Paper showing COVID and flu vaccines do NOT reduce hospitalization was published today
We immediately got four offers from top journals to submit for publication in their journals. Also, the Medicare data confirms the Czech data that vaccine toxicity varies by brand!

Executive summary
Today was a good day.
Two breakthroughs:
My paper showing the COVID and flu vaccines do not work was published in PrePrints today. The paper shows that the COVID and flu vaccines don’t reduce hospitalization at all. Zero. Zip. Nada. It uses VA data published in JAMA by a top epidemiologist to expose the truth. No hospitalization benefit implies no death benefit because there is no precedent in medicine for no hospitalization benefit yielding a death benefit. So they lied to us about the benefits. It was ALL downside risk with the shots.
I was able to confirm that the Medicare data shows that the mortality rate of the shots depends on brand. Statistically significant. Yet, nobody in the world is looking at this. Not at the local level, not the state level, not the national level. They all look the other way. I guess it’s time for another paper?
The paper showing the COVID and flu vaccines don’t work
Please read and retweet this so it gets maximum exposure. This only takes seconds of your time.
You can read the paper here and download the PDF. Right now, only 49 people have downloaded the PDF which is needed to actually read the paper since the site only has the abstract.
The medicare data confirms post-shot mortality is brand dependent. These vaccines are NOT safe. They increase all-cause mortality. They need to be immediately revoked.
I was able to get record level data from Medicare showing the vaccine toxicity is not the same for Moderna vs. Pfizer.
Since I showed above that the COVID vaccines don’t reduce COVID mortality, that means these are kill shots because there should be no difference between brands if they are safe. But there are differences and they are HUGE and consistent over age bands. These are kill shots and the vax makers are protected from liability with an unlimited license to kill.
However, NOBODY is listening and nobody cares to verify this in the Medicare data or their own data.
They are just going to let people die so they can save face.
I was hopeful I could get Rep. Massie’s attention, but they said I’m not a constituent, so they ignored my call.
I did inform Senator Johnson directly.
About my eye
It got worse (the blood has spread to nearly fully cover my vision in my right eye), then a bit better.
I’d love to compare notes with anyone who experienced a large sub-retinal and sub-RPE bleed as I have not found anything with compelling evidence that can improve my situation (other than time). Let me know in the comments if you know someone I can talk to.
It doesn’t get any more clear than this. The COVID vaccines didn’t provide any protection against hospitalization or death: they were nothing but kill shots.
We’ll be submitting our pre-print to one of the journals who invited us to submit to their journal so we can get it published officially in the peer-reviewed literature that the shots don’t reduce hospitalization.
And we now know the Czech Republic data showing mortality varies by brand is confirmed in the US data. But we can’t make any health authority look at their own data! They all ignore looking at the data in any way that would expose the safety of the shots.
Hopefully, someday we’ll be able to get their attention.
This is great work Steve. I am praying that your eye heals and makes a full recovery. You are such a brave warrior and leader and we appreciate your tenacity and bravery. You have accomplished so much and we are blessed to have you working on this cause to stop the covid shots!
My brother-in-law had a stroke and is now almost blind in his right eye. The stroke killed part of his brain. The neurologist told him the vaccine did it and told him not to take any more vaccines. One of my nephews had a seizure, he had no idea I had spent several thousand hours researching this issue and he told me without my saying anything that he was really angry because he thinks the vaccine caused his seizure. This is only the tip of the iceberg among people I know, but the fact that a neurologist actually told my brother-in-law that he believed the vaccine had caused his blindness is absolutely amazing to me