The CFR from the Pfizer trial show the vaccines make you 5x more likely to die from COVID
It's trivial to calculate the CFR if you got a Pfizer shot. But I don't think anyone has before now. So I'm going to do it for the very first time.
Executive summary
The case fatality rate (CFR) from the Pfizer trial shows you are 10X more likely to die if you get COVID and you are vaccinated.
Pfizer just forgot to point this out.
Same with the CDC and FDA. I’m sure they just forgot.
So I’m going to show you that the CFR is 5X higher for Pfizer and when you combine that with a 40% higher likelihood of being infected (bringing it to 7.7X) we can now estimate that the COVID vaccine makes you over 5X more likely to die from COVID. And that’s not counting your risk of all-cause mortality from the vaccine itself!
The Pfizer Phase 3 study CFR calculation
Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine through 6 Months showed for COVID deaths/cases:
77 v 850 cases from Table 3.
Vaccinated: 1/77=.013
Unvaccinated: 2/850=.0023
Note: the deaths are in Table S4 in the Supplementary material
You were actually 5X more likely to die from COVID if you were vaccinated and you got COVID.
Survey data on risk of COVID infection (vaxxed v. unvaxxed)
We know from our own experiences that the vaccinated are more likely to get COVID.
From a recent survey I did, I found you were 40% more likely to get COVID if you got the shots. See vaxxed vs. unvaxxed survey.
So putting it together, based on the clinical trial data, you increase your risk of a COVID death over 5X by getting the shots, according to Pfizer’s own data.
This is based on point estimates and is NOT statistically significant because the numbers are too small so the confidence intervals are wide. But it is interesting.
Am I the first one to calculate the CFR from the Phase 3 study???
Who knew. The plandemic was all about population reduction. Who but the devil could have come up with a more dastardly plan?