cancer ward, the place is packed, I've never seen it like it is these days, just drive by someday to see for yourself.
We showed that at no stage was the intervention lifesaving in our peer reviewed paper on the forensic analysis of the Pfizer clinical trial. In testimony to the Australian Senate, one of our colleagues. Dr Jeyanthi Kunudhasan shared the results of our paper
Dr Chris Flowers MD. Medical lead: WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Document Investigations