MSU Professor Mark Skidmore was exonerated by MSU; his landmark paper showing over 250,000 killed by the COVID vaccine is now back in the peer-reviewed literature
After a 7 month review by his university, Mark Skidmore, was exonerated of all charges and his new, improved paper was published in a more credible peer-reviewed journal.

Executive summary
Mark Skidmore wrote a paper that showed that 217,000 Americans were killed in 2021 by the COVID vaccine.
The journal retracted the article and Mark’s university commenced a 7-month investigation into unethical behavior by Professor Skidmore.
Today, I’m pleased to announce that Professor Skidmore has been exonerated on all charges and his paper, with some helpful additions suggested by Dr. Susan Oliver (and her dog, Cindy), has now been published in another peer-reviewed journal.
The news on the investigation and the paper
See this press release that Mark sent me.
The press release was drafted by the Liberty Counsel who was instrumental in defending Mark in the investigation by Michigan State University. If you want to support their work, please donate here.
Bottom line: After a 7-month ethics investigation, Michigan State University found that Mark did nothing wrong!
Note: What this really means is that they tried for 7 months to find something they could nail him on, and they failed.
A paper about the paper
Perceived Experience in Social Circles with COVID-19 Injections and COVID-19 “Vaccine” Mandates: An Online Survey of the United States Population which talks about the retraction.
The new paper is now published in a peer-reviewed journal
COVID-19 Illness and Vaccination Experiences in Social Circles Affect COVID-19 Vaccination Decisions.
Here is an excerpt:
With these survey data, the total number of fatalities due to COVID-19 inoculation may be as high as 289,789 (95% CI: 229,319 – 344,319). The large difference in the possible number of fatalities due to COVID-19 vaccination that emerges from this survey and the available governmental data should be further investigated.
Let me translate that for you. Here’s the “plain English” version (my embellished interpretation):
“Our survey showed that there’s a good chance that 290,000 Americans (and maybe as many as 344,000) may have lost their lives due to taking the COVID vaccine and that’s in 2021 alone! That’s a lot of people and it’s a lot more than the US government claims. And for the record, this isn’t the only survey that found this. For example, the Rasmussen survey found a similar number of people were killed by the vaccine and the virus. So did other firms. So how come there isn’t an investigation to determine conclusively who is telling people the truth here? What’s wrong with you people? Instead of trying to censor the data, maybe it is high time we started talking about it so we can finally determine who is telling the truth and who is lying to you.”
Here are the previous articles that I’ve written about Mark Skidmore’s paper.
If you have time to read only two articles, here are the top two I’d recommend:
The article, “What the "Defenders of Science" Miss About the Purpose of Scientific Peer-Review and the Open Dialogue: When You Censor or Support the Censorship of Dissident Voices, You Are In the Wrong” is an excellent summary also of how papers such as Mark’s, are retracted unethically.
Here’s an article recapping the whole thing by James Lyons-Weiler: Dr. Mark Skidmore Exonerated
Mark would like to thank Dr. Susan Oliver (and her dog Cindy) for all their helpful suggestions. Susan was nice enough to make a helpful video for Mark to ensure that even the most nit-picky peer-reviewer wouldn’t be able to find any errors.
Mark incorporated her suggestions into his revised paper to make it even stronger.
LA Times opinion
Why anti-vaxxers are pretending a flawed study on vacccine deaths has been vindicated
MICHAEL HILTZIK, business columnist for the LA Times, basically repurposed David Gorski’s new hit piece. It’s the same old arguments as they used before that the survey didn’t verify the deaths were caused by the vaccine. That’s right. The survey didn’t do that and never claimed to have done that.
What the survey did is say, “Whoa! We could have a MAJOR problem here; how do you explain all the carnage?”
Any objective scientist looking at that data would have to agree: this is smoke. Mark pointed out it was smoke.
Hiltzik should be writing about how nobody seems to want to investigate this signal.
So I decided to run my own survey. Nearly all my followers are anti-vaxxers; for most of their households, NOBODY in the household took the vaccine. So my respondents are biased; we’d expect there to be way fewer deaths in their households from the COVID vaccine because of so few vaccinations. Yet, we found around 1.5X more COVID vaccine deaths than COVID virus deaths in their households. That’s insane. We have a VERY deadly vaccine here. So how does Hiltzik explain that?
Mark Skidmore responds to the LA Times opinion
More Gaslighting on COVID-19 Vaccine Harms shows the email sent to Michael Hiltzik.
It appears Hiltzik ignore pretty much everything Mark wrote in his letter.
Mark pointed out, as I said earlier, everything was ethical, the retraction was unethical, and the result of the survey is an observation that the data shows that a massive number of people could have been killed by the COVID vaccine and there isn’t a clear explanation for the numbers in the survey responses if that was not the case.
So it raised the issue: what’s going on here? There doesn’t have to be any death investigations. But the paper basically said there should be because this is matching what they told us.
If Hiltzik were a responsible journalist he would have pointed this out to his readers instead of writing an attack piece on Mark. Mark is not the enemy. He is the messenger.
Mark’s paper is saying “something is very wrong here; the numbers reported by respondents don’t match the government numbers. This is serious. It appears that a massive number of people may have been killed by the COVID vaccine.”
So it’s now back in the scientific peer-reviewed literature that over 250,000 people were killed by the COVID vaccine in 2021 alone.
Other independent surveys (like Rasmussen and the outside surveys I’ve done) all are consistent with those numbers that the vaccine killed a comparable number to the virus. So that’s very validating of Mark’s numbers.
Remember that Rasmussen surveyed the general public. Over half the general public thinks the vaccines have killed nobody. So they are not reliably assessing vaccine caused deaths because they’ve been gaslit by the mainstream press and their doctors. So you should be VERY concerned that the Rasmussen survey found comparable numbers because it means that the reality is more likely than not that the the vaccine has killed more people than COVID.
So how are they going to explain the results which are verifiable and which can be replicated?
Answer: They will not. They will ignore it. Because they cannot explain it. Gaslighting people on this is too hard. That’s why they had to get the paper unethically retracted when it came out. Now that it’s out, they will ignore it. No fact checks, nothing. Silence.
Please help share the good news about Mark Skidmore with others. It’s important we let the world know that their governments have been lying to them.
This is great news and a huge win for those who are struggling to maintain academic integrity in the face of a world that has largely abandoned principles, ethics and the scientific method.
This is a frightening stat: 4 killed for every 3 saved (and I question 'saved'). Steve, we owe you an immeasurable debt for your dogged pursuit of truth thru the covid nightmare. While the sheeple will resist hearing/listening to counter-narratives, simple statistics are 'sticky'. Perhaps this ongoing effort of good people like you to keep the questions, and the lies, in the forefront despite censorship obstacles, is turning the tide. Only 1.4% taking the bivalent vaccine! I found that reminding folks that other countries will not allow this vaccine near kids or anyone under 65 without co-morbidities, is another 'sticky'. The fight continues!