For the times when you are forced to wear a mask...
I hate wearing masks. I hate complying with stupid mandates. But there are a few occasions when you cannot avoid wearing a mask. Getting on a plane is one such time. Here are your options.
I avoid wearing face masks whenever possible. Face masks don’t work at all as I’ve written in previous posts: surgical, cloth, and N95 masks have proven to do absolutely nothing in large randomized trials or large real-world trials.
Sadly, the brainwashed require you to wear them for admission, e.g., in schools, on planes, to enter businesses, etc.
Ideally, you never comply and go inside without a mask. Often this works. Sometimes it can be very problematic and get you arrested and put on a no fly list for the rest of your life.
If you have to enter a business or fly on a plane, there is often no alternative. That is why I wrote this article.
Ideally, you will never have to use this article.
For the times you are required to mask up, you have four choices:
Don’t do it (which is what I will try to do as much as possible)
Wear a “traditional” mask
Wear an effective mask (P100)
Wear an ineffective mask that meets the “compliance” requirement
Option 1: Don’t patronize the business
This is what I do whenever I can and I recommend you do as well.
Option 2: Wear a traditional cloth or surgical mask
These have no benefit and you walk around being oxygen deprived (and risk respiratory infection).
This is one of the main reasons COVID can spread: people think they are protected when they aren’t protected at all.
I pretty much never do this.
Option 3: Wearing an effective mask
What makes the most sense is to actually opt for protection that actually works. However, almost nobody wears the highly effective P100 masks that I’ve written about. I went through multiple airports and didn’t see a single person with a P100 mask. These masks are well over 160 times more effective than an N95 mask for two reasons: the filtration is 99.97% rather than 95% (so is a factor of 500/3=166 better) and also the mask fits better so there is no air leakage.
The downsides are comfort.
I’ve done this just to see what happens when you do. I’m not afraid of the virus so this isn’t worth the tradeoff for me
Option 4: Wear a “fake mask”
With the masks I recommend (in the section below to reward my paid subscribers), there are no downsides that I know about.
Narrative-compliant face mask
I finally found a face mask that is so good that you can wear it on a plane without a problem, but that doesn’t impede your breathing in the slightest. It was recommended to me by one of my “high profile” friends. It’s much better than cheesecloth masks and it looks cool too.
Like cloth and surgical masks and N95 masks, this mask will not prevent you from getting the virus. It is just as effective as those masks, but way more comfortable.
I’ve reserved this gem for my PAID subscribers as a “thank you” for being a subscriber (as I’ve promised them that they would get access to certain “bonus” information).
If you like my work and are ready to become a paid subscriber, this might be a good excuse to make the leap (just $5/mo or $50/yr).
All the income goes to funding events such as the Defeat the Mandates march in Washington, DC, making videos such as this one, paying our staff, and so on so it’s a good cause.