Johns Hopkins Professor Marty Makary won't debate me; not even on his own terms!
I said I would give him ONE paper in advance and we'd stick to that paper. I said he can review it for as long as he wants and he could bring as many people he wanted on his side. Response: silence.
Let’s be clear: they don’t want a debate.
I sent Marty Makary an email saying I would give him ONE paper in advance and we'd stick to that paper. I said he can review it for as long as he wants and he could bring as many people he wanted on his side to the debate.
No answer.
Stunning, but not unexpected.
I also emailed Peter Attia (who I met years ago). He ignored me as well.
Perhaps I should have offered to do the debate blindfolded and with both hands tied behind my back to make it more fair? Or perhaps I should offer that I only get to speak for one minute for the whole debate? Would that make them more comfortable?
The whole point is to expose the truth. I fail to see why Professor Makary wants to keep the truth hidden.
He needs to explain why he won’t debate me after I agreed to all his terms.
I guess because the truth is too embarrassing to him and his institution. Is there another reason?
My email to Kaitlyn Schallhorn of the Santa Barbara News-Press
I also emailed the following note to the author of this news article that falsely claimed that were spreading misinformation at the StandUp Santa Barbara rally:
Subject: why doesn't your paper sponsor a debate on COVID misinformation
Is your newspaper interested in exposing the truth?
If so, why not host a debate between the speakers at the rally and your local health officials?
If not, then putting a disclaimer on your article that the paper is focused on promoting a particular point of view would be more honest journalism.
She did not reply. Heck, I was just trying to be helpful.
It’s hard to get a debate on COVID nowadays. I’m lonelier than the Maytag repairman.
Makary a gutless wonder. Why is this so that all these dangerously woke individuals being controlled by fascists are gutless cowards?
Marty Makary is complaining on Twitter that the FDA will approve the fourth vaccine dose without the usual process. ( I replied, "Dr. Makary, a good way to put pressure on the FDA to do the right thing is to bring your concerns to a wider audience. Steve Kirsch mentioned he invited you to a debate. I think a debate is a great way to get the information to reach further. Have you replied to Kirsch's invite yet?"