New Swiss study confirms a 2.8% rate of myocarditis in healthcare workers just 3 days after the booster
In Canada, the medical community won't let doctors measure troponin levels before you are vaccinated so that way nobody will figure it out. Isn't that clever?
Executive summary
A new study shows that nearly everyone getting the mRNA COVID vaccines are may be experiencing some amount of heart damage. But the clear and most important finding is a 2.8% rate of significant cardiac injury among 777 healthcare workers just 3 days after getting a booster.
Watch this episode from Vinay Prasad before YouTube censors it.
You only need to look at 6:21 into the video:
A new study out of Switzerland shows that vaccinated people have uniformly higher troponin levels than their unvaccinated peers.
In the graph shown at 6:21, we see that the 777 people who got the booster in this study have uniformly higher troponin levels than their matched unvaccinated peers. That is not supposed to happen. If the vaccines are safe, the troponin levels should be nearly identical between vaccinated and unvaccinated groups.
Here are Professor Prasad’s exact words:
It's not just the tip of the distribution that has elevated high sensitivity troponin, it's that the entire distribution is right shifted. Everybody's having a little bit of elevation in high sensitivity troponin. That's what this graph would have you infer.
You get a troponin elevation when there is damage to your heart:
Troponin is a type of protein found in the muscles of your heart. Troponin isn't normally found in the blood. When heart muscles become damaged, troponin is sent into the bloodstream. As heart damage increases, greater amounts of troponin are released in the blood
What the study shows is that nearly everyone is getting a little heart damage when they get the COVID vaccine, some get a lot more damage than others.
Even more important is that it’s not just a little. They are measuring on day 3 and 4 and the slope was going down (See 5:47). So it was presumably much higher before day 3. In other words, the actual damage is likely greater than the curves would indicate.
1 in 28 boys who got the vaccine developed subclinical myocarditis in the Thailand study
Furthermore, the rate of sub-clinical myocarditis in boys in the Thailand study (summarized at 2:47 in the video) is 3.5%, i.e., 1 in 28 boys will have subclinical or overt myocarditis.
It appears that most of the rest are having heart damage that is below the threshold to be classified as subclinical myocarditis.
Although other conditions can cause a troponin elevation, these conditions are all rare and would be unlikely to be coincident with the shot.
We are left with the inescapable conclusion that the vaccine is injuring the heart muscle in nearly everyone who gets the shot.
More on the study
Here is a link to an article about the study 777 healthcare workers which showed that 2.8% had sigificantly elevated Troponin just 3 days after the booster.
Attacking the study
The study was well done. Professor Christian Mueller is well respected and has authored many publications on cardiac injury in the scientific literature.
So it’s not likely that anyone will have success attacking the study. But people will try because they don’t like the result.
The Canadian solution to the troponin problem: don’t allow the doctors to order the troponin test before the shot
In Canada, the medical community is very smart about this: they don't let doctors measure troponin levels before you are vaccinated so nobody’s the wiser.
According to a physician in Canada, after the COVID vaccines rolled out, they changed the rules. They only allow troponin to be measured when you are in the hospital. That way, doctors can’t compare your troponin before getting the shot to the level after the shot.
It’s a clever technique to make sure nobody finds out how dangerous the shots are. I’d expect other countries to adopt this policy so that the data isn’t out there (not that it would matter anyway).
For more information
The data is showing the shots are causing some amount of heart damage in nearly everyone who gets the shot.
Doctors and public health authorities are simply turning a blind eye to the data.
Most people put their trust in their doctors and the public health authorities.
And much of heart damage is from inflammation. Truth For Health Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide contains these steps to reduce inflammation.
A. Supplement and Nutraceutical Options
• Vitamin D3 2000-4000 IU daily *unless deficient and doses will need to be increased*
• Vitamin C 1000-2000 mg twice a day up to three times a day
• Vitamin E
• Fish Oils
• Turmeric
• Resveratrol
• Monolaurin
• Glucosamine
• Blackseed extract (N. Sativa)
• Chondroitin sulfate - body needs this to build and fix DNA damage
• Green tea (EGCG) and green tea extract 500 mg/day
• Quercetin 500 mg 2-3 times a day
• Glutathione, and/or N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) 600 mg - 1200 mg daily + Glycine 500 mg
• Resveratrol 500 mg
• Beta carotene (take with fat to improve absorption)
• Curcumin 500 mg with black pepper (piperine)
Harvard Health also has ways to stop inflammation. You can find lots of ways. The point is to stop it!
Just found out today that my Mom, who has always been remarkably healthy, has now developed heart failure. Two weeks after her first shot she was hospitalized with kidney/bladder infection which has now become chronic, she has severely declined cognitively, and now heart issues. Can’t say I’m surprised. My Dad, who already had heart issues before the shot, became bed ridden literally the day of his first shot. Of course no one is making the connection, and my siblings shut down the conversation if I suggest the shots could be causing these adverse reactions.
Thank you Steve for keeping on.