Latest Rasmussen survey shows that the "cure" was nearly as deadly as the disease
The latest Rasmussen survey of Americans shows that we nearly doubled the death toll of the COVID virus with the vaccine. It wasn't "safe" at all. Not even close. And that's based on MORTALITY only.
Executive summary
Rasmussen Reports, the only market research company in America willing to ask hard questions of the American people, just asked a cross section of American adults if they knew anyone personally who died from COVID and separately if they knew anyone who died from the vaccine.
The bottom line in the survey is that it indicates that the deaths from the “cure” vs. “disease” were within a factor of two.
That’s devastating. It means that we likely increased the COVID virus death toll by 50% or more by rushing a deadly vaccine to market and convincing Americans that the vaccines were safe.
They should be ashamed.
But no other entity in the US is likely to try to replicate this survey. Because they just don’t want to know.
About Rasmussen
They have been recognized in the past for their high accuracy which can be objectively measured (e.g., polling voter sentiment before an election and being ranked by which company was closest to predicting the actual outcome).
What the survey said
America is mostly blue pilled. The survey indicated that 67% took the jab, and then 76% of those took a booster. Which means that 51% of America remains clueless about how dangerous these vaccines are.

How safe the shots vs. virus are depends on who you are. The more educated you are, the more likely you are to believe the “experts.”
High school dropout: 51/37=1.38
Highly educated (went to grad school): 51/10 = 5.1
Low income: 32/20=1.6
High income: 48/14=3.4
Heavy blue pill (took the boosters): 48/13=3.7
Moderate blue pill (took the shots, but not boosters): 34/18 = 1.9
Red pill (rejected both): 41/29=1.4
In other words, the people most likely to recognize a vaccine injury are people who rejected the vaccine, people of low income and/or educational level. The people most likely to believe the vaccines are safe are those who are highly educated, wealthy, and took all the shots.
Obviously, there is only one right answer here. But even if the highly educated people completely nailed it, the CDC still loses. If there were 1M COVID deaths like they claimed, even in the best case, there were at least 200,000 vaccine deaths.
Let that sink in.
If a baby formula plant kills one child, they shut down the plant.
When a government-sponsored vaccine kills over 200,000 people, they mandate it.
And they can’t justify killing 200,000 people because there was no hospitalization or death benefit as I’ve previously explained using official US government data. If there is a mistake in my analysis, I’d love to see how to “properly” interpret this data which is all in plain sight.
The survey data
Interpreting the Rasmussen data
Several factors to keep in mind:
This survey looked at mortality only. It did not look at morbidity which is far worse for the vaccine than the.
It did not restrict the timeframe to recent years. If it did, the vaccine deaths would have been relatively higher.
The vaccine deaths are on-going because they are continuing to give the shots whereas the COVID deaths are declining. For example, in California, the public officials just announced a day without any COVID deaths. Have there been any days without a COVID vaccine death? Absolutely not, but they simply don’t track it, for some reason.
The poll does not take into account the number of person-years of lives lost. The COVID virus killed mostly old people. The vaccine killed people of all ages.
The poll does not distinguish between COVID lives lost from the hospital protocols (about 80% of the deaths) vs. the underlying disease itself (20%).
The poll doesn’t consider what would have happened if early treatment protocols (like the one used by Fareed & Tyson where over 20,000 people were treated without any deaths) had been promoted by the government.
Because of these factors, there is absolutely no doubt that the “cure” was FAR more deadly than the disease.
But even if you don’t consider any of that and just look at this survey results, the use of the COVID vaccines cannot be justified.
Previous surveys
The other Rasmussen surveys have shown similar results: the COVID vaccines are not safe. For example:
If these poll is inaccurate, then why hasn’t any other polling firm in the US shown us their data?
All these independent data points confirm what we’ve been saying since shortly after the shots rolled out: the shots are unsafe and should be stopped.
The government needs to compensate millions of people for their damages which I’d estimate would be in the trillions of dollars. Allowing Fauci to do the GoF research was bad enough, but doubling down with a deadly vaccine was even worse. Ideally, the drug companies should be fined trillions of dollars, but the US government protects them from financial harm (presumably, because that is the will of the people to have the costs borne by the victims rather than the perpetrators).
The mainstream press and the “fact checkers” will ignore the poll and refuse to replicate it. Because that’s just the way it goes.
I know of no one killed by covid. I do however know several murdered or now in the process of being murdered ( turbo cancer) by the Trump/Biden jab. Just when do we get the "leaders" of this movement calling for trials and punishment for the perps?
The compensation is indeed necessary, but it should not come from the government (ie taxpayers,) but instead be funded entirely from the personal funds and assets of all who are guilty: Fauci and his posse, Bill Gates, and anyone else who was predominately part of forcing this on the American people, blocking access to alternative treatments, and censoring any speech that conflicted with their narratives. Let that be their first punishment, to lose their wealth and compensate the injured.