Pandemic of the unvaccinated?
No way. Remember the Harvard study showed the more you vaccinate, the higher the cases. Here's more proof.
Multiple studies (such as the Harvard study) showed the more you vaccinate, the worse it gets. This is why mandating vaccination drives us deeper into a hole.
You can see it for yourself: vaccination drives hospital admissions.
For more info, see the full Analysis by Joel Smalley
My survey of healthcare providers
Also, see my survey of healthcare providers where I asked the same question. Click the image below to get the full PDF, including what they said about myocarditis rates. In short, we’ve been lied to. Here are just two of the questions. :
Dr Malone made an excellent point right at the end of his session with Joe Rogan (although he also made several excellent points before the end). Joe asked him why myocarditis rates are higher in children than adults. Dr Malone responded that he didn’t think they were. It’s just that adverse events are clearer in children, because they’re not expected to have any heart issues.
I will be terminated tomorrow from my RN job in acute care in a hospital for "not complying" with the mandates for health care workers. I live in BC, Canada. I have been actively pursing "informed consent" with management and the pandemic planning team within the hospital. I have received very little answers. Here is one:
What is the absolute risk reduction of the proposed mandatory injections?
Health Authority Response:
* Two doses prevent about 95% of COVID-19 hospitalizations. Preventing serious outcomes is the main goal of the vaccine program.
* Two doses of either mRNA vaccine was more than 90% at preventing COVID-19 infection. Two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine were more than 70% effective against infection. People who got one AstraZeneca dose followed by one mRNA vaccine dose (so-called “mix and match”) had protection that was as good as with two mRNA doses.
Additional detailed information on the effectiveness of vaccines is available on the BCCDC website:
I shared the Covid Care Alliance "Do No Harm" link and presentation with them. Their response was, "I have not opened the link you have sent. In BC we following the direction of the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) and the Federal and Provincial governments."
Steve, I'm looking for help! I have my termination meeting tomorrow and would like to address their false answers they provided. I can share the entire answer with you... help?