Saudi ambassador falls and dies instantly in public view
Yet another death in plain sight. These deaths are common after the "safe and effective" COVID vaccines rolled out. Reality: you increase your risk of injury/death by over 20X.
Check out the video in this tweet before Twitter has it removed. Only 32 views!
This was caught on video, but most of these incidents aren’t.
This is what is causing the massive numbers of unusual accidents (such as car accidents, swimming deaths, etc).

We’ve seen this before. It only started happening after the vaccines rolled out.
And this video of Heather McDonald
The health authorities will never figure out the connection with the vaccine because doing so would make them look bad.
I had a doctor's appointment today, blood work before Monday's routine yearly physical.
Arrived to see a big sign in the parking lot pushing the Rona jab. Inside, I was told masks were mandatory. I asked the nurse, "Based on what science, are we still required to muzzle?"
She replied, "Even though not required by the CDC, it’s a safety policy; Covid is still in emergency status."
I took a muzzle from the box and hung it from my ear.
Gave blood.
On the way out I detoured into the pharmacy and jab area. Two unmuzzled pharmacists were behind the counter. No clients. I asked if they had a minute to answer some questions. Both smiled and said, sure.
I began by asking if they had read the Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J documents. The woman pharmacist said yes. The guy ran away to the back of the stacks, but not too far to peek at and listen to the rest of my questions.
Me: If you are aware that people are dying from the vaccines, why are you still pushing them?
Her: I don't "push" them.
Me: There's a 4' sign in front of your entrance door, pushing the Moderna shot.
Her: The hospital system requires us to post the sign. I don't offer vaccines, but I give them if people ask for them.
Me: Since you have read the death data, do you provide informed consent?
Her: Yes (she took a paper from her desk).
Me: Mind reading it to me?
Her: (reading) Persons taking the vaccine may experience mild side-effects, including soreness at injection site, fever, allergic reaction, myocarditis, or body aches and elevated pulse.
Me: You know myocarditis is fatal in most cases?
Her: Yes.
Me: What about over-all death? Miscarriages, blindness, blood clots, and the 1200+ other side-effects listed on the Pfizer documents. Do you mention those?
Her: No. Again, I just give people what they ask for. Many people still ask for vaccines and boosters.
Me: Would you give them arsenic or cyanide if they asked for it?
Her: No reply
The pharmacist who ran away is now back up at the counter. Looks like a deer in the headlights.
Him: We are only doing our job.
Me: I get that. "Just doing your job." But aware that people are being harmed and dying from "your job". I am sure people who have been vaccine injured come in here for help. Do you tell them their injuries are a coincidence?
Her: We don't diagnose sick patients. We fill prescriptions.
Me: I am very surprised that you have been so candid with me. I am not mad at you. I am angry that the system is forcing medical people to do harm. Last question: In your opinion are the vaccines safe and effective?
The guy ran away again!
Her: (She was quiet for a minute)No, no they are not.
Me: Thank you. I promise you, none of this was recorded. Again, I appreciate your honesty.
Her: You're welcome.
If there was a mass push to face-to-face question doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and all medical personnel still pushing Covid BS and the 💉💉💉💉the tide would turn.
Yes, but it was a "mostly peaceful" death and it would have been infinitely worse if he hadn't been vaccinated.