New peer-reviewed study: >217,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccines in just the first year alone!
And it also turns out that serious adverse events were ~5X higher than what Pfizer reported in their Phase 3 trial. But it's OK because they are immune from prosecution.
The Skidmore paper was unethically retracted by the journal. They didn’t cite any reasons that satisfied the COPE guidelines. Requests for explanations from the Editor and Publisher were ignored.
Even more troubling is that those who sought to debunk the study never showed us the “corrected” calculation. There is a reason for that.
See this article on the Skidmore retraction for more detail.
Executive summary
A new peer-reviewed paper written by Professor Mark Skidmore was just published that finally gets the truth out:
At least 217,000 Americans were killed by the vaccine in the first year after rollout
An estimated 278,000 Americans were killed by the vaccine in 2021
The rate of severe adverse events reported by the survey participants (13.4%) after adjusting by a factor of 2 for categorization error, is still 5X more than was reported by Pfizer in their Phase 3 trial.
Since deaths from the vaccine were higher in 2022, most experts would estimate the all-cause mortality death toll from the COVID vaccines to be in the range of 500K to 600K. So the global cost of life from these vaccines is on the order of 10 to 12 million people.
But nobody wants to talk about it because that’s the way science works. When you can’t argue with the data, you censor the speaker like the FDA and CDC did to me.
They are actively trying to get the paper retracted because it destroys the narrative. I’m certain they will succeed because journals are under intense pressure to censor any anti-narrative paper.
The problem is that Mark’s survey was entirely consistent with my surveys.
If they want to have the paper retracted they need to show us THEIR surveys. But of course, they don’t have any surveys because they are too afraid of the results.
So they will use hand-waving arguments like “I don’t like the methodology” or some nonsense like that instead of gathering their own data.
They will NEVER show us survey data that supports their narrative because it isn’t there.
That’s why there are no success anecdotes. NOBODY can give me the name of a US geriatric practice where all-cause deaths plummeted after the vaccines rolled out. In every case, they went the wrong way.
The narrative is unraveling at an accelerated pace but the medical community is still fighting the truth.
Check out this Substack article which was just brought to my attention by one of my readers:
I guess my surveys were right after all. What a surprise!
This is of course why the CDC and medical community NEVER do ANY surveys of the vaccinated. They knew they would find a disaster; that Pfizer lied in their trial.
Here’s what was reported for the Pfizer trial in the NEJM paper:
Here’s what the survey showed: 13.4% of the survey respondents reported that they had severe health issues after COVID vaccination in their opinion. However, we need to discount that by a factor of two because people report less severe adverse events as adverse events.
In other words, serious adverse events post-vaccine were 5X what Pfizer told us.
This is why the FDA never does after-market surveys in the drugs it approves. Because reality hurts.
It is the FDA that should have discovered this before Mark Skidmore.
The FDA is asleep at the wheel and they just believe everything the drug companies tell them, hook, line, and sinker. This is a major miss.
Why aren’t they doing surveys like this to see if the reality matches the study?
I’ve been doing regular surveys and the results are always shocking. Nobody wants to do similar surveys for some reason.
But it gets better…
From the Mark Skidmore paper, check out the part in blue:
Yup, you read that right….
Up to 332,608 people were killed by the COVID vaccines in the first year alone!
And what benefit did they get from it? No benefit at all as noted in this article.
In short, we killed at least 217,000 Americans and seriously injured 33M Americans in just the first year, and the CDC and FDA want to give you more shots.
The second year, more people died, so the total death toll for the COVID vaccines in America alone is 500K to 600K which translates into 10M -12M deaths worldwide caused by these shots.
It’s the greatest disaster in human history and NO HEALTH AUTHORITY IN THE WORLD will debate any of my colleagues on this in a public forum. They want to silence us.
These are consistent with the numbers I’ve been saying for a long time. It’s not a coincidence.
Over 500K Americans have been killed by the COVID shot in the first two years.
As Scott Adams would say, “I guess all the anti-vaxxers were right after all. We should have listened to them instead of censoring them.”
However, in order to keep things going, they will have this new paper retracted without any evidence it was wrong and they’ll be able to keep the deception going for another 20 years.
In the meantime, surveys of people who have been vaccinated will be made illegal by world governments so nobody else can replicate this study.
And finally, this is why the FAA never investigated ANY pilot injury or fatality following the COVID vaccines. When I asked a top FAA official why there were no investigations, he said, “No comment.” What that means is that the FAA was ordered not to investigate COVID injuries by the Biden administration. That’s why none of the disabled pilots were contacted by the FAA. After all, we wouldn’t want to blow the narrative up, would we? Who cares if lives are lost and careers are ruined?
If you want to help us fight the FAA, it just takes a couple of minutes of your time (see this paragraph for how you can help).
'Argue with Reality, Welcome to Hell' It is what EVERY narcissist does because that is what they are, liars (satans minions). Intellectuals cannot admit failure, cannot say 'I'm sorry I was wrong', will never apologize. Because their entire lives are lies built upon lies, they cannot even remember what the truth is nor peace...their entire lives are cover up for the sham that they know they are.
that quote about welcome to hell is from dr daniel amen phsychiatrist and it is so perfect for what we are seeing now in gender identity, politics, global warming and all things biden/obama/gates/fauxci, just more hell put on us from narcissists of the highest order.
so in all likelihood this vaccine will kill more people then the virus kills. who is going to pay any price for this mistake, if it was a mistake?