It's time to amend the US Constitution to protect medical freedom
There is no way that the US Congress is ever going to side with the people instead of the drug companies. So amending the US Constitution is necessary and sufficient.

Executive summary
I’m starting a process to amend the US Constitution to fix the loopholes that allow Congress to act in the interests of the drug companies instead of the people.
If you have any knowledge or experience regarding the best way to do this (since it is a lost art), I need to hear from you in the comments below.
AFAIK, the last effort to do this was the Every Vote Counts Amendment (2005).
Provisions of the amendment
Here’s my checklist of what I’d be happy with. It may need to be adjusted to ensure adequate public support:
No more coercion: Nobody should be coerced into taking any medical intervention that they do not want to take, e.g., take the jab or you’re fired.
No more immunity: Congress shall make no law limiting the liability of any provider of any product or service.
No more intimidation: Medical doctors shall have free speech rights and shall not have their credentials challenged for anything they say.
No more hiding public health data: Death records of everyone in the US who dies shall be made publicly available showing, for each person, their DOB, DOD, sex, race, and vaccine type, manufacturer, dose number, and vaccination date for all vaccines in the last 3 years of vaccinations.
Make the Constitution easier to amend. As the video points out, things have changed a little bit since the Constitution was first adopted. It needs to be updated.
We can do this because this has huge public support
Yes. Here’s why:
You see, the drug companies don’t really need the liability protection anymore because everyone knows the vaccines are soooooooooo safe!
Secondly, I believe I can raise the $1B needed to pass this. The drug companies will be spending $10B or more to gaslight the American people to not voting for this.
It’s time to learn from our mistakes and fix the law so that it doesn’t happen again. Since these provisions are extremely popular among the people, this is doable. We owe it to future generations to try. Nobody ever won a chess game by resigning.
Most doctors are “that way.” My husband & I are in medicine (MD & RN) We know only a handful of doctors who didn’t buy into the B.S. It’s profoundly depressing & lonely. No matter. Once you know the truth there’s no going back.
Physicians are the least politically astute. They don’t study. They don’t read. They are a boring group of uninformed nerds.
Good fix. But the biggest one needed -- and changing the Constitution is a tricky business with high risk -- is TERM LIMITS. The Framers never dreamed that people would stay in Congress and work to enrich themselves by taking bribes from foreign Governments (e.g., China, now waging 5 G warfare), Global Oligarchs (e.g. Soros), and huge corporate interests.