The best way to end the pandemic? Early treatment!
99.76% risk reduction from hospitalization; 100% risk reduction from death. Plus they don't cause death or disability (like the COVID vaccines do). This is why they are being suppressed by the NIH.
If we want to end this pandemic, focusing our efforts on an unsafe, non-sterilizing vaccine against an RNA virus in the middle of a pandemic is a recipe for disaster. Geert vanden Bossche has been saying this for a year.
And after the current strategy has been clearly proven to make things worse, what do we do? We double down on the same strategy!! And we ignore the strategy that India used to be free of COVID.
Insanity is the doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.
That, in a nutshell, is the CDC and NIH strategy. Tony Fauci is the spiritual leader of this religion.
Want to end the pandemic? Simple! Just do the opposite of what the CDC says
Bret Weinstein pointed out to me that if we ever want to end the pandemic, it’s really simple: we just have to do the exact opposite of what the CDC says.
When they say not to use a drug or supplement like ivermectin, vitamin D3, fluvoxamine, hydroxychloroquine, NAC, and betadine nasal rinses, it means those drugs work really well.
When they say “wear masks,” it means mask are useless against respiratory viruses and dangerous, especially for kids. Details here.
When they say get vaccinated, it means that vaccination will be more likely to kill you than save your life.
When they start mandating vaccines, it means they couldn’t convince anyone with the scientific evidence so now they have to use coercion.
What we need to do is follow the Aaron Rodgers example: Infect and treat.
What the CDC wants is for people to avoid using any early treatment protocols that use existing approved drugs such as the Fareed-Tyson protocol.
But the truth is that COVID is endemic: you are going to get COVID sooner or later. It’s inevitable.
Get it. Treat it. You’re done.
Just like Aaron Rodgers, a critical thinker who did absolutely the right thing.
A better, safer strategy than getting vaccinated by far.
You will contribute to herd immunity since you can’t pass on the virus. You’ll also be protected against variants in terms of hospitalization and death. You don’t either benefit with vaccination. Surprise!
Early treatment is the true win-win: for you and for society
It’s the patriotic thing to do to end the pandemic.
We need to educate everyone on early treatment protocols. Look at the benefits:
Treatments are super safe never kill or disable you
You will avoid getting long-haul COVID
Higher relative risk reduction than any vaccine or big-company pharma proprietary drug. For the Fareed-Tyson protocol, we have 99.76% reduction in hospitalization, and 100% reduction in death rate. There is nothing better that. Nothing.
After you recover, if you catch COVID again, you won’t get sick or infect anyone else. None of these are true if you get vaccinated.
After you recover, you can’t pass on the virus to anyone else (like you can if you just get vaccinated). This is important. This keeps others safe. It is the right thing to do for society. It is the patriotic thing to do.
What’s the catch? They only work if you take the drugs and are treated early (as soon as you have symptoms).
For more information on effective early treatments, see my article on early treatments.
The big problem was never the virus; it is our response to the virus
Meanwhile, the effectiveness of early treatments will continue to be suppressed by the CDC, FDA, NIH, AMA, and WHO among others.
Sadly, doctors in the US and other countries will continue to follow the directions of these authoritarians… whoops, I means authorities…, no matter how many people are killed.
I’m not a doctor and I quit my job, so I can speak out freely. Most other people cannot.
Dr. Julie Ponesse left her day job too.
She made a brilliant speech that everyone should read on how mandates are nonsensical. She wrote, “I have no doubt that COVID-19 is the greatest threat to humanity we have ever faced; not because of a virus; … but because of our response to it.”
Ain’t that the truth.
I had the rona. Early 60’s & obese. Was also on Quercetin, zinc, selenium, 10K IU of D, and other supplements every day. Four days of bad headaches & every joint hurt like they had arthritis. Two months of being winded walking. Aaaand…done.
Still take all the above. Keep a tube of the horse dewormer handy just in case. Actually took it as a prophylactic shorty after my rona episode as I was getting on a plane— just in case.
BTW, re: dewormer paste. I had had a dry eye condition for easily 10 years. My oil ducts in my lashes were compromised by some sort of infection that some very expensive drops did nothing to fix.
So, figuring IVM prevents River Blindness, I’ll try a bit of the gel along my eyelashes. (I had already done my due diligence). Sun of a gun if that did not resolve my decade+ issue with only a few applications.
No jabs for me!
Please read the research articles cited at: "What every MD, immunologist, virologist and epidemiologist should know about vitamin D and the immune system" .
For the great majority of people, who have not been taking proper amounts of vitamin D3 (e.g. 01.25mg 5000IU for 70kg 154lb bodyweight) and have not had lots of UV-B skin exposure in the last month or so, the most important early treatment is to boost 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels to at least the 50ng/ml 125nmol/L levels the immune system needs to function properly.
Ordinary D3 intakes take 2 months or so to do this. Bolus D3, such as 10mg 400,000IU is much better, but it still takes days to attain the required level, due to the need for it to be hydroxylated in the liver. The best approach is a single oral dose of calcifediol (the pharma name for 25-hydroxyvitamin D) backed up by continuing D3 supplements. 1mg for 70kg bodyweight does the job in 4 hours. This is 0.014mg per kg. Calcifediol is non-prescription in the USA and Australia. All the details are at and with Prof. Sunil Wimalawansa's recommendation: .
After that, I think melatonin, ivermectin, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, B vitamins and probably quercetin are the most promising early treatments. But the most urgent early treatment for most people is to ensure their immune system has the autocrine (inside each cell) signaling molecules it needs, by boosting 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels over 50ng/ml ASAP.