It's time we hold these people accountable; let the lawsuits begin
I'm going to pay for the lawsuit to sue Springer and their corrupt editorial board at BMC Infectious Diseases for their decision to retract the Skidmore paper; the most popular paper in their history.

Executive summary
The medical journals need to be held accountable for their retractions of valid scientific papers that don’t fit the narrative.
The Skidmore paper is a clear cut case.
This paper was the #1 most popular paper in the history of the journal.
But now, after publishing it, they have decided that they don’t like it because it shows that hundreds of thousands of people have been killed by the vaccine. They said that the survey wasn’t representative, but NOBODY asked to see the survey data!! So how could they know? We’ll find out in court when we depose each and every member of their editorial board.
I’m prepared to fund all the legal costs to do this.
If you agree with me that we need to sue these people, please consider subscribing to my Substack so we will have the war chest needed to go after this publisher and other publishers.
Your $5 a month (or $50/yr) will make a meaningful difference in our ability to take these journals and their corrupt editorial boards to court.
Here’s the email I just sent to the editor-in-chief
Background reading on the Skidmore paper and the retraction
Articles when the paper came out:
Covid vaccine injury causes vaccine hesitancy - new peer reviewed paper finds the bleeding obvious by REBEKAH BARNETT.
Covid Vaccines Killed 278,000 Americans by the end of 2021, Peer Reviewed Study Finds. This article by Igor Chudov notes that this is in line with other estimates.
Articles about the retraction
The Retraction of the Skidmore (2023) Article on Covid Vaccine Uptake and Injuries. This was authored by Mark Skidmore himself and contains all the correspondence with the journal.
Skidmore article on Covid vaccine uptake and injuries retracted. An excellent summary by REBEKAH BARNETT.
The tl;dr version is Skidmore has published over 70 papers without a problem and this one should have been no exception. Some powerful people didn’t like the conclusion, so they told the editorial board to make up some excuses for retracting the paper with no leave to amend.
Stephanie Lee: a corrupt journalist
There are honest journalists and then there is Stephanie Lee.
Stephanie Lee, a writer for the Chronicle of Higher Education, contacted Skidmore about the retraction and then wrote a one-sided hit piece on the Skidmore paper that you can read here.
Stephanie should have written about how the paper was improperly retracted by the journal, but chose not to.
I asked Stephanie if she would consent to a recorded video dialog with Skidmore to resolve the differences of opinion and she declined through a third party.
After all, journalists should never be held accountable for what they write, right?
Your opinion
An open invitation to lawyers who want to help out
If you’d like to help out on this case, please let me know here. The lawyer in charge of the litigation is Jim Moody who I met at the VSRF COVID Litigation Conference. Warner Mendenhall knows him quite well.
It’s time to expose these people publicly and hold them accountable for their actions in corrupting scientific integrity.
They will ignore my settlement offer which will give us an opportunity to depose all the board members involved in the retraction and make it all public. You’ll get a ringside seat to watch scientific corruption at its finest.
Don't the journals have their own discretionary power to publish or retract what they want? What law are they violating by retracting a paper that they can claim they somehow published "carelessly?"
I am so impressed with your dedication to the facts and the truth. It will be interesting to see who is behind the retraction. Thank you for taking this on.